zixing@zixing-ubuntu /tmp> llc-15 --version Ubuntu LLVM version 15.0.7 Optimized build. Default target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Host CPU: skylake Registered Targets: aarch64 - AArch64 (little endian) aarch64_32 - AArch64 (little endian ILP32) aarch64_be - AArch64 (big endian) amdgcn - AMD GCN GPUs arm - ARM arm64 - ARM64 (little endian) arm64_32 - ARM64 (little endian ILP32) armeb - ARM (big endian) avr - Atmel AVR Microcontroller bpf - BPF (host endian) bpfeb - BPF (big endian) bpfel - BPF (little endian) hexagon - Hexagon lanai - Lanai m68k - Motorola 68000 family mips - MIPS (32-bit big endian) mips64 - MIPS (64-bit big endian) mips64el - MIPS (64-bit little endian) mipsel - MIPS (32-bit little endian) msp430 - MSP430 [experimental] nvptx - NVIDIA PTX 32-bit nvptx64 - NVIDIA PTX 64-bit ppc32 - PowerPC 32 ppc32le - PowerPC 32 LE ppc64 - PowerPC 64 ppc64le - PowerPC 64 LE r600 - AMD GPUs HD2XXX-HD6XXX riscv32 - 32-bit RISC-V riscv64 - 64-bit RISC-V sparc - Sparc sparcel - Sparc LE sparcv9 - Sparc V9 systemz - SystemZ thumb - Thumb thumbeb - Thumb (big endian) ve - VE wasm32 - WebAssembly 32-bit wasm64 - WebAssembly 64-bit x86 - 32-bit X86: Pentium-Pro and above x86-64 - 64-bit X86: EM64T and AMD64 xcore - XCore zixing@zixing-ubuntu /tmp> llc-15 -O0 reduced.ll.txt -o t.S zixing@zixing-ubuntu /tmp> head -n10 t.S .text .abiversion 2 .file "reduced.ll.txt" .file 1 "/home/jistone/rust" "library/std/src/io/stdio.rs" .file 2 "/home/jistone/rust" "library/std/src/thread/local.rs" .file 3 "/home/jistone/rust" "library/std/src/sys/unix/fs.rs" .file 4 "/home/jistone/rust" "library/std/src/sys/unix/process/process_unix.rs" .globl _ZN55_$LT$std..io..stdio..Stdin$u20$as$u20$std..io..Read$GT$11read_to_end17haba70a09681d41d3E # -- Begin function _ZN55_$LT$std..io..stdio..Stdin$u20$as$u20$std..io..Read$GT$11read_to_end17haba70a09681d41d3E .p2align 4 .type _ZN55_$LT$std..io..stdio..Stdin$u20$as$u20$std..io..Read$GT$11read_to_end17haba70a09681d41d3E,@function zixing@zixing-ubuntu /tmp>