Comment 0 for bug 966403

Revision history for this message
Tom (teeks99) wrote :

When installing the lubuntu image as part of the iso testing (lubuntu/daily/20120327/precise-alternate-amd64.iso) using the alternate installer from the daily builds for March 27, 2012, I attemted to make a full-disk encrypted setup using LVM. I used the instructions from the isotesting testcase:

The install went perfectly. However, when I rebooted, the system hung on a blank screen. I left it for over half an hour, and no response. At this point, I simply typed in the password for the LVM encryption, and the system then continuted to boot normally.

After getting into the system, I tested it (everything was working fine) then rebooted. I experienced the same symptoms (just a blank screen) after each boot.

I believe that there is supposed to be a screen prompting the user for the password for the LVM encryption instead of just a blank screen.