On 12-03-29 09:37 AM, Brendan McLearie wrote: > OK..... have been burried in this and staring to get my head around it, > but have now hit a problem (apart from my wife starting to call me a > git!) > > I'll try to reassemble my path here in case Ive done something stupid in > the earlier steps. > > 1. new virtual machine version 11.10 upgraded to 3.0.0-17 x86_64 > 2. grabbed every package via apt-get that seemed relevant > 3. basic structure as per your script. git clone from kernel.org under linux. git clone of ubuntu-natty > 4. modified your script to grab from ubuntu-natty rather than oneiric > 5. tried compiling with your script prior to bisect and all worked, producing me .deb packages for 3.0.0-17 > 6. reconfigured virtual and threw 8 cores at it (forgot how long it takes to compile a kernel. > 7. changed to $HOME/linux-source/linux > 8. git checkout mcebisect > 9. git bisect start > 10. git bisect good v2.6.35 > 11. git bisect bad v2.6.36-rc1 > - complained about modfied files not commited (presuming from previous build) > 12. git stash > -bisect completed with over 4000 / 12 to go. > 13. up one level and ran your modified script. > -Compile failed. > 14. back into ./linux > 15. git bisect bad ##toss a coin - well almost. I saw lots of early comits in the log for acpi and temprature, which I've always suspected re this bug. figured that a bad guess would bisect next with early part included.... thereby keeping it in the mix - easy to see test fail as the panic happens more quickly than waiting to be sure that it hasnt. > - got same error regarding comits. > 16. git stash > -bisect proceeded and worked. > 17. Updated script with revision and comment and re-ran. > -Compile Fail again. > 18. git clean, git reset, git checkout, git bisect start, git bisect good v2.6.35, git bad 2.6.36-rc1, recompiled again (just to make sure it wasnt something stuid I did in the setup. > - Compile failed as expected. > 19. This time git bisect good # guess the other way > -Compile failed again. Hi, Um, I never saw any compile errors when building my kernels :( there's one extra step I do to clean up temporary files, since it works for you *sometimes*, this may help (since the basic process seems to be working). BASE=/wherever/you/keep/linux-source cd $BASE/linux git clean -f -d -x git clean -f -d -X #notice uppercase X git checkout scripts/setlocalversion Maybe this will help? I also don't do the git stash step. One thing you could do to validate is note the revision picked when you do the git bisect (it always tells you which revision it picked by giving you the SHA checksum). Then revert changes and clean (don't trust me on this, my git is a bit rusty): git checkout . #to revert all files to unmodified status git clean -f -d -x git clean -f -d -X #remove all extraneous files git checkout #to check out the revision given by git bisect then try to compile from that; since you're starting from a completely clean git tree and a checkout of a particular revision, it should work (I assume commits that break building don't make it into the kernel!). If this works, then the cleaning step I outline above should be done after each git bisect good/bad. > Where to from here? > > A couple of other aside questions: > 1. Am I right that the the ubuntu git version is only there to grab the control scripts? Correct, I guess you could just keep that directory and get rid of the rest of the git repository. I find it useful to keep around, for reference. > 2. Are there any issues / version problems grabbibg the ubuntu-package on my 3.0.0-7 system? Maybe, since the 3.0 kernel has a lot of changes. TBH I didn't try, I used the one from the ubuntu-natty package :( > > Thanks for your continued help.