something to do with maverick. Stay with 9.10 or 10.04. i seem to have the best like with my usb 305 lightning here. The issue is NOT dialing for me. I can dial. It took some diagnoses and a pppd script to get some info. You can start by copying the /etc/ppp folder to your normal mounted drive from the live cd. CHmod it 777 for now. (I dont feel like messing with groups) That said. I tried it three ways. 1) Throught the wifi menu on top of gnome...flat out fails and disconnects. 2) sudo pppd call gsm (with some slight modifications) ...get strange error saying ppp headers turned on and disconnecting... 3) gnome-ppp ...this works until after it dials, when it needs pppd to work. I've tried copying pppd and the libs and the config files all from the live 10.04 disc, which works. I get the same place. on 10.04, I added in the driver from sierra wireless and it seems to work ok. apparently the kernel only provides half the driver on 10.04. ls usb: Bus 001 Device 007: ID 1199:68a3 Sierra Wireless, Inc. see here is my problem. this worked before. I had two out of three of these buggers from different vendors working with 'sudo pppd call