Thanks, I had tried a couple of things on the brightness, but it doesn't really bother me that much and I kind of forgot about it. I will try your approach. So full disclaimer, I am usually an Angular architect and not a linux admin so try at your own risk, etc., etc., but here are my thoughts on your post... Back when I created the original script, the Ion and ubuntu 20.04 had several sound related issues. I had found fixes for the headphone jack and a few other issues initially, and then Mike Pozulp gave me a wonderful conceptual process and some key pointers for how to use qemu to get the verbs for the speakers. The process in that blog is the old, more complicated process. Fast forward to the galaxy book 2 and ubuntu 22.04, and on this laptop I didn't have to do most of the same steps because several of the issues were fixed in the base ubuntu version. So in general I would say you shouldn't need to do any of the hda retasking or alsmixer steps on your new laptop. In fact it was so easy on this laptop I didn't even install alsamixer or the other sound tools I had installed before to work on the ion. Here is the full entirety of everything I did on a fresh 22.04 install on the book 2 pro to get to working sound... perhaps one of these steps is the key... 1) Install pavucontrol. I don't think this was actually necessary, but I wanted the tool available just in case. sudo apt install pavucontrol 2) Install alsa-tools. This is absolutely required because it installs the hda verb utility. If you try to run the script without the verb tool then it won't work, but I would assume you would have seen the errors. sudo apt-get install alsa-tools 3) Kill the default alsa-base. Don't substitute or replace, just make sure this file is no longer present. I recommend rename instead of delete in case you ever want to back. This is likely the step your missing. Don't substitute a new file. Go into folder and just rename this file so it is not present /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf 4) Place the script and be sure to chmod the permissions to 777 and make it executable with +x 5) Create the two daemon files, making sure you did the chmod 664 step and making sure the paths to the TO912 script are updated. 6) Activate the daemons. be sure to do the reload before enabling. sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable ionsound.service sudo systemctl enable ionsoundsleep.service 7) Turn off suspend on idle. This should not be needed to make it run, but keeps the change working through standby mode after it starts working sudo gedit /etc/pulse/ Add comments to ### load-module module-suspend-on-idle 8) Reboot and verify That's it, should be every thing you need to do from a fresh 22.04 to get full sound on headphones and speakers. I never actually tried running the TO script on this unit before doing these steps, so I can't say for sure if that works before removing alsa-base, but I have had to reload this laptop 3 times for other reasons and this process worked every time. If it helps here is my output from sudo lspci -v | grep -i audio. you should seem something similar... 00:1f.3 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation Alder Lake PCH-P High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01) Kernel driver in use: sof-audio-pci-intel-tgl I am also currently running the generic kernel, but previously I did try the oem kernel and the sound worked with it also, so if you have upgraded from 5.15 then I don't think that's your issue. The mainline tool is very handy though.