On kernel $ apport-collect 1770108 ERROR: connecting to Launchpad failed: Unable to find the server at launchpad.net You can reset the credentials by removing the file "/home/username/.cache/apport/launchpad.credentials" On kernel $ apport-collect 1770108 The authorization page: (https://launchpad.net/+authorize-token?oauth_token=Nv3nDSkGGNSXLNGJ4V0c&allow_permission=DESKTOP_INTEGRATION) should be opening in your browser. Use your browser to authorize this program to access Launchpad on your behalf. Waiting to hear from Launchpad about your decision... ATTENTION: default value of option force_s3tc_enable overridden by environment. [2386:2386:0602/183152.230960:ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(379)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process. [2307:2346:0602/183152.771872:ERROR:in_progress_cache_impl.cc(93)] Could not read download entries from file because there was a read failure. [1:24:0602/183251.376602:ERROR:adm_helpers.cc(73)] Failed to query stereo recording. [1:24:0602/183333.275248:ERROR:stunport.cc(88)] Binding request timed out from 0.0.0.x:54454 (any) [1:24:0602/183333.373358:ERROR:stunport.cc(88)] Binding request timed out from 0.0.0.x:54454 (any) [1:24:0602/183333.707045:ERROR:stunport.cc(88)] Binding request timed out from 0.0.0.x:54454 (any)