[sssd] debug_level = 10 config_file_version = 2 services = nss,pam,ssh domains = jumpcloud [nss] debug_level = 10 # Exclude root user/group from being fetched from the sss NSS DB filter_groups = root filter_users = root,nobody # Set a default template for a user's home directory, ignore what is in LDAP override_homedir = /home/%u [pam] debug_level = 10 [domain/jumpcloud] # debug log level explanation here: # http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/wily/man5/sssd.conf.5.html # log all minor (and more severe) errors debug_level = 10 id_provider = ldap enumerate=true auth_provider=ldap cache_credentials=true ldap_user_ssh_public_key=sshKey # If this is a base, bastion, salt or jenkins server we will enforce LDAP + DUO # Otherwise the user will only get prompted for their password # NOTE: This file is created during base install and modified on boot so we # default to the most secure method ldap_uri = ldaps://ldap.jumpcloud.com ldap_tls_cacert = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt ldap_search_base = ou=Users,o=redacted,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com ldap_default_bind_dn = uid=redacted,ou=Users,o=redacted,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com ldap_default_authtok = redacted ldap_group_search_base = ou=Users,o=redacted,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com sudo_provider = none # Specifies a timeout (in seconds) after which calls to synchronous # LDAP APIs will abort if no response is received (default: 6 sec) # We allow 60 sec to complete DUO auth ldap_opt_timeout = 60