ubuntu@kernel01:~/cking$ uname -a Linux kernel01 4.4.0-112-generic #135-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 19 11:48:07 UTC 2018 s390x s390x s390x GNU/Linux Looks like the modules weren't built for the kernel. I tried the 4.4.0-112-generic and it works fine after re-installing the dkms modules: ubuntu@kernel01:~/cking$ sudo apt-get install --reinstall lttng-modules-dkms ubuntu@kernel01:~/cking$ sudo autotest/client/autotest-local autotest/client/tests/ubuntu_lttng_smoke_test/control 04:21:01 INFO | Writing results to /home/ubuntu/cking/autotest/client/results/default 04:21:01 INFO | START ---- ---- timestamp=1517304061 localtime=Jan 30 04:21:01 04:21:01 INFO | START ubuntu_lttng_smoke_test.lttng-smoke-test ubuntu_lttng_smoke_test.lttng-smoke-test timestamp=1517304061 localtime=Jan 30 04:21:01 04:21:08 ERROR| [stderr] [warning] Tracer discarded 18895 events between [04:21:04.967791464] and [04:21:05.094587794] in trace UUID edc5397baa392f43a990cbcc29bb2f82, at path: "/tmp/lttng-kernel-trace-36474-session/kernel", within stream id 0, at relative path: "channel0_3". You should consider recording a new trace with larger buffers or with fewer events enabled. 04:21:08 ERROR| [stderr] [warning] Tracer discarded 19530 events between [04:21:05.163582941] and [04:21:05.294597778] in trace UUID edc5397baa392f43a990cbcc29bb2f82, at path: "/tmp/lttng-kernel-trace-36474-session/kernel", within stream id 0, at relative path: "channel0_3". You should consider recording a new trace with larger buffers or with fewer events enabled. 04:21:08 INFO | == lttng smoke test of session create/destroy == 04:21:08 INFO | Session test-kernel-session created. 04:21:08 INFO | Traces will be written in /tmp/lttng-kernel-trace-36474-session 04:21:08 INFO | PASSED (lttng create) 04:21:08 INFO | Session test-kernel-session destroyed 04:21:08 INFO | PASSED (lttng destroy) 04:21:08 INFO | 04:21:08 INFO | == lttng smoke test list kernel events == 04:21:08 INFO | PASSED (lttng list --kernel) 04:21:08 INFO | 04:21:08 INFO | lttng smoke test trace open/close system calls SKIPPED for s390x 04:21:08 INFO | 04:21:08 INFO | == lttng smoke test trace context switches == 04:21:08 INFO | Session test-kernel-session created. 04:21:08 INFO | Traces will be written in /tmp/lttng-kernel-trace-36474-session 04:21:08 INFO | PASSED (lttng create) 04:21:08 INFO | Kernel event sched_switch created in channel channel0 04:21:08 INFO | PASSED (lttng enable-event) 04:21:08 INFO | Tracing started for session test-kernel-session 04:21:08 INFO | PASSED (lttng start) 04:21:08 INFO | Waiting for data availability. 04:21:08 INFO | Tracing stopped for session test-kernel-session 04:21:08 INFO | PASSED (lttng stop) 04:21:08 INFO | Session test-kernel-session destroyed 04:21:08 INFO | PASSED (lttng destroy) 04:21:08 INFO | Found 81105 dd and 95334 context switches 04:21:08 INFO | PASSED (simple system call tracing with babeltrace) 04:21:08 INFO | 04:21:08 INFO | Summary: 8 passed, 0 failed 04:21:08 INFO | GOOD ubuntu_lttng_smoke_test.lttng-smoke-test ubuntu_lttng_smoke_test.lttng-smoke-test timestamp=1517304068 localtime=Jan 30 04:21:08 completed successfully 04:21:08 INFO | END GOOD ubuntu_lttng_smoke_test.lttng-smoke-test ubuntu_lttng_smoke_test.lttng-smoke-test timestamp=1517304068 localtime=Jan 30 04:21:08