Hello, people in this thread should try to unlock their ASUS BIOS. You should unlock the CHIPSET tab of your BIOS. I too own a G752VS laptop and use Windows 7 on it. It works great except for the touchpad which is dead in WIN 7. When you unlock the CHIPSET tab of your BIOS you will see there are options to use different touchpad controllers, I saw entries for Synapstics, Elan and others. I tried changing a few controllers and managed to get some unrecognized new hardware in device manager with the yellow exclamation point, but I am not able to figure out how to assign drivers that will work. I am somewhat knowledgeable of these common procedures, but I simply was not too familiar with how to properly configure different drivers for this touchpad in Windows 7. The caveat for unlocking an ROG BIOS of the family G752xx is that it is incredibly simple to brick your machine if you do not follow the exact procedure. To give you an example I was able to unlock mine but before that happened, I in fact bricked my machine and had to buy an SPI Programmer on eBay to resuscitate it. I spent almost a month without a working machine. The SPI can cost between $50 to $80+ so you should attempt this only if you are prepared to spend extra money and time on it. Chances are you WILL brick your machine if you attempt this, so don't blame it on me. You've been warned! Like I said, I've become knowledgeable of these procedures over the years but I was taken off guard and almost thought I lost my machine. ASUS may not cover the warranty for something like this and you could end up looking very sad in the end. But with that said, I think this could give experienced and knowledgeable individuals in this forum the means to explore different approaches and find solutions to them. At the moment you are all stuck trying to make the default touchpad work, but it could be as simple as switching controllers in the BIOS and installing the proper drivers. I don't know for sure, I'm just throwing this out there... Unfortunately I cannot share my unlocked BIOS because that will most certainly brick your system due to individual firmware differences it seems (I don't know exactly but it's got something to do with the intel ME FW). Steps on how to unlock your bios could be found on the internet. Also, the whole procedure seems to be kept secret by those who UNDERSTAND how to unlock the CHIPSET tab. I said "understand" for a reason... I for instance do NOT understand how to unlock it, I simply followed steps on how to do it, so I need to respect the wish of those who trusted I wouldn't share either my BIOS or the ENTIRE procedure. I know this sounds sketchy and silly, but hey this was whole my experience in attempting this particular BIOS mod. If you scour the internet, just like I did you should be able to piece the whole puzzle together. Just dropping my two cents on this and not trying to get involved in the trial and error testing of this issue as unfortunately I can't, but the reason I do is because I sure would love to have that touchpad working in Windows 7. Thank you for reading this and I hope the info I shared can point some of you in the right direction. Cheers.