Thanks Alex I had tried 'boot-repair' to no avail, although success was reported. But I tried your solution twice by using dev/sda1 (the current efi FAT32 boot partition) and /dev/sda2 ( the main ext4 partition). Neither solved the problem although there were no error messages only 'successful' report in bash/command line. Ahem...Then I read the link you kindly supplied (!) and found I should just have used dev/sda. But unfortunately this also did not work to solve my problem, although it also reported 'success' in bash. I'm beginning to wonder if I shouldn't remove the separate FAT32 boot partition which was probably a legacy from when I first installed Ubuntu on this UEFI machine which used to run Windows, as I suspect this might be what's causing the problem. I'm fully backed up, but reluctant to go through the palava of a complete reinstall of Ubuntu if I fully borked the system by removing the separate boot partition. Ho hum... I think I'll live with the issue for the time being. Best David On 18 October 2016 at 21:31, Alex N.