Hi, I did not use 13.10. When I installed 13.10 I found it to be very buggy on my laptop and I was getting tired of doing clean installs every six months so I went back to 12.10. 12.10 was a good release for me where everything worked well on my laptop. The only reason I did a clean install of 14.04 was because it was a LTS and I was sure the issues I had with 13.10 would have been worked out. Also, 12.10 was no longer being supported with updates. So far 14.04 has been quite good. Other than this strange USB mouse problem the only other issues have been minor xfce4 bugs. I asked if anyone else was experiencing this problem with USB mice and if not, what brand of mouse they were using. If I could be sure that it was only with microsoft mobile 1000 mice I would just go and buy a logitech replacement. This issue did not happen with 12.10. It isn't a show stopper because I leave my laptop on 24/7 so it is only when I reboot that I have to unplug my mouse transmitter and replug it in. I just hoped that if it was a bug that affected others reporting it might help it get fixed. On 28 April 2014 04:03, Christopher M. Penalver <