Hi Nathan... Personally I've switched to Mandriva 2008.1 (cooker) the development branch. I really love this distribution and it's almost sure that I will not change it anymore (unless ubuntu comes with something very very decent IMHO). However, Ubuntu for me is like my mother and father, I alwasy come to it :).. I can hate it sometimes but I love it so much... I have 10 GB of my HD just for testing one distro at a time.. in this momment I have Ubuntu and I'm kind of happy (just sort of) but I think the Devs are not getting motivated by us (toshiba users). If I'm disapointed?... Yes, of course!!! You wouldn't believe I'm still using dapper in 2 machines 'cause edgy and feisty don't like those boxes... but that's not a real problem because dapper is a LTS distro and I will stick to it until it's dead.. if Hardy is going to be LTS (which I believe it will) and if this distro likes my machines... I WILL install it on'em (off course)... and will continue in ubuntu forums, even if I don't use it, .. that does not mean I don't like it.. I will continue promoting it... it's a fantastic distro...and the most important thing... if Toshiba continues with their "Only M$ Softwre" Policy.... then my next laptop will be a Lenovo or Asus ... then I can play with 3 or 4 distros at the same time... I do not think that Devs give a damn about us... what I think is that they don't use toshiba laptops... and in the other hand... 6 months from one release to rnext one, seems to be too much for them... I know that the technology is running very quick, but still I think they can implemnt new changes in the same distro.... for me.. they simply go too fast that they don't have time to release a "stable" version.. At least since 5.04, which MO has been a very stable release, I've not seen something better. Cheers Luis PS.. Devs, there is nothing personal against you, in fact I have a lot of respect for your work 2008/3/15, nathanlanham