I'm in the same boat as you. I've never seen the DSDT workaround actually work. I've created a new DSDT.dsl file by: - extracting and reverse engineering the original DSDT.dsl from the bios - changing variables that look like _T_0 to T_0 - changing some strings that look like "*PNP0C14" to "PNP0C14" - and editing the all important "Linux" section to look like the snippet below (other people have modified their .dsl slightly differently, but this approach looks the safest to me). - then I create a new DSDT.aml file (iasl -tc DSDT.dsl) - I copy the file over to the initial ramfs location (cp DSDT.aml/etc/initramfs-tools/) - and create a new ram disk (mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img- 2.6.22-13-generic) The kernel log says it loads the DSDT.aml file when I reboot, but the sound doesn't work. Apparantly this workaround used to work in Fiesty Fawn. I was on FF and the workaround didn't work for me. When I tried asking about it (and created a bug) I was told I had to be on GG to report this bug. I switched, and found that we're all experiencing this problem. I don't know when FF stopped working - some people have reported that the fix used to work. I should also say that I have BIOS 4.0 for the laptop (I upgraded recently). So, if you want sound, you can boot your laptop by adding "acpi=off" at the end of the kernal options in GRUB (just press E to edit on next reboot to try it temporarily). BUT, when ACPI is off, it can lead to things like your CPU overheating I am told. I think this can wreck your hardware. My machine froze after a while. I'm just waiting (more like praying) for a FIX. PLEASE PLEASE.... I want SOUND!! I would even pay money for the fix. Enough of my rant. (Probably more than you needed to know) === snippet of DSDT.dsl ==== Scope (\_SB) { Method (_INI, 0, NotSerialized) { If (DTSE) { TRAP (0x47) } Store (0x07D0, OSYS) /* If (CondRefOf (_OSI, Local0)) { If (_OSI ("Linux")) { Store (0x03E8, OSYS) } Else { */ Store (0x07D1, OSYS) /* If (_OSI ("Windows 2001 SP2")) { Store (0x07D2, OSYS) } If (_OSI ("Windows 2001.1")) { Store (0x07D3, OSYS) } If (_OSI ("Windows 2001.1 SP1")) { Store (0x07D4, OSYS) } If (_OSI ("Windows 2006")) { */ Store (0x07D6, OSYS) /* } */ If (LAnd (MPEN, LEqual (OSYS, 0x07D1))) { TRAP (0x3D) } /* } } */ } On 10/10/07, Luis Suárez