Hi Danny, Fern, Thx for joining me on this journey. I tried unblacklisting by changing the file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-oss which is a link to a file in /lib. Upon doing the proposed modprobe, I get an error "FATAL: module not found". Apart from that, it looks strange to me that in the indicated file, ALL devices are blacklisted, even the ones that get loaded anyway, like opl3 and cs4232. So there must be other mechanisms at work. I would therefore try to approach this logically, trying to find out what is loaded in when and on what hardware tests the software is deciding to do certain things. I know that the correct chip is listed by lspci: 01:00.1 Multimedia audio controller: Neomagic Corporation NM2200 [MagicMedia 256AV Audio] (rev 20) The excellent but unfortunately outdated article on http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2002/09/19/linuxlaptop.html?page=1tells me that indeed this chip is a combination of various hardware blocks that each can have their own driver. So it makes sense to me that after a standard boot, a lot of modules get loaded that refer to these drivers, like opl3 and cs4332. What I don't understand is the mix of ALSA type drivers (snd) and references to OSS which is an older sound environment. So actually I don't know why for my Omnibook 4150 machine the boot sequence does what it does, and most importantly, why dmesg gives me a "blacklisted 256, loading stopped" error butI still get the other drivers loaded (which part of the software does that, and based on what configuration info)? And of course at this point I have no sound, and when I try 'alsamixer' I only get a reference to a default device. This leads me to the idea that somehow the configuration is at fault, i.e. the drivers are not looking to the right location (in ALSA, apparently, a lot of coexisting sound cards are possible). But what I am missing also are some simple tools that kind of would try to show the complete audio chain: chip - drivers - high end drivers, showing me where the thing is broken. A lot of drivers are listed, but are they actually used?? depmod is only of limited use. The ALSA doc is not very helpful to me, because the ALSA drivers are included in the 2.6.22 kernel, so downloading/building in the ALSA stuff is probalby not needed at all. But maybe there is still something in utils or lib (from ALSA) that might be of help? (I didn't try) Furthermore when it comes to configuration, the whole ALSA doc gets me seriously lost. Does this concur with your own findings/reasonings so far? Or am I missing out on something? Thanks for any meaningful, non-black-magic input! Peter On Nov 25, 2007 1:07 AM, Danny Staple