Hi Mario, Not entirely sure if this is the exact logging you are looking for, but this is the result from my testing. I've installed the latest firmware, running mainline kernel 6.4.0 on Jammy LTS on an AMD 6850u T14s Gen 3. Hope this helps to pinpoint the PSR problems. If you would like me to try patches or would like more logs, please let me know what I can do to support. Thanks for all the work, kind regards, Roemer ➜ ~ sudo python Downloads/psr.py DRI device 0 DMCUB F/W version: 0x0400003c ○ PSR 2 with Y coordinates (eDP 1.4a) [3] ○ Sink OUI: Parade ○ resv_40f: 01 ○ ID String: 08-03 ○ PSR Status: 00-00-02 ➜ ~ cat /proc/cmdline BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-6.4.0-060400-generic root=UUID=41d8f993-282a-48a5-b355-6f537a3a17ab ro quiet splash amdgpu.dcdebugmask=0x0 vt.handoff=7 Linux firmware ➜ ~ git log commit ee91452dac5abfc4c5b9827cf55e701d8c0ca678 (HEAD -> main, tag: 20230625, origin/main, origin/HEAD) Author: Emil Velikov