20080911101210:INFO:Checking status of daemon [/etc/init.d/likewise-open] 20080911101210:INFO:Daemon [/etc/init.d/likewise-open]: status [0] 20080911101210:INFO:Adding lucianmo (fqdn lucianmo.open.ro) to /etc/hosts ip, removing lucianmo, lucianmo.open.ro, lucianmo, lucianmo.open.ro 20080911101210:INFO:Getting DC 20080911101211:INFO:Starting port check 20080911101211:INFO:Looked up domain 20080911101211:INFO:Sending UDP packet 20080911101211:INFO:Starting non-blocking tcp connection 20080911101211:INFO:Starting non-blocking tcp connection 20080911101211:INFO:Starting non-blocking tcp connection 20080911101211:INFO:Starting non-blocking tcp connection 20080911101211:INFO:Received UDP packet 20080911101211:INFO:Successfully connected 20080911101211:INFO:Successfully connected 20080911101211:INFO:Successfully connected 20080911101211:INFO:Successfully connected 20080911101211:INFO:Results obtained for all ports 20080911101211:INFO:Reading krb5 file /tmp/centeristmpHb7aby/etc/krb5.conf 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[libdefaults] ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'libdefaults' to '(null)' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_config = /etc/krb.conf ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_config' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_realms = /etc/krb.realms ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_realms' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc_timesync = 1 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc_timesync' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' ccache_type = 4 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ccache_type' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' forwardable = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'forwardable' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' proxiable = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'proxiable' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' v4_instance_resolve = false ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'v4_instance_resolve' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' v4_name_convert = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'v4_name_convert' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' host = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'host' to 'v4_name_convert' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' rcmd = host ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'rcmd' to 'host' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' ftp = ftp ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ftp' to 'host' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' plain = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'plain' to 'v4_name_convert' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' something = something-else ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'something' to 'plain' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' fcc-mit-ticketflags = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'fcc-mit-ticketflags' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_tgs_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_tgs_enctypes' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_tkt_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_tkt_enctypes' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' preferred_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'preferred_enctypes' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' dns_lookup_kdc = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'dns_lookup_kdc' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# The following krb5.conf variables are only for MIT Kerberos. ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# The following encryption type specification will be used by MIT Kerberos ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# if uncommented. In general, the defaults in the MIT Kerberos code are ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# correct and overriding these specifications only serves to disable new ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# encryption types as they are added, creating interoperability problems. ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# Thie only time when you might need to uncomment these lines and change ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# the enctypes is if you have local software that will break on ticket ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# caches containing ticket encryption types it doesn't know about (such as ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# old versions of Sun Java). ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# default_tgs_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# default_tkt_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# permitted_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# The following libdefaults parameters are only for Heimdal Kerberos. ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[realms] ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'realms' to '(null)' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' OPEN.RO = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'OPEN.RO' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' auth_to_local = RULE:[1:$0\$1](^OPEN\.RO\\.*)s/^OPEN\.RO/OFFICE/ ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'auth_to_local' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' auth_to_local = DEFAULT ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'auth_to_local' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' ATHENA.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-1.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.media.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.media.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' ZONE.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = casio.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = seiko.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = casio.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' MOOF.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = three-headed-dogcow.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = three-headed-dogcow-1.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = three-headed-dogcow.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' CSAIL.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-1.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb524_server = krb524.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb524_server' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' IHTFP.ORG = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'IHTFP.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.ihtfp.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'IHTFP.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.ihtfp.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'IHTFP.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' GNU.ORG = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'GNU.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.gnu.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.gnu.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-3.gnu.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.gnu.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' 1TS.ORG = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '1TS.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.1ts.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to '1TS.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.1ts.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to '1TS.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' GRATUITOUS.ORG = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'GRATUITOUS.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.gratuitous.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GRATUITOUS.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.gratuitous.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'GRATUITOUS.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' DOOMCOM.ORG = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'DOOMCOM.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.doomcom.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'DOOMCOM.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.doomcom.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'DOOMCOM.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' ANDREW.CMU.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice28.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice2.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice11.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice12.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = vice28.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' CS.CMU.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'CS.CMU.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.cs.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CS.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.srv.cs.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CS.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.cs.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'CS.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' DEMENTIA.ORG = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'DEMENTIA.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.dementia.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'DEMENTIA.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos2.dementia.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'DEMENTIA.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.dementia.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'DEMENTIA.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' stanford.edu = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'stanford.edu' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = krb5auth1.stanford.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = krb5auth2.stanford.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = krb5auth3.stanford.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = krb5-admin.stanford.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = stanford.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[domain_realm] ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'domain_realm' to '(null)' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .mit.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' mit.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .media.mit.edu = MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '.media.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' media.mit.edu = MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'media.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .csail.mit.edu = CSAIL.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '.csail.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' csail.mit.edu = CSAIL.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'csail.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .whoi.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '.whoi.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' whoi.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'whoi.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .stanford.edu = stanford.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '.stanford.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .slac.stanford.edu = SLAC.STANFORD.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '.slac.stanford.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[login] ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'login' to '(null)' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_convert = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_convert' to 'login' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_get_tickets = false ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_get_tickets' to 'login' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[appdefaults] ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'appdefaults' to '(null)' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' pam = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'pam' to 'appdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' mappings = OFFICE\\(.*) $1@OPEN.RO ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'mappings' to 'pam' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' forwardable = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'forwardable' to 'pam' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' validate = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'validate' to 'pam' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' httpd = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'httpd' to 'appdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' mappings = OFFICE\\(.*) $1@OPEN.RO ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'mappings' to 'httpd' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' reverse_mappings = (.*)@OPEN\.RO OFFICE\$1 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'reverse_mappings' to 'httpd' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:INFO:Reading krb5 file /tmp/centeristmpD4CdGq/etc/krb5.conf 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[libdefaults] ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'libdefaults' to '(null)' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_config = /etc/krb.conf ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_config' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_realms = /etc/krb.realms ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_realms' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc_timesync = 1 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc_timesync' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' ccache_type = 4 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ccache_type' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' forwardable = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'forwardable' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' proxiable = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'proxiable' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' v4_instance_resolve = false ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'v4_instance_resolve' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' v4_name_convert = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'v4_name_convert' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' host = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'host' to 'v4_name_convert' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' rcmd = host ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'rcmd' to 'host' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' ftp = ftp ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ftp' to 'host' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' plain = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'plain' to 'v4_name_convert' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' something = something-else ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'something' to 'plain' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' fcc-mit-ticketflags = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'fcc-mit-ticketflags' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_tgs_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_tgs_enctypes' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_tkt_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_tkt_enctypes' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' preferred_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'preferred_enctypes' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' dns_lookup_kdc = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'dns_lookup_kdc' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# The following krb5.conf variables are only for MIT Kerberos. ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# The following encryption type specification will be used by MIT Kerberos ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# if uncommented. In general, the defaults in the MIT Kerberos code are ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# correct and overriding these specifications only serves to disable new ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# encryption types as they are added, creating interoperability problems. ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# Thie only time when you might need to uncomment these lines and change ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# the enctypes is if you have local software that will break on ticket ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# caches containing ticket encryption types it doesn't know about (such as ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# old versions of Sun Java). ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# default_tgs_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# default_tkt_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# permitted_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# The following libdefaults parameters are only for Heimdal Kerberos. ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[realms] ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'realms' to '(null)' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' OPEN.RO = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'OPEN.RO' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' auth_to_local = RULE:[1:$0\$1](^OPEN\.RO\\.*)s/^OPEN\.RO/OFFICE/ ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'auth_to_local' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' auth_to_local = DEFAULT ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'auth_to_local' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' ATHENA.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-1.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.media.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.media.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' ZONE.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = casio.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = seiko.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = casio.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' MOOF.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = three-headed-dogcow.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = three-headed-dogcow-1.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = three-headed-dogcow.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' CSAIL.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-1.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb524_server = krb524.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb524_server' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' IHTFP.ORG = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'IHTFP.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.ihtfp.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'IHTFP.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.ihtfp.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'IHTFP.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' GNU.ORG = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'GNU.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.gnu.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.gnu.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-3.gnu.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.gnu.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' 1TS.ORG = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '1TS.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.1ts.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to '1TS.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.1ts.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to '1TS.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' GRATUITOUS.ORG = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'GRATUITOUS.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.gratuitous.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GRATUITOUS.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.gratuitous.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'GRATUITOUS.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' DOOMCOM.ORG = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'DOOMCOM.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.doomcom.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'DOOMCOM.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.doomcom.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'DOOMCOM.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' ANDREW.CMU.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice28.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice2.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice11.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice12.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = vice28.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' CS.CMU.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'CS.CMU.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.cs.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CS.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.srv.cs.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CS.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.cs.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'CS.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' DEMENTIA.ORG = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'DEMENTIA.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.dementia.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'DEMENTIA.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos2.dementia.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'DEMENTIA.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.dementia.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'DEMENTIA.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' stanford.edu = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'stanford.edu' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = krb5auth1.stanford.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = krb5auth2.stanford.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = krb5auth3.stanford.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = krb5-admin.stanford.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = stanford.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[domain_realm] ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'domain_realm' to '(null)' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .mit.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' mit.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .media.mit.edu = MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '.media.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' media.mit.edu = MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'media.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .csail.mit.edu = CSAIL.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '.csail.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' csail.mit.edu = CSAIL.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'csail.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .whoi.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '.whoi.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' whoi.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'whoi.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .stanford.edu = stanford.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '.stanford.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .slac.stanford.edu = SLAC.STANFORD.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '.slac.stanford.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[login] ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'login' to '(null)' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_convert = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_convert' to 'login' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_get_tickets = false ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_get_tickets' to 'login' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[appdefaults] ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'appdefaults' to '(null)' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' pam = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'pam' to 'appdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' mappings = OFFICE\\(.*) $1@OPEN.RO ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'mappings' to 'pam' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' forwardable = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'forwardable' to 'pam' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' validate = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'validate' to 'pam' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' httpd = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'httpd' to 'appdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' mappings = OFFICE\\(.*) $1@OPEN.RO ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'mappings' to 'httpd' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' reverse_mappings = (.*)@OPEN\.RO OFFICE\$1 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'reverse_mappings' to 'httpd' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:INFO:Reading nsswitch file /etc/nsswitch.conf 20080911101211:INFO:Checking status of daemon [/etc/init.d/likewise-open] 20080911101211:INFO:Daemon [/etc/init.d/likewise-open]: status [0] 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam configuration 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/gnome-screensaver 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/common-account 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/cron 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/chfn 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/login 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/polkit 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/sudo 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/samba 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/common-session 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/common-password 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/su 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/passwd 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/other 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/gdm 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/chsh 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/gdm-autologin 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/ppp 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/atd 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/common-auth 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.d/cups 20080911101211:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmpSl2hdj/etc/pam.conf 20080911101211:INFO:Found config file /etc/ssh/ssh_config 20080911101211:INFO:Found binary /usr/bin/ssh 20080911101211:INFO:Reading ssh file /etc/ssh/ssh_config 20080911101211:INFO:Testing option GSSAPIAuthentication 20080911101211:INFO:Option GSSAPIAuthentication supported 20080911101211:INFO:Testing option GSSAPIDelegateCredentials 20080911101211:INFO:Option GSSAPIDelegateCredentials supported 20080911101211:INFO:Running module stop 20080911101211:INFO:Checking status of daemon [/etc/init.d/likewise-open] 20080911101211:INFO:Daemon [/etc/init.d/likewise-open]: status [0] 20080911101211:INFO:Stopping daemon [/etc/init.d/likewise-open] 20080911101211:INFO:Checking status of daemon [/etc/init.d/likewise-open] 20080911101211:INFO:Daemon [/etc/init.d/likewise-open]: status [1] 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Looking for likewise-open 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found /usr/sbin/likewise-winbindd 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Looking for '/sbin/chkconfig' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Looking for '/usr/sbin/update-rc.d' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found '/usr/sbin/update-rc.d' 20080911101211:INFO:Checking status of daemon [/etc/init.d/likewise-open] 20080911101211:INFO:Daemon [/etc/init.d/likewise-open]: status [1] 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Looking for likewise-open 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found /usr/sbin/likewise-winbindd 20080911101211:INFO:Running module join 20080911101211:INFO:Starting krb5.conf configuration (enabling) 20080911101211:INFO:Reading krb5 file /tmp/centeristmpVegQVb/etc/krb5.conf 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[libdefaults] ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'libdefaults' to '(null)' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_config = /etc/krb.conf ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_config' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_realms = /etc/krb.realms ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_realms' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc_timesync = 1 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc_timesync' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' ccache_type = 4 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ccache_type' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' forwardable = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'forwardable' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' proxiable = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'proxiable' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' v4_instance_resolve = false ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'v4_instance_resolve' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' v4_name_convert = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'v4_name_convert' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' host = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'host' to 'v4_name_convert' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' rcmd = host ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'rcmd' to 'host' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' ftp = ftp ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ftp' to 'host' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' plain = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'plain' to 'v4_name_convert' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' something = something-else ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'something' to 'plain' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' fcc-mit-ticketflags = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'fcc-mit-ticketflags' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_tgs_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_tgs_enctypes' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_tkt_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_tkt_enctypes' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' preferred_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'preferred_enctypes' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' dns_lookup_kdc = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'dns_lookup_kdc' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# The following krb5.conf variables are only for MIT Kerberos. ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# The following encryption type specification will be used by MIT Kerberos ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# if uncommented. In general, the defaults in the MIT Kerberos code are ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# correct and overriding these specifications only serves to disable new ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# encryption types as they are added, creating interoperability problems. ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# Thie only time when you might need to uncomment these lines and change ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# the enctypes is if you have local software that will break on ticket ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# caches containing ticket encryption types it doesn't know about (such as ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# old versions of Sun Java). ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# default_tgs_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# default_tkt_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# permitted_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# The following libdefaults parameters are only for Heimdal Kerberos. ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[realms] ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'realms' to '(null)' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' OPEN.RO = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'OPEN.RO' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' auth_to_local = RULE:[1:$0\$1](^OPEN\.RO\\.*)s/^OPEN\.RO/OFFICE/ ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'auth_to_local' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' auth_to_local = DEFAULT ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'auth_to_local' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' ATHENA.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-1.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.media.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.media.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' ZONE.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = casio.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = seiko.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = casio.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' MOOF.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = three-headed-dogcow.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = three-headed-dogcow-1.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = three-headed-dogcow.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' CSAIL.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-1.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb524_server = krb524.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb524_server' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' IHTFP.ORG = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'IHTFP.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.ihtfp.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'IHTFP.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.ihtfp.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'IHTFP.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' GNU.ORG = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'GNU.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.gnu.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.gnu.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-3.gnu.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.gnu.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' 1TS.ORG = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '1TS.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.1ts.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to '1TS.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.1ts.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to '1TS.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' GRATUITOUS.ORG = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'GRATUITOUS.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.gratuitous.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GRATUITOUS.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.gratuitous.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'GRATUITOUS.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' DOOMCOM.ORG = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'DOOMCOM.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.doomcom.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'DOOMCOM.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.doomcom.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'DOOMCOM.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' ANDREW.CMU.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice28.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice2.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice11.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice12.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = vice28.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' CS.CMU.EDU = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'CS.CMU.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.cs.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CS.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.srv.cs.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CS.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.cs.cmu.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'CS.CMU.EDU' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' DEMENTIA.ORG = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'DEMENTIA.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.dementia.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'DEMENTIA.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos2.dementia.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'DEMENTIA.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.dementia.org ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'DEMENTIA.ORG' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' stanford.edu = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'stanford.edu' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = krb5auth1.stanford.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = krb5auth2.stanford.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = krb5auth3.stanford.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = krb5-admin.stanford.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = stanford.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'realms' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[domain_realm] ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'domain_realm' to '(null)' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .mit.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' mit.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .media.mit.edu = MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '.media.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' media.mit.edu = MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'media.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .csail.mit.edu = CSAIL.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '.csail.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' csail.mit.edu = CSAIL.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'csail.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .whoi.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '.whoi.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' whoi.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'whoi.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .stanford.edu = stanford.edu ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '.stanford.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .slac.stanford.edu = SLAC.STANFORD.EDU ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '.slac.stanford.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[login] ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'login' to '(null)' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_convert = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_convert' to 'login' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_get_tickets = false ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_get_tickets' to 'login' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[appdefaults] ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'appdefaults' to '(null)' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' pam = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'pam' to 'appdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' mappings = OFFICE\\(.*) $1@OPEN.RO ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'mappings' to 'pam' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' forwardable = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'forwardable' to 'pam' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' validate = true ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'validate' to 'pam' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' httpd = { ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'httpd' to 'appdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' mappings = OFFICE\\(.*) $1@OPEN.RO ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'mappings' to 'httpd' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' reverse_mappings = (.*)@OPEN\.RO OFFICE\$1 ' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'reverse_mappings' to 'httpd' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101211:WARNING:Short domain name not specified. Defaulting to 'open' 20080911101211:INFO:Failed to run lwinet ads trusts. This is expected if not yet joined to the domain 20080911101211:INFO:Failed to run lwiinfo --details -m. This is expected if the auth daemon is not running 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'default_realm' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_realm' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'default_tgs_enctypes' to 'RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'default_tkt_enctypes' to 'RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'preferred_enctypes' to 'RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'dns_lookup_kdc' to 'true' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'auth_to_local' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Adding child 'auth_to_local' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'mappings' to 'OPEN\\(.*) $1@OPEN.RO' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'forwardable' to 'true' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'validate' to 'true' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'mappings' to 'OPEN\\(.*) $1@OPEN.RO' 20080911101211:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'reverse_mappings' to '(.*)@OPEN\.RO OPEN\$1' 20080911101211:INFO:Writing krb5 file /tmp/centeristmpVegQVb/etc/krb5.conf 20080911101211:INFO:File /tmp/centeristmpVegQVb/etc/krb5.conf modified 20080911101211:INFO:Finishing krb5.conf configuration 20080911101211:INFO:Executing domain join. 20080911101211:INFO:OS Name: Ubuntu 20080911101211:INFO:OS Version: 8.10 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/debug.c:debug_dump_status(395) INFO: Current debug levels: all: True/10 tdb: False/0 printdrivers: False/0 lanman: False/0 smb: False/0 rpc_parse: False/0 rpc_srv: False/0 rpc_cli: False/0 passdb: False/0 sam: False/0 auth: False/0 winbind: False/0 vfs: False/0 idmap: False/0 quota: False/0 acls: False/0 locking: False/0 msdfs: False/0 dmapi: False/0 registry: False/0 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 3] param/loadparm.c:lp_load(5688) lp_load: refreshing parameters [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 3] param/loadparm.c:init_globals(1477) Initialising global parameters [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 3] param/params.c:pm_process(569) params.c:pm_process() - Processing configuration file "/tmp/centeristmpVegQVb/etc/samba/lwiauthd.conf" [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 3] param/loadparm.c:do_section(4384) Processing section "[global]" doing parameter workgroup = WORKGROUP doing parameter security = ads doing parameter passdb backend = tdbsam doing parameter disable netbios = yes doing parameter idmap domains = default doing parameter idmap config default:default = yes doing parameter idmap config default:backend = lwopen doing parameter idmap config default:readonly = yes doing parameter idmap alloc backend = tdb doing parameter idmap alloc config:range = 9000 - 9999 doing parameter idmap cache time = 3600 doing parameter idmap negative cache time = 300 doing parameter winbind cache time = 900 doing parameter winbind offline logon = yes doing parameter winbind refresh tickets = yes doing parameter winbind replacement character = ^ doing parameter winbind normalize names = yes doing parameter winbind expand groups = 10 doing parameter template shell = /bin/bash doing parameter template homedir = /home/%D/%U doing parameter machine password timeout = 2592000 doing parameter use kerberos keytab = yes doing parameter winbind nss info = lwopen doing parameter realm = OPEN.RO [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 4] param/loadparm.c:lp_load(5730) pm_process() returned Yes [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 7] param/loadparm.c:lp_servicenumber(5892) lp_servicenumber: couldn't find homes [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] param/loadparm.c:set_server_role(4934) set_server_role: role = ROLE_DOMAIN_MEMBER [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(104) Attempting to register new charset UCS-2LE [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(112) Registered charset UCS-2LE [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(104) Attempting to register new charset UTF-16LE [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(112) Registered charset UTF-16LE [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(104) Attempting to register new charset UCS-2BE [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(112) Registered charset UCS-2BE [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(104) Attempting to register new charset UTF-16BE [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(112) Registered charset UTF-16BE [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(104) Attempting to register new charset UTF8 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(112) Registered charset UTF8 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(104) Attempting to register new charset UTF-8 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(112) Registered charset UTF-8 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(104) Attempting to register new charset ASCII [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(112) Registered charset ASCII [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(104) Attempting to register new charset 646 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(112) Registered charset 646 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(104) Attempting to register new charset ISO-8859-1 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(112) Registered charset ISO-8859-1 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(104) Attempting to register new charset UCS2-HEX [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/iconv.c:smb_register_charset(112) Registered charset UCS2-HEX [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 2] lib/util_file.c:map_file(239) map_file: Failed to load /usr/lib/likewise-open/valid.dat - No such file or directory [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 2] lib/util_unistr.c:init_valid_table(203) creating default valid table [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util.c:init_names(274) Netbios name list:- my_netbios_names[0]="LUCIANMO" [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 2] lib/interface.c:add_interface(334) added interface eth0 ip= bcast= netmask= [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/gencache.c:gencache_init(61) Opening cache file at /var/lib/likewise-open/gencache.tdb [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = AD_SITENAME/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO, value = Otopeni-Office, timeout = Tue Jan 19 05:14:07 2038 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libads/dns.c:sitename_fetch(837) sitename_fetch: Returning sitename for OPEN.RO: "Otopeni-Office" [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 4] libsmb/namequery_dc.c:ads_dc_name(73) ads_dc_name: domain=WORKGROUP [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = AD_SITENAME/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO, value = Otopeni-Office, timeout = Tue Jan 19 05:14:07 2038 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libads/dns.c:sitename_fetch(837) sitename_fetch: Returning sitename for OPEN.RO: "Otopeni-Office" [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 6] libads/ldap.c:ads_find_dc(309) ads_find_dc: looking for realm 'OPEN.RO' [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 8] libsmb/namequery.c:get_sorted_dc_list(2089) get_sorted_dc_list: attempting lookup for name OPEN.RO (sitename Otopeni-Office) using [ads] [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = SAF/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO, value =, timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:20:43 2008 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libsmb/namequery.c:saf_fetch(138) saf_fetch: Returning "" for "OPEN.RO" domain [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1910) get_dc_list: preferred server list: ", *" [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:internal_resolve_name(1447) internal_resolve_name: looking up OPEN.RO#1c (sitename Otopeni-Office) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = NBT/OPEN.RO#1C, value =,,,,, timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:16:28 2008 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libsmb/namecache.c:namecache_fetch(233) name OPEN.RO#1C found. [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 8] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1931) Adding 5 DC's from auto lookup [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:remove_duplicate_addrs2(520) remove_duplicate_addrs2: looking for duplicate address/port pairs [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(2047) get_dc_list: returning 5 ip addresses in an ordered list [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(2048) get_dc_list: [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libads/ldap.c:ads_try_connect(186) ads_try_connect: sending CLDAP request to (realm: OPEN.RO) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libads/dns.c:sitename_store(798) sitename_store: realm = [OPEN.RO], sitename = [Otopeni-Office], expire = [2147483647] [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_set(131) Adding cache entry with key = AD_SITENAME/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO; value = Otopeni-Office and timeout = Tue Jan 19 05:14:07 2038 (926366516 seconds ahead) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_connect(610) Successfully contacted LDAP server [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = AD_SITENAME/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO, value = Otopeni-Office, timeout = Tue Jan 19 05:14:07 2038 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libads/dns.c:sitename_fetch(837) sitename_fetch: Returning sitename for OPEN.RO: "Otopeni-Office" [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libads/ldap.c:ads_closest_dc(154) ads_closest_dc: ADS_CLOSEST flag set [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libads/kerberos.c:create_local_private_krb5_conf_for_domain(857) create_local_private_krb5_conf_for_domain: fname = /var/lib/likewise-open/smb_krb5/krb5.conf.WORKGROUP, realm = OPEN.RO, domain = WORKGROUP [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = SAF/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO, value =, timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:20:43 2008 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libsmb/namequery.c:saf_fetch(138) saf_fetch: Returning "" for "OPEN.RO" domain [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1910) get_dc_list: preferred server list: ", *" [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:internal_resolve_name(1447) internal_resolve_name: looking up OPEN.RO#1c (sitename Otopeni-Office) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = NBT/OPEN.RO#1C, value =,,,,, timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:16:28 2008 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libsmb/namecache.c:namecache_fetch(233) name OPEN.RO#1C found. [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 8] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1931) Adding 5 DC's from auto lookup [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:remove_duplicate_addrs2(520) remove_duplicate_addrs2: looking for duplicate address/port pairs [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(2047) get_dc_list: returning 5 ip addresses in an ordered list [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(2048) get_dc_list: [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = SAF/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO, value =, timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:20:43 2008 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libsmb/namequery.c:saf_fetch(138) saf_fetch: Returning "" for "OPEN.RO" domain [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1910) get_dc_list: preferred server list: ", *" [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:internal_resolve_name(1447) internal_resolve_name: looking up OPEN.RO#1c (sitename (null)) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = NBT/OPEN.RO#1C, value =,,,,, timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:16:28 2008 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libsmb/namecache.c:namecache_fetch(233) name OPEN.RO#1C found. [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 8] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1931) Adding 5 DC's from auto lookup [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:remove_duplicate_addrs2(520) remove_duplicate_addrs2: looking for duplicate address/port pairs [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(2047) get_dc_list: returning 5 ip addresses in an ordered list [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(2048) get_dc_list: [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libads/kerberos.c:get_kdc_ip_string(806) get_kdc_ip_string: Returning kdc = kdc = kdc = kdc = kdc = [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libads/kerberos.c:create_local_private_krb5_conf_for_domain(930) create_local_private_krb5_conf_for_domain: wrote file /var/lib/likewise-open/smb_krb5/krb5.conf.WORKGROUP with realm OPEN.RO KDC list = kdc = kdc = kdc = kdc = kdc = [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 4] libsmb/namequery_dc.c:ads_dc_name(143) ads_dc_name: using server='VPN.OPEN.RO' IP= [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = AD_SITENAME/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO, value = Otopeni-Office, timeout = Tue Jan 19 05:14:07 2038 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libads/dns.c:sitename_fetch(837) sitename_fetch: Returning sitename for OPEN.RO: "Otopeni-Office" [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 6] libads/ldap.c:ads_find_dc(309) ads_find_dc: looking for realm 'OPEN.RO' [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 8] libsmb/namequery.c:get_sorted_dc_list(2089) get_sorted_dc_list: attempting lookup for name OPEN.RO (sitename Otopeni-Office) using [ads] [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = SAF/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO, value =, timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:20:43 2008 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libsmb/namequery.c:saf_fetch(138) saf_fetch: Returning "" for "OPEN.RO" domain [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1910) get_dc_list: preferred server list: ", *" [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:internal_resolve_name(1447) internal_resolve_name: looking up OPEN.RO#1c (sitename Otopeni-Office) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = NBT/OPEN.RO#1C, value =,,,,, timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:16:28 2008 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libsmb/namecache.c:namecache_fetch(233) name OPEN.RO#1C found. [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 8] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1931) Adding 5 DC's from auto lookup [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:remove_duplicate_addrs2(520) remove_duplicate_addrs2: looking for duplicate address/port pairs [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(2047) get_dc_list: returning 5 ip addresses in an ordered list [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(2048) get_dc_list: [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libads/ldap.c:ads_try_connect(186) ads_try_connect: sending CLDAP request to (realm: OPEN.RO) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libads/dns.c:sitename_store(798) sitename_store: realm = [OPEN.RO], sitename = [Otopeni-Office], expire = [2147483647] [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_set(131) Adding cache entry with key = AD_SITENAME/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO; value = Otopeni-Office and timeout = Tue Jan 19 05:14:07 2038 (926366516 seconds ahead) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_connect(610) Successfully contacted LDAP server [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_del(157) Deleting cache entry (key = NBT/OPEN.RO#1C) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_del(157) Deleting cache entry (key = NBT/OFFICE#1C) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = AD_SITENAME/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO, value = Otopeni-Office, timeout = Tue Jan 19 05:14:07 2038 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libads/dns.c:sitename_fetch(837) sitename_fetch: Returning sitename for OPEN.RO: "Otopeni-Office" [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 6] libads/ldap.c:ads_find_dc(309) ads_find_dc: looking for realm 'OPEN.RO' [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 8] libsmb/namequery.c:get_sorted_dc_list(2089) get_sorted_dc_list: attempting lookup for name OPEN.RO (sitename Otopeni-Office) using [ads] [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = SAF/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO, value =, timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:20:43 2008 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libsmb/namequery.c:saf_fetch(138) saf_fetch: Returning "" for "OPEN.RO" domain [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1910) get_dc_list: preferred server list: ", *" [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:internal_resolve_name(1447) internal_resolve_name: looking up OPEN.RO#1c (sitename Otopeni-Office) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(194) Cache entry with key = NBT/OPEN.RO#1C couldn't be found [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libsmb/namecache.c:namecache_fetch(229) no entry for OPEN.RO#1C found. [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libsmb/namequery.c:resolve_ads(1341) resolve_ads: Attempting to resolve DCs for OPEN.RO using DNS [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 4] libads/dns.c:ads_dns_lookup_srv(452) ads_dns_lookup_srv: 3 records returned in the answer section. [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libads/dns.c:ads_dns_parse_rr_srv(233) ads_dns_parse_rr_srv: Parsed vpn.open.ro [0, 100, 389] [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libads/dns.c:ads_dns_parse_rr_srv(233) ads_dns_parse_rr_srv: Parsed opsmail.open.ro [0, 100, 389] [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libads/dns.c:ads_dns_parse_rr_srv(233) ads_dns_parse_rr_srv: Parsed dc2003.open.ro [0, 100, 389] [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:remove_duplicate_addrs2(520) remove_duplicate_addrs2: looking for duplicate address/port pairs [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libsmb/namecache.c:namecache_store(143) namecache_store: storing 5 addresses for OPEN.RO#1c:,,,, [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_set(131) Adding cache entry with key = NBT/OPEN.RO#1C; value =,,,, and timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:23:11 2008 (660 seconds ahead) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:internal_resolve_name(1594) internal_resolve_name: returning 5 addresses: [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 8] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1931) Adding 5 DC's from auto lookup [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:remove_duplicate_addrs2(520) remove_duplicate_addrs2: looking for duplicate address/port pairs [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(2047) get_dc_list: returning 5 ip addresses in an ordered list [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(2048) get_dc_list: [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libads/ldap.c:ads_try_connect(186) ads_try_connect: sending CLDAP request to (realm: OPEN.RO) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libads/dns.c:sitename_store(798) sitename_store: realm = [OPEN.RO], sitename = [Otopeni-Office], expire = [2147483647] [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_set(131) Adding cache entry with key = AD_SITENAME/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO; value = Otopeni-Office and timeout = Tue Jan 19 05:14:07 2038 (926366516 seconds ahead) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_connect(610) Successfully contacted LDAP server [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 3] lib/util_sock.c:open_socket_out(1381) Connecting to at port 445 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_KEEPALIVE = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_REUSEADDR = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_BROADCAST = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option TCP_NODELAY = 1 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option TCP_KEEPCNT = 9 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option TCP_KEEPIDLE = 7200 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option TCP_KEEPINTVL = 75 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option IPTOS_LOWDELAY = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option IPTOS_THROUGHPUT = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_SNDBUF = 16384 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_RCVBUF = 87380 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_SNDLOWAT = 1 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_RCVLOWAT = 1 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_SNDTIMEO = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_RCVTIMEO = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(6,194) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(6,194) wrote 194 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217267512 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=169 smb_com=0x72 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=0 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=0 smb_mid=1 smt_wct=17 smb_vwv[ 0]= 9 (0x9) smb_vwv[ 1]=12803 (0x3203) smb_vwv[ 2]= 256 (0x100) smb_vwv[ 3]= 1024 (0x400) smb_vwv[ 4]= 65 (0x41) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 256 (0x100) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]=64768 (0xFD00) smb_vwv[10]= 243 (0xF3) smb_vwv[11]=30848 (0x7880) smb_vwv[12]=18798 (0x496E) smb_vwv[13]=56758 (0xDDB6) smb_vwv[14]=51475 (0xC913) smb_vwv[15]=19457 (0x4C01) smb_vwv[16]= 255 (0xFF) smb_bcc=100 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 81 B8 80 83 91 3E 00 4C B5 6A 38 61 EB 2F F7 7F .....>.L .j8a./.. [010] 60 52 06 06 2B 06 01 05 05 02 A0 48 30 46 A0 30 `R..+... ...H0F.0 [020] 30 2E 06 09 2A 86 48 82 F7 12 01 02 02 06 09 2A 0...*.H. .......* [030] 86 48 86 F7 12 01 02 02 06 0A 2A 86 48 86 F7 12 .H...... ..*.H... [040] 01 02 02 03 06 0A 2B 06 01 04 01 82 37 02 02 0A ......+. ....7... [050] A3 12 30 10 A0 0E 1B 0C 76 70 6E 24 40 4F 50 45 ..0..... vpn$@OPE [060] 4E 2E 52 4F N.RO [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=169 smb_com=0x72 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=0 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=0 smb_mid=1 smt_wct=17 smb_vwv[ 0]= 9 (0x9) smb_vwv[ 1]=12803 (0x3203) smb_vwv[ 2]= 256 (0x100) smb_vwv[ 3]= 1024 (0x400) smb_vwv[ 4]= 65 (0x41) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 256 (0x100) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]=64768 (0xFD00) smb_vwv[10]= 243 (0xF3) smb_vwv[11]=30848 (0x7880) smb_vwv[12]=18798 (0x496E) smb_vwv[13]=56758 (0xDDB6) smb_vwv[14]=51475 (0xC913) smb_vwv[15]=19457 (0x4C01) smb_vwv[16]= 255 (0xFF) smb_bcc=100 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 81 B8 80 83 91 3E 00 4C B5 6A 38 61 EB 2F F7 7F .....>.L .j8a./.. [010] 60 52 06 06 2B 06 01 05 05 02 A0 48 30 46 A0 30 `R..+... ...H0F.0 [020] 30 2E 06 09 2A 86 48 82 F7 12 01 02 02 06 09 2A 0...*.H. .......* [030] 86 48 86 F7 12 01 02 02 06 0A 2A 86 48 86 F7 12 .H...... ..*.H... [040] 01 02 02 03 06 0A 2B 06 01 04 01 82 37 02 02 0A ......+. ....7... [050] A3 12 30 10 A0 0E 1B 0C 76 70 6E 24 40 4F 50 45 ..0..... vpn$@OPE [060] 4E 2E 52 4F N.RO [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = AD_SITENAME/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO, value = Otopeni-Office, timeout = Tue Jan 19 05:14:07 2038 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libads/dns.c:sitename_fetch(837) sitename_fetch: Returning sitename for OPEN.RO: "Otopeni-Office" [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 6] libads/ldap.c:ads_find_dc(309) ads_find_dc: looking for realm 'OPEN.RO' [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 8] libsmb/namequery.c:get_sorted_dc_list(2089) get_sorted_dc_list: attempting lookup for name OPEN.RO (sitename Otopeni-Office) using [ads] [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = SAF/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO, value =, timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:20:43 2008 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libsmb/namequery.c:saf_fetch(138) saf_fetch: Returning "" for "OPEN.RO" domain [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1910) get_dc_list: preferred server list: ", *" [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:internal_resolve_name(1447) internal_resolve_name: looking up OPEN.RO#1c (sitename Otopeni-Office) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = NBT/OPEN.RO#1C, value =,,,,, timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:23:11 2008 [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libsmb/namecache.c:namecache_fetch(233) name OPEN.RO#1C found. [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 8] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1931) Adding 5 DC's from auto lookup [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:remove_duplicate_addrs2(520) remove_duplicate_addrs2: looking for duplicate address/port pairs [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(2047) get_dc_list: returning 5 ip addresses in an ordered list [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(2048) get_dc_list: [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 5] libads/ldap.c:ads_try_connect(186) ads_try_connect: sending CLDAP request to (realm: OPEN.RO) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libads/dns.c:sitename_store(798) sitename_store: realm = [OPEN.RO], sitename = [Otopeni-Office], expire = [2147483647] [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_set(131) Adding cache entry with key = AD_SITENAME/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO; value = Otopeni-Office and timeout = Tue Jan 19 05:14:07 2038 (926366516 seconds ahead) [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_connect(610) Successfully contacted LDAP server [2008/09/11 10:12:11, 10] libads/ldap.c:ldap_open_with_timeout(61) Opening connection to LDAP server 'vpn.open.ro:389', timeout 15 seconds [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/ldap.c:ldap_open_with_timeout(75) Connected to LDAP server 'vpn.open.ro:389' [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_connect(660) Connected to LDAP server vpn.open.ro [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/ldap.c:ads_closest_dc(154) ads_closest_dc: ADS_CLOSEST flag set [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:saf_store(75) saf_store: domain = [OFFICE], server = [], expire = [1221118032] [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_set(131) Adding cache entry with key = SAF/DOMAIN/OFFICE; value = and timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:27:12 2008 (900 seconds ahead) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:saf_store(75) saf_store: domain = [OPEN.RO], server = [], expire = [1221118032] [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_set(131) Adding cache entry with key = SAF/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO; value = and timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:27:12 2008 (900 seconds ahead) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 4] libads/ldap.c:ads_current_time(2762) time offset is 0 seconds [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 4] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_bind(1110) Found SASL mechanism GSS-SPNEGO [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(778) ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 2 840 48018 1 2 2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(778) ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(778) ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2 3 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(778) ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 3 6 1 4 1 311 2 2 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(787) ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got server principal name = vpn$@OPEN.RO [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/clikrb5.c:ads_krb5_mk_req(657) ads_krb5_mk_req: krb5_cc_get_principal failed (No credentials cache found) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(808) ads_sasl_spnego_krb5_bind failed with: No credentials cache found, calling kinit [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos.c:kerberos_kinit_password_ext(217) kerberos_kinit_password: as lucianm@OPEN.RO using [MEMORY:net_ads] as ccache and config [/var/lib/likewise-open/smb_krb5/krb5.conf.WORKGROUP] [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/clikrb5.c:ads_cleanup_expired_creds(592) ads_cleanup_expired_creds: Ticket in ccache[MEMORY:net_ads] expiration Thu, 11 Sep 2008 18:12:12 EEST [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/clikrb5.c:ads_krb5_mk_req(688) ads_krb5_mk_req: Ticket (vpn$@OPEN.RO) in ccache (MEMORY:net_ads) is valid until: (Thu, 11 Sep 2008 18:12:12 EEST - 1221145932) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/clikrb5.c:get_krb5_smb_session_key(799) Got KRB5 session key of length 16 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_del(157) Deleting cache entry (key = NBT/OPEN.RO#1C) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_del(157) Deleting cache entry (key = NBT/OFFICE#1C) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = AD_SITENAME/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO, value = Otopeni-Office, timeout = Tue Jan 19 05:14:07 2038 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/dns.c:sitename_fetch(837) sitename_fetch: Returning sitename for OPEN.RO: "Otopeni-Office" [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libads/ldap.c:ads_find_dc(309) ads_find_dc: looking for realm 'OPEN.RO' [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] libsmb/namequery.c:get_sorted_dc_list(2089) get_sorted_dc_list: attempting lookup for name OPEN.RO (sitename Otopeni-Office) using [ads] [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(208) Returning valid cache entry: key = SAF/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO, value =, timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:27:12 2008 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libsmb/namequery.c:saf_fetch(138) saf_fetch: Returning "" for "OPEN.RO" domain [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1910) get_dc_list: preferred server list: ", *" [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:internal_resolve_name(1447) internal_resolve_name: looking up OPEN.RO#1c (sitename Otopeni-Office) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_get(194) Cache entry with key = NBT/OPEN.RO#1C couldn't be found [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libsmb/namecache.c:namecache_fetch(229) no entry for OPEN.RO#1C found. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libsmb/namequery.c:resolve_ads(1341) resolve_ads: Attempting to resolve DCs for OPEN.RO using DNS [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 4] libads/dns.c:ads_dns_lookup_srv(452) ads_dns_lookup_srv: 3 records returned in the answer section. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/dns.c:ads_dns_parse_rr_srv(233) ads_dns_parse_rr_srv: Parsed opsmail.open.ro [0, 100, 389] [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/dns.c:ads_dns_parse_rr_srv(233) ads_dns_parse_rr_srv: Parsed dc2003.open.ro [0, 100, 389] [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/dns.c:ads_dns_parse_rr_srv(233) ads_dns_parse_rr_srv: Parsed vpn.open.ro [0, 100, 389] [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:remove_duplicate_addrs2(520) remove_duplicate_addrs2: looking for duplicate address/port pairs [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libsmb/namecache.c:namecache_store(143) namecache_store: storing 5 addresses for OPEN.RO#1c:,,,, [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_set(131) Adding cache entry with key = NBT/OPEN.RO#1C; value =,,,, and timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:23:12 2008 (660 seconds ahead) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:internal_resolve_name(1594) internal_resolve_name: returning 5 addresses: [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1931) Adding 5 DC's from auto lookup [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:remove_duplicate_addrs2(520) remove_duplicate_addrs2: looking for duplicate address/port pairs [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(2047) get_dc_list: returning 5 ip addresses in an ordered list [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(2048) get_dc_list: [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/ldap.c:ads_try_connect(186) ads_try_connect: sending CLDAP request to (realm: OPEN.RO) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/dns.c:sitename_store(798) sitename_store: realm = [OPEN.RO], sitename = [Otopeni-Office], expire = [2147483647] [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_set(131) Adding cache entry with key = AD_SITENAME/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO; value = Otopeni-Office and timeout = Tue Jan 19 05:14:07 2038 (926366515 seconds ahead) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_connect(610) Successfully contacted LDAP server [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/ldap.c:ldap_open_with_timeout(61) Opening connection to LDAP server 'vpn.open.ro:389', timeout 15 seconds [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/ldap.c:ldap_open_with_timeout(75) Connected to LDAP server 'vpn.open.ro:389' [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_connect(660) Connected to LDAP server vpn.open.ro [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/ldap.c:ads_closest_dc(154) ads_closest_dc: ADS_CLOSEST flag set [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:saf_store(75) saf_store: domain = [OFFICE], server = [], expire = [1221118032] [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_set(131) Adding cache entry with key = SAF/DOMAIN/OFFICE; value = and timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:27:12 2008 (900 seconds ahead) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:saf_store(75) saf_store: domain = [OPEN.RO], server = [], expire = [1221118032] [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_set(131) Adding cache entry with key = SAF/DOMAIN/OPEN.RO; value = and timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:27:12 2008 (900 seconds ahead) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 4] libads/ldap.c:ads_current_time(2762) time offset is 0 seconds [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 4] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_bind(1110) Found SASL mechanism GSS-SPNEGO [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(778) ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 2 840 48018 1 2 2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(778) ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(778) ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2 3 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(778) ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 3 6 1 4 1 311 2 2 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(787) ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got server principal name = vpn$@OPEN.RO [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/clikrb5.c:ads_cleanup_expired_creds(592) ads_cleanup_expired_creds: Ticket in ccache[MEMORY:net_ads] expiration Thu, 11 Sep 2008 18:12:12 EEST [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/clikrb5.c:ads_krb5_mk_req(688) ads_krb5_mk_req: Ticket (vpn$@OPEN.RO) in ccache (MEMORY:net_ads) is valid until: (Thu, 11 Sep 2008 18:12:12 EEST - 1221145932) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/clikrb5.c:get_krb5_smb_session_key(799) Got KRB5 session key of length 16 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_start_connection(1609) Connecting to host=vpn.open.ro [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] lib/util_sock.c:open_socket_out(1381) Connecting to at port 445 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_KEEPALIVE = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_REUSEADDR = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_BROADCAST = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option TCP_NODELAY = 1 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option TCP_KEEPCNT = 9 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option TCP_KEEPIDLE = 7200 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option TCP_KEEPINTVL = 75 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option IPTOS_LOWDELAY = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option IPTOS_THROUGHPUT = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_SNDBUF = 16384 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_RCVBUF = 87380 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_SNDLOWAT = 1 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_RCVLOWAT = 1 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_SNDTIMEO = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_RCVTIMEO = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,194) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,194) wrote 194 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217267080 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=169 smb_com=0x72 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=0 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=0 smb_mid=1 smt_wct=17 smb_vwv[ 0]= 9 (0x9) smb_vwv[ 1]=12803 (0x3203) smb_vwv[ 2]= 256 (0x100) smb_vwv[ 3]= 1024 (0x400) smb_vwv[ 4]= 65 (0x41) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 256 (0x100) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]=64768 (0xFD00) smb_vwv[10]= 243 (0xF3) smb_vwv[11]=45952 (0xB380) smb_vwv[12]=21536 (0x5420) smb_vwv[13]=56758 (0xDDB6) smb_vwv[14]=51475 (0xC913) smb_vwv[15]=19457 (0x4C01) smb_vwv[16]= 255 (0xFF) smb_bcc=100 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 81 B8 80 83 91 3E 00 4C B5 6A 38 61 EB 2F F7 7F .....>.L .j8a./.. [010] 60 52 06 06 2B 06 01 05 05 02 A0 48 30 46 A0 30 `R..+... ...H0F.0 [020] 30 2E 06 09 2A 86 48 82 F7 12 01 02 02 06 09 2A 0...*.H. .......* [030] 86 48 86 F7 12 01 02 02 06 0A 2A 86 48 86 F7 12 .H...... ..*.H... [040] 01 02 02 03 06 0A 2B 06 01 04 01 82 37 02 02 0A ......+. ....7... [050] A3 12 30 10 A0 0E 1B 0C 76 70 6E 24 40 4F 50 45 ..0..... vpn$@OPE [060] 4E 2E 52 4F N.RO [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=169 smb_com=0x72 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=0 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=0 smb_mid=1 smt_wct=17 smb_vwv[ 0]= 9 (0x9) smb_vwv[ 1]=12803 (0x3203) smb_vwv[ 2]= 256 (0x100) smb_vwv[ 3]= 1024 (0x400) smb_vwv[ 4]= 65 (0x41) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 256 (0x100) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]=64768 (0xFD00) smb_vwv[10]= 243 (0xF3) smb_vwv[11]=45952 (0xB380) smb_vwv[12]=21536 (0x5420) smb_vwv[13]=56758 (0xDDB6) smb_vwv[14]=51475 (0xC913) smb_vwv[15]=19457 (0x4C01) smb_vwv[16]= 255 (0xFF) smb_bcc=100 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 81 B8 80 83 91 3E 00 4C B5 6A 38 61 EB 2F F7 7F .....>.L .j8a./.. [010] 60 52 06 06 2B 06 01 05 05 02 A0 48 30 46 A0 30 `R..+... ...H0F.0 [020] 30 2E 06 09 2A 86 48 82 F7 12 01 02 02 06 09 2A 0...*.H. .......* [030] 86 48 86 F7 12 01 02 02 06 0A 2A 86 48 86 F7 12 .H...... ..*.H... [040] 01 02 02 03 06 0A 2B 06 01 04 01 82 37 02 02 0A ......+. ....7... [050] A3 12 30 10 A0 0E 1B 0C 76 70 6E 24 40 4F 50 45 ..0..... vpn$@OPE [060] 4E 2E 52 4F N.RO [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(792) Doing spnego session setup (blob length=100) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(817) got OID=1 2 840 48018 1 2 2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(817) got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(817) got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2 3 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(817) got OID=1 3 6 1 4 1 311 2 2 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(825) got principal=vpn$@OPEN.RO [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos.c:kerberos_kinit_password_ext(217) kerberos_kinit_password: as lucianm@OPEN.RO using [MEMORY:cliconnect] as ccache and config [/var/lib/likewise-open/smb_krb5/krb5.conf.WORKGROUP] [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 2] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_kerberos(612) Doing kerberos session setup [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/clikrb5.c:ads_cleanup_expired_creds(592) ads_cleanup_expired_creds: Ticket in ccache[MEMORY:cliconnect] expiration Thu, 11 Sep 2008 18:12:12 EEST [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/clikrb5.c:ads_krb5_mk_req(688) ads_krb5_mk_req: Ticket (vpn$@OPEN.RO) in ccache (MEMORY:cliconnect) is valid until: (Thu, 11 Sep 2008 18:12:12 EEST - 1221145932) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/clikrb5.c:get_krb5_smb_session_key(799) Got KRB5 session key of length 16 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_blob(571) cli_session_setup_blob: Remaining (0) sending (1248) current (1248) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,1334) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,1334) wrote 1334 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217266296 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=143 smb_com=0x73 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=0 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=2 smt_wct=4 smb_vwv[ 0]= 255 (0xFF) smb_vwv[ 1]= 143 (0x8F) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 26 (0x1A) smb_bcc=100 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] A1 18 30 16 A0 03 0A 01 00 A1 0B 06 09 2A 86 48 ..0..... .....*.H [010] 82 F7 12 01 02 02 A2 02 04 00 81 57 00 69 00 6E ........ ...W.i.n [020] 00 64 00 6F 00 77 00 73 00 20 00 35 00 2E 00 30 .d.o.w.s . .5...0 [030] 00 00 00 57 00 69 00 6E 00 64 00 6F 00 77 00 73 ...W.i.n .d.o.w.s [040] 00 20 00 32 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 20 00 4C 00 41 . .2.0.0 .0. .L.A [050] 00 4E 00 20 00 4D 00 61 00 6E 00 61 00 67 00 65 .N. .M.a .n.a.g.e [060] 00 72 00 00 .r.. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=143 smb_com=0x73 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=0 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=2 smt_wct=4 smb_vwv[ 0]= 255 (0xFF) smb_vwv[ 1]= 143 (0x8F) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 26 (0x1A) smb_bcc=100 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] A1 18 30 16 A0 03 0A 01 00 A1 0B 06 09 2A 86 48 ..0..... .....*.H [010] 82 F7 12 01 02 02 A2 02 04 00 81 57 00 69 00 6E ........ ...W.i.n [020] 00 64 00 6F 00 77 00 73 00 20 00 35 00 2E 00 30 .d.o.w.s . .5...0 [030] 00 00 00 57 00 69 00 6E 00 64 00 6F 00 77 00 73 ...W.i.n .d.o.w.s [040] 00 20 00 32 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 20 00 4C 00 41 . .2.0.0 .0. .L.A [050] 00 4E 00 20 00 4D 00 61 00 6E 00 61 00 67 00 65 .N. .M.a .n.a.g.e [060] 00 72 00 00 .r.. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,90) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,90) wrote 90 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217267048 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=56 smb_com=0x75 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=3 smt_wct=7 smb_vwv[ 0]= 255 (0xFF) smb_vwv[ 1]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 2]= 1 (0x1) smb_vwv[ 3]= 511 (0x1FF) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 511 (0x1FF) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=7 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 49 50 43 00 00 00 00 IPC.... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/clientgen.c:cli_init_creds(501) cli_init_creds: user lucianm@OPEN.RO domain WORKGROUP [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,104) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,104) wrote 104 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217267544 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=103 smb_com=0xa2 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=4 smt_wct=34 smb_vwv[ 0]= 255 (0xFF) smb_vwv[ 1]= 103 (0x67) smb_vwv[ 2]= 2304 (0x900) smb_vwv[ 3]= 320 (0x140) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[11]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[12]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[13]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[14]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[15]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[16]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[17]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[18]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[19]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[20]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[21]=32768 (0x8000) smb_vwv[22]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[23]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[24]= 16 (0x10) smb_vwv[25]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[26]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[27]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[28]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[29]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[30]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[31]= 512 (0x200) smb_vwv[32]=65280 (0xFF00) smb_vwv[33]= 5 (0x5) smb_bcc=0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_pipe_bind(2045) Bind RPC Pipe[4009]: \lsarpc auth_type 0, auth_level 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:valid_pipe_name(1648) Bind Abstract Syntax: [000] 78 57 34 12 34 12 CD AB EF 00 01 23 45 67 89 AB xW4.4... ...#Eg.. [010] 00 00 00 00 .... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:valid_pipe_name(1651) Bind Transfer Syntax: [000] 04 5D 88 8A EB 1C C9 11 9F E8 08 00 2B 10 48 60 .]...... ....+.H` [010] 02 00 00 00 .... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 0b [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0048 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_rb [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_bba [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0010 max_tsize: 10b8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0012 max_rsize: 10b8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0014 assoc_gid: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0018 num_contexts: 01 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 001c context_id : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 001e num_transfer_syntaxes: 01 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 00001f smb_io_rpc_iface [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000020 smb_io_uuid uuid [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0020 data : 12345778 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0024 data : 1234 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0026 data : abcd [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 0028 data : ef 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 002a data : 01 23 45 67 89 ab [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0030 version: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000034 smb_io_rpc_iface [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000034 smb_io_uuid uuid [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0034 data : 8a885d04 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0038 data : 1ceb [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 003a data : 11c9 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 003c data : 9f e8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 003e data : 08 00 2b 10 48 60 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0044 version: 00000002 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(769) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \lsarpc fnum 0x4009 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=154 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=8 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=5 smt_wct=16 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 72 (0x48) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 4280 (0x10B8) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[11]= 72 (0x48) smb_vwv[12]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[13]= 2 (0x2) smb_vwv[14]= 38 (0x26) smb_vwv[15]=16393 (0x4009) smb_bcc=87 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 5C 00 50 00 49 00 50 00 45 00 5C 00 00 00 05 .\.P.I.P .E.\.... [010] 00 0B 03 10 00 00 00 48 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 B8 .......H ........ [020] 10 B8 10 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 78 ........ .......x [030] 57 34 12 34 12 CD AB EF 00 01 23 45 67 89 AB 00 W4.4.... ..#Eg... [040] 00 00 00 04 5D 88 8A EB 1C C9 11 9F E8 08 00 2B ....]... .......+ [050] 10 48 60 02 00 00 00 .H`.... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,158) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,158) wrote 158 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217266536 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=124 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=5 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 68 (0x44) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 68 (0x44) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=69 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 0C 03 10 00 00 00 44 00 00 00 01 00 00 ........ .D...... [010] 00 B8 10 B8 10 42 AC 09 00 0C 00 5C 50 49 50 45 .....B.. ...\PIPE [020] 5C 6C 73 61 73 73 00 19 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 \lsass.. ........ [030] 00 04 5D 88 8A EB 1C C9 11 9F E8 08 00 2B 10 48 ..]..... .....+.H [040] 60 02 00 00 00 `.... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=124 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=5 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 68 (0x44) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 68 (0x44) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=69 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 0C 03 10 00 00 00 44 00 00 00 01 00 00 ........ .D...... [010] 00 B8 10 B8 10 42 AC 09 00 0C 00 5C 50 49 50 45 .....B.. ...\PIPE [020] 5C 6C 73 61 73 73 00 19 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 \lsass.. ........ [030] 00 04 5D 88 8A EB 1C C9 11 9F E8 08 00 2B 10 48 ..]..... .....+.H [040] 60 02 00 00 00 `.... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr rpc_hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 0c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0044 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(842) rpc_api_pipe: got PDU len of 68 at offset 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(893) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \lsarpc fnum 0x4009 returned 68 bytes. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_pipe_bind(2082) rpc_pipe_bind: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \lsarpc fnum 0x4009 bind request returned ok. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 0c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0044 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_ba [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_bba [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0010 max_tsize: 10b8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0012 max_rsize: 10b8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0014 assoc_gid: 0009ac42 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000018 smb_io_rpc_addr_str [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0018 len: 000c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 001a str: \PIPE\lsass. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000026 smb_io_rpc_results [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0028 num_results: 01 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 002c result : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 002e reason : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000030 smb_io_rpc_iface [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000030 smb_io_uuid uuid [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0030 data : 8a885d04 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0034 data : 1ceb [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0036 data : 11c9 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 0038 data : 9f e8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 003a data : 08 00 2b 10 48 60 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0040 version: 00000002 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:check_bind_response(1702) check_bind_response: accepted! [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:cli_rpc_pipe_open_noauth(2278) cli_rpc_pipe_open_noauth: opened pipe \lsarpc to machine vpn.open.ro and bound anonymously. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_lsa.c:init_lsa_sec_qos(184) init_lsa_sec_qos [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_lsa.c:init_q_open_pol(303) init_open_pol: attr:0 da:33554432 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_lsa.c:init_lsa_obj_attr(235) init_lsa_obj_attr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 lsa_io_q_open_pol [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0000 ptr : 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0004 system_name: 005c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000008 lsa_io_obj_attr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0008 len : 00000018 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c ptr_root_dir: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 ptr_obj_name: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0014 attributes : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0018 ptr_sec_desc: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 001c ptr_sec_qos : 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000020 lsa_io_obj_qos sec_qos [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0020 len : 0000000c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0024 sec_imp_level : 0002 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0026 sec_ctxt_mode : 01 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0027 effective_only: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] rpc_parse/parse_lsa.c:lsa_io_sec_qos(223) lsa_io_sec_qos: length c does not match size 8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0028 des_access: 02000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0044 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000002 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_req hdr_req [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 0000002c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0016 opnum : 0006 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(769) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \lsarpc fnum 0x4009 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=150 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=8 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=6 smt_wct=16 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 68 (0x44) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 4280 (0x10B8) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[11]= 68 (0x44) smb_vwv[12]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[13]= 2 (0x2) smb_vwv[14]= 38 (0x26) smb_vwv[15]=16393 (0x4009) smb_bcc=83 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 5C 00 50 00 49 00 50 00 45 00 5C 00 00 00 05 .\.P.I.P .E.\.... [010] 00 00 03 10 00 00 00 44 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 2C .......D ......., [020] 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 01 00 00 00 5C 00 00 00 18 ........ ...\.... [030] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [040] 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 02 00 01 00 00 ........ ........ [050] 00 00 02 ... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,154) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,154) wrote 154 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217266792 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=104 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=6 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=49 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 02 00 00 ........ .0...... [010] 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 D9 60 ........ .....F.` [020] C9 D6 A6 22 4F 93 2A 6B 34 9A DD 59 68 00 00 00 ..."O.*k 4..Yh... [030] 00 . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=104 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=6 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=49 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 02 00 00 ........ .0...... [010] 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 D9 60 ........ .....F.` [020] C9 D6 A6 22 4F 93 2A 6B 34 9A DD 59 68 00 00 00 ..."O.*k 4..Yh... [030] 00 . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr rpc_hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 02 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0030 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000002 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_resp rpc_hdr_resp [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 00000018 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0016 cancel_ct : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0017 reserved : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu(576) cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: got pdu len 48, data_len 24, ss_len 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(842) rpc_api_pipe: got PDU len of 48 at offset 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(893) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \lsarpc fnum 0x4009 returned 48 bytes. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 lsa_io_r_open_pol [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_pol_hnd [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0000 handle_type: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000004 smb_io_uuid uuid [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0004 data : c960d946 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 data : a6d6 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a data : 4f22 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 000c data : 93 2a [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 000e data : 6b 34 9a dd 59 68 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_ntstatus(777) 0014 status: NT_STATUS_OK [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_lsa.c:init_q_query(487) init_q_query [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 lsa_io_q_query [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_pol_hnd [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0000 handle_type: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000004 smb_io_uuid uuid [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0004 data : c960d946 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 data : a6d6 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a data : 4f22 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 000c data : 93 2a [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 000e data : 6b 34 9a dd 59 68 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 info_class: 0005 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 002e [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000003 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_req hdr_req [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 00000016 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0016 opnum : 0007 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(769) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \lsarpc fnum 0x4009 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=128 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=8 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=7 smt_wct=16 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 46 (0x2E) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 4280 (0x10B8) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[11]= 46 (0x2E) smb_vwv[12]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[13]= 2 (0x2) smb_vwv[14]= 38 (0x26) smb_vwv[15]=16393 (0x4009) smb_bcc=61 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 5C 00 50 00 49 00 50 00 45 00 5C 00 00 00 05 .\.P.I.P .E.\.... [010] 00 00 03 10 00 00 00 2E 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 16 ........ ........ [020] 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 46 D9 60 C9 D6 ........ ...F.`.. [030] A6 22 4F 93 2A 6B 34 9A DD 59 68 05 00 ."O.*k4. .Yh.. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,132) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,132) wrote 132 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217266648 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=156 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=7 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 100 (0x64) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 100 (0x64) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=101 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 03 00 00 ........ .d...... [010] 00 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A0 B8 70 0C 05 00 00 .L...... ...p.... [020] 00 0C 00 0E 00 08 67 76 0C E0 34 B3 02 07 00 00 ......gv ..4..... [030] 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 4F 00 46 00 46 00 49 ........ .O.F.F.I [040] 00 43 00 45 00 04 00 00 00 01 04 00 00 00 00 00 .C.E.... ........ [050] 05 15 00 00 00 89 59 70 79 4D 75 52 1E F9 75 09 ......Yp yMuR..u. [060] 07 00 00 00 00 ..... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=156 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=7 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 100 (0x64) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 100 (0x64) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=101 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 03 00 00 ........ .d...... [010] 00 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A0 B8 70 0C 05 00 00 .L...... ...p.... [020] 00 0C 00 0E 00 08 67 76 0C E0 34 B3 02 07 00 00 ......gv ..4..... [030] 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 4F 00 46 00 46 00 49 ........ .O.F.F.I [040] 00 43 00 45 00 04 00 00 00 01 04 00 00 00 00 00 .C.E.... ........ [050] 05 15 00 00 00 89 59 70 79 4D 75 52 1E F9 75 09 ......Yp yMuR..u. [060] 07 00 00 00 00 ..... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr rpc_hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 02 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0064 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000003 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_resp rpc_hdr_resp [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 0000004c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0016 cancel_ct : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0017 reserved : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu(576) cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: got pdu len 100, data_len 76, ss_len 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(842) rpc_api_pipe: got PDU len of 100 at offset 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(893) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \lsarpc fnum 0x4009 returned 152 bytes. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 lsa_io_r_query [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0000 dom_ptr: 0c70b8a0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000004 lsa_io_query_info_ctr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0004 info_class: 0005 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000008 lsa_io_dom_query_3 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 uni_dom_max_len: 000c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a uni_dom_str_len: 000e [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c buffer_dom_name: 0c766708 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 buffer_dom_sid : 02b334e0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000014 smb_io_unistr2 unistr2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0014 uni_max_len: 00000007 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0018 offset : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 001c uni_str_len: 00000006 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:dbg_rw_punival(950) 0020 buffer : O.F.F.I.C.E. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 00002c smb_io_dom_sid2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 002c num_auths: 00000004 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 9] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000030 smb_io_dom_sid sid [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0030 sid_rev_num: 01 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0031 num_auths : 04 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0032 id_auth[0] : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0033 id_auth[1] : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0034 id_auth[2] : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0035 id_auth[3] : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0036 id_auth[4] : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0037 id_auth[5] : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32s(1005) 0038 sub_auths : 00000015 79705989 1e52754d 070975f9 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_ntstatus(777) 0048 status: NT_STATUS_OK lsa_Close: struct lsa_Close in: struct lsa_Close handle : * handle: struct policy_handle handle_type : 0x00000000 (0) uuid : c960d946-a6d6-4f22-932a-6b349add5968 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 002c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000004 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_req hdr_req [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 00000014 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0016 opnum : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(769) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \lsarpc fnum 0x4009 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=126 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=8 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=8 smt_wct=16 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 44 (0x2C) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 4280 (0x10B8) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[11]= 44 (0x2C) smb_vwv[12]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[13]= 2 (0x2) smb_vwv[14]= 38 (0x26) smb_vwv[15]=16393 (0x4009) smb_bcc=59 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 5C 00 50 00 49 00 50 00 45 00 5C 00 00 00 05 .\.P.I.P .E.\.... [010] 00 00 03 10 00 00 00 2C 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 14 ......., ........ [020] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 D9 60 C9 D6 ........ ...F.`.. [030] A6 22 4F 93 2A 6B 34 9A DD 59 68 ."O.*k4. .Yh [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,130) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,130) wrote 130 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217266728 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=104 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=8 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=49 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 04 00 00 ........ .0...... [010] 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [020] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [030] 00 . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=104 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=8 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=49 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 04 00 00 ........ .0...... [010] 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [020] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [030] 00 . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr rpc_hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 02 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0030 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000004 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_resp rpc_hdr_resp [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 00000018 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0016 cancel_ct : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0017 reserved : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu(576) cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: got pdu len 48, data_len 24, ss_len 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(842) rpc_api_pipe: got PDU len of 48 at offset 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(893) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \lsarpc fnum 0x4009 returned 48 bytes. lsa_Close: struct lsa_Close out: struct lsa_Close handle : * handle: struct policy_handle handle_type : 0x00000000 (0) uuid : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 result : NT_STATUS_OK [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,45) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,45) wrote 45 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217267672 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=35 smb_com=0x4 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=9 smt_wct=0 smb_bcc=0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/clientgen.c:cli_rpc_pipe_close(654) cli_rpc_pipe_close: closed pipe \lsarpc to machine vpn.open.ro [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:saf_store(75) saf_store: domain = [OFFICE], server = [vpn.open.ro], expire = [1221118032] [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_set(131) Adding cache entry with key = SAF/DOMAIN/OFFICE; value = vpn.open.ro and timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:27:12 2008 (900 seconds ahead) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,100) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,100) wrote 100 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217265752 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=103 smb_com=0xa2 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=10 smt_wct=34 smb_vwv[ 0]= 255 (0xFF) smb_vwv[ 1]= 103 (0x67) smb_vwv[ 2]= 2560 (0xA00) smb_vwv[ 3]= 320 (0x140) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[11]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[12]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[13]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[14]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[15]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[16]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[17]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[18]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[19]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[20]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[21]=32768 (0x8000) smb_vwv[22]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[23]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[24]= 16 (0x10) smb_vwv[25]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[26]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[27]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[28]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[29]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[30]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[31]= 512 (0x200) smb_vwv[32]=65280 (0xFF00) smb_vwv[33]= 5 (0x5) smb_bcc=0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_pipe_bind(2045) Bind RPC Pipe[400a]: \samr auth_type 0, auth_level 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:valid_pipe_name(1648) Bind Abstract Syntax: [000] 78 57 34 12 34 12 CD AB EF 00 01 23 45 67 89 AC xW4.4... ...#Eg.. [010] 01 00 00 00 .... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:valid_pipe_name(1651) Bind Transfer Syntax: [000] 04 5D 88 8A EB 1C C9 11 9F E8 08 00 2B 10 48 60 .]...... ....+.H` [010] 02 00 00 00 .... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 0b [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0048 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000005 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_rb [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_bba [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0010 max_tsize: 10b8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0012 max_rsize: 10b8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0014 assoc_gid: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0018 num_contexts: 01 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 001c context_id : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 001e num_transfer_syntaxes: 01 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 00001f smb_io_rpc_iface [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000020 smb_io_uuid uuid [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0020 data : 12345778 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0024 data : 1234 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0026 data : abcd [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 0028 data : ef 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 002a data : 01 23 45 67 89 ac [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0030 version: 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000034 smb_io_rpc_iface [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000034 smb_io_uuid uuid [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0034 data : 8a885d04 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0038 data : 1ceb [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 003a data : 11c9 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 003c data : 9f e8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 003e data : 08 00 2b 10 48 60 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0044 version: 00000002 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(769) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \samr fnum 0x400a [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=154 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=8 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=11 smt_wct=16 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 72 (0x48) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 4280 (0x10B8) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[11]= 72 (0x48) smb_vwv[12]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[13]= 2 (0x2) smb_vwv[14]= 38 (0x26) smb_vwv[15]=16394 (0x400A) smb_bcc=87 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 5C 00 50 00 49 00 50 00 45 00 5C 00 00 00 05 .\.P.I.P .E.\.... [010] 00 0B 03 10 00 00 00 48 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 B8 .......H ........ [020] 10 B8 10 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 78 ........ .......x [030] 57 34 12 34 12 CD AB EF 00 01 23 45 67 89 AC 01 W4.4.... ..#Eg... [040] 00 00 00 04 5D 88 8A EB 1C C9 11 9F E8 08 00 2B ....]... .......+ [050] 10 48 60 02 00 00 00 .H`.... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,158) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,158) wrote 158 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217264744 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=124 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=11 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 68 (0x44) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 68 (0x44) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=69 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 0C 03 10 00 00 00 44 00 00 00 05 00 00 ........ .D...... [010] 00 B8 10 B8 10 43 AC 09 00 0C 00 5C 50 49 50 45 .....C.. ...\PIPE [020] 5C 6C 73 61 73 73 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 \lsass.. ........ [030] 00 04 5D 88 8A EB 1C C9 11 9F E8 08 00 2B 10 48 ..]..... .....+.H [040] 60 02 00 00 00 `.... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=124 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=11 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 68 (0x44) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 68 (0x44) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=69 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 0C 03 10 00 00 00 44 00 00 00 05 00 00 ........ .D...... [010] 00 B8 10 B8 10 43 AC 09 00 0C 00 5C 50 49 50 45 .....C.. ...\PIPE [020] 5C 6C 73 61 73 73 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 \lsass.. ........ [030] 00 04 5D 88 8A EB 1C C9 11 9F E8 08 00 2B 10 48 ..]..... .....+.H [040] 60 02 00 00 00 `.... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr rpc_hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 0c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0044 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000005 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(842) rpc_api_pipe: got PDU len of 68 at offset 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(893) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \samr fnum 0x400a returned 68 bytes. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_pipe_bind(2082) rpc_pipe_bind: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \samr fnum 0x400a bind request returned ok. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 0c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0044 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000005 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_ba [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_bba [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0010 max_tsize: 10b8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0012 max_rsize: 10b8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0014 assoc_gid: 0009ac43 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000018 smb_io_rpc_addr_str [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0018 len: 000c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 001a str: \PIPE\lsass. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000026 smb_io_rpc_results [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0028 num_results: 01 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 002c result : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 002e reason : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000030 smb_io_rpc_iface [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000030 smb_io_uuid uuid [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0030 data : 8a885d04 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0034 data : 1ceb [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0036 data : 11c9 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 0038 data : 9f e8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 003a data : 08 00 2b 10 48 60 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0040 version: 00000002 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:check_bind_response(1702) check_bind_response: accepted! [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:cli_rpc_pipe_open_noauth(2278) cli_rpc_pipe_open_noauth: opened pipe \samr to machine vpn.open.ro and bound anonymously. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_samr.c:rpccli_samr_connect(35) cli_samr_connect to vpn.open.ro [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_samr.c:init_samr_q_connect(5933) init_samr_q_connect [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 samr_io_q_connect [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0000 ptr_srv_name: 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000004 smb_io_unistr2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0004 uni_max_len: 0000000c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0008 offset : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c uni_str_len: 0000000c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:dbg_rw_punival(950) 0010 buffer : v.p.n...o.p.e.n...r.o... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0028 access_mask: 02000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0044 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000006 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_req hdr_req [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 0000002c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0016 opnum : 0039 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(769) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \samr fnum 0x400a [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=150 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=8 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=12 smt_wct=16 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 68 (0x44) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 4280 (0x10B8) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[11]= 68 (0x44) smb_vwv[12]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[13]= 2 (0x2) smb_vwv[14]= 38 (0x26) smb_vwv[15]=16394 (0x400A) smb_bcc=83 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 5C 00 50 00 49 00 50 00 45 00 5C 00 00 00 05 .\.P.I.P .E.\.... [010] 00 00 03 10 00 00 00 44 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 2C .......D ......., [020] 00 00 00 00 00 39 00 01 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 00 .....9.. ........ [030] 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 76 00 70 00 6E 00 2E 00 6F .......v .p.n...o [040] 00 70 00 65 00 6E 00 2E 00 72 00 6F 00 00 00 00 .p.e.n.. .r.o.... [050] 00 00 02 ... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,154) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,154) wrote 154 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217265016 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=104 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=12 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=49 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 06 00 00 ........ .0...... [010] 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C D2 79 ........ .....l.y [020] E9 66 62 7C 42 B0 48 FF 48 5C 03 D8 03 00 00 00 .fb|B.H. H\...... [030] 00 . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=104 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=12 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=49 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 06 00 00 ........ .0...... [010] 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C D2 79 ........ .....l.y [020] E9 66 62 7C 42 B0 48 FF 48 5C 03 D8 03 00 00 00 .fb|B.H. H\...... [030] 00 . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr rpc_hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 02 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0030 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000006 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_resp rpc_hdr_resp [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 00000018 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0016 cancel_ct : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0017 reserved : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu(576) cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: got pdu len 48, data_len 24, ss_len 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(842) rpc_api_pipe: got PDU len of 48 at offset 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(893) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \samr fnum 0x400a returned 48 bytes. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 samr_io_r_connect [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_pol_hnd connect_pol [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0000 handle_type: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000004 smb_io_uuid uuid [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0004 data : e979d26c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 data : 6266 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a data : 427c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 000c data : b0 48 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 000e data : ff 48 5c 03 d8 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_ntstatus(777) 0014 status: NT_STATUS_OK samr_OpenDomain: struct samr_OpenDomain in: struct samr_OpenDomain connect_handle : * connect_handle: struct policy_handle handle_type : 0x00000000 (0) uuid : e979d26c-6266-427c-b048-ff485c03d803 access_mask : 0x02000000 (33554432) 0: SAMR_DOMAIN_ACCESS_LOOKUP_INFO_1 0: SAMR_DOMAIN_ACCESS_SET_INFO_1 0: SAMR_DOMAIN_ACCESS_LOOKUP_INFO_2 0: SAMR_DOMAIN_ACCESS_SET_INFO_2 0: SAMR_DOMAIN_ACCESS_CREATE_USER 0: SAMR_DOMAIN_ACCESS_CREATE_GROUP 0: SAMR_DOMAIN_ACCESS_CREATE_ALIAS 0: SAMR_DOMAIN_ACCESS_LOOKUP_ALIAS 0: SAMR_DOMAIN_ACCESS_ENUM_ACCOUNTS 0: SAMR_DOMAIN_ACCESS_OPEN_ACCOUNT 0: SAMR_DOMAIN_ACCESS_SET_INFO_3 sid : * sid : S-1-5-21-2037406089-508720461-118060537 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 004c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000007 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_req hdr_req [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 00000034 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0016 opnum : 0007 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(769) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \samr fnum 0x400a [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=158 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=8 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=13 smt_wct=16 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 76 (0x4C) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 4280 (0x10B8) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[11]= 76 (0x4C) smb_vwv[12]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[13]= 2 (0x2) smb_vwv[14]= 38 (0x26) smb_vwv[15]=16394 (0x400A) smb_bcc=91 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 5C 00 50 00 49 00 50 00 45 00 5C 00 00 00 05 .\.P.I.P .E.\.... [010] 00 00 03 10 00 00 00 4C 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 34 .......L .......4 [020] 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 6C D2 79 E9 66 ........ ...l.y.f [030] 62 7C 42 B0 48 FF 48 5C 03 D8 03 00 00 00 02 04 b|B.H.H\ ........ [040] 00 00 00 01 04 00 00 00 00 00 05 15 00 00 00 89 ........ ........ [050] 59 70 79 4D 75 52 1E F9 75 09 07 YpyMuR.. u.. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,162) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,162) wrote 162 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217264920 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=104 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=13 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=49 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 07 00 00 ........ .0...... [010] 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C5 F0 F3 ........ ........ [020] 24 2E 2B 2E 45 B0 92 08 9E E0 DA 77 E8 00 00 00 $.+.E... ...w.... [030] 00 . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=104 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=13 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=49 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 07 00 00 ........ .0...... [010] 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C5 F0 F3 ........ ........ [020] 24 2E 2B 2E 45 B0 92 08 9E E0 DA 77 E8 00 00 00 $.+.E... ...w.... [030] 00 . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr rpc_hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 02 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0030 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000007 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_resp rpc_hdr_resp [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 00000018 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0016 cancel_ct : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0017 reserved : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu(576) cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: got pdu len 48, data_len 24, ss_len 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(842) rpc_api_pipe: got PDU len of 48 at offset 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(893) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \samr fnum 0x400a returned 48 bytes. samr_OpenDomain: struct samr_OpenDomain out: struct samr_OpenDomain domain_handle : * domain_handle: struct policy_handle handle_type : 0x00000000 (0) uuid : 24f3f0c5-2b2e-452e-b092-089ee0da77e8 result : NT_STATUS_OK [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] utils/net_domain.c:netdom_join_domain(272) Creating account with flags: -536543056 samr_CreateUser2: struct samr_CreateUser2 in: struct samr_CreateUser2 domain_handle : * domain_handle: struct policy_handle handle_type : 0x00000000 (0) uuid : 24f3f0c5-2b2e-452e-b092-089ee0da77e8 account_name : * account_name: struct lsa_String length : 0x0012 (18) size : 0x0012 (18) string : * string : 'lucianmo$' acct_flags : 0x00000080 (128) 0: ACB_DISABLED 0: ACB_HOMDIRREQ 0: ACB_PWNOTREQ 0: ACB_TEMPDUP 0: ACB_NORMAL 0: ACB_MNS 0: ACB_DOMTRUST 1: ACB_WSTRUST 0: ACB_SVRTRUST 0: ACB_PWNOEXP 0: ACB_AUTOLOCK 0: ACB_ENC_TXT_PWD_ALLOWED 0: ACB_SMARTCARD_REQUIRED 0: ACB_TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION 0: ACB_NOT_DELEGATED 0: ACB_USE_DES_KEY_ONLY 0: ACB_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH 0: ACB_PW_EXPIRED 0: ACB_NO_AUTH_DATA_REQD access_mask : 0xe00500b0 (3758424240) 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_GET_NAME_ETC 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_GET_LOCALE 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_SET_LOC_COM 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_GET_LOGONINFO 1: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_GET_ATTRIBUTES 1: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_SET_ATTRIBUTES 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_CHANGE_PASSWORD 1: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_SET_PASSWORD 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_GET_GROUPS 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_GET_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_CHANGE_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 005c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000008 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_req hdr_req [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 00000044 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0016 opnum : 0032 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(769) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \samr fnum 0x400a [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=174 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=8 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=14 smt_wct=16 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 92 (0x5C) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 4280 (0x10B8) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[11]= 92 (0x5C) smb_vwv[12]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[13]= 2 (0x2) smb_vwv[14]= 38 (0x26) smb_vwv[15]=16394 (0x400A) smb_bcc=107 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 5C 00 50 00 49 00 50 00 45 00 5C 00 00 00 05 .\.P.I.P .E.\.... [010] 00 00 03 10 00 00 00 5C 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 44 .......\ .......D [020] 00 00 00 00 00 32 00 00 00 00 00 C5 F0 F3 24 2E .....2.. ......$. [030] 2B 2E 45 B0 92 08 9E E0 DA 77 E8 12 00 12 00 00 +.E..... .w...... [040] 00 02 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 6C ........ .......l [050] 00 75 00 63 00 69 00 61 00 6E 00 6D 00 6F 00 24 .u.c.i.a .n.m.o.$ [060] 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 B0 00 05 E0 ........ ... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,178) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,178) wrote 178 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217264920 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=112 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=14 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=57 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 38 00 00 00 08 00 00 ........ .8...... [010] 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 . ...... ........ [020] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [030] 00 00 00 00 00 63 00 00 C0 .....c.. . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=112 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=14 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=57 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 38 00 00 00 08 00 00 ........ .8...... [010] 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 . ...... ........ [020] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [030] 00 00 00 00 00 63 00 00 C0 .....c.. . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr rpc_hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 02 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0038 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000008 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_resp rpc_hdr_resp [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 00000020 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0016 cancel_ct : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0017 reserved : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu(576) cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: got pdu len 56, data_len 32, ss_len 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(842) rpc_api_pipe: got PDU len of 56 at offset 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(893) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \samr fnum 0x400a returned 64 bytes. samr_CreateUser2: struct samr_CreateUser2 out: struct samr_CreateUser2 user_handle : * user_handle: struct policy_handle handle_type : 0x00000000 (0) uuid : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 access_granted : * access_granted : 0x00000000 (0) rid : * rid : 0x00000000 (0) result : NT_STATUS_USER_EXISTS [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_samr.c:rpccli_samr_lookup_names(1221) cli_samr_lookup_names [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_samr.c:init_samr_q_lookup_names(3942) init_samr_q_lookup_names [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 samr_io_q_lookup_names [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_pol_hnd pol [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0000 handle_type: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000004 smb_io_uuid uuid [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0004 data : 24f3f0c5 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 data : 2b2e [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a data : 452e [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 000c data : b0 92 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 000e data : 08 9e e0 da 77 e8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0014 num_names1: 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0018 flags : 000003e8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 001c ptr : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0020 num_names2: 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000024 smb_io_unihdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0024 uni_str_len: 0012 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0026 uni_max_len: 0012 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0028 buffer : 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 00002c smb_io_unistr2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 002c uni_max_len: 00000009 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0030 offset : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0034 uni_str_len: 00000009 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:dbg_rw_punival(950) 0038 buffer : l.u.c.i.a.n.m.o.$. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0062 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000009 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_req hdr_req [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 0000004a [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0016 opnum : 0011 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(769) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \samr fnum 0x400a [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=180 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=8 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=15 smt_wct=16 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 98 (0x62) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 4280 (0x10B8) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[11]= 98 (0x62) smb_vwv[12]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[13]= 2 (0x2) smb_vwv[14]= 38 (0x26) smb_vwv[15]=16394 (0x400A) smb_bcc=113 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 5C 00 50 00 49 00 50 00 45 00 5C 00 00 00 05 .\.P.I.P .E.\.... [010] 00 00 03 10 00 00 00 62 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 4A .......b .......J [020] 00 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 00 00 C5 F0 F3 24 2E ........ ......$. [030] 2B 2E 45 B0 92 08 9E E0 DA 77 E8 01 00 00 00 E8 +.E..... .w...... [040] 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 12 00 12 00 01 ........ ........ [050] 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 6C ........ .......l [060] 00 75 00 63 00 69 00 61 00 6E 00 6D 00 6F 00 24 .u.c.i.a .n.m.o.$ [070] 00 . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,184) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,184) wrote 184 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217264952 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=116 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=15 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 60 (0x3C) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 60 (0x3C) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=61 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 3C 00 00 00 09 00 00 ........ .<...... [010] 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 F8 4B 10 .$...... ......K. [020] 00 01 00 00 00 DA 15 00 00 01 00 00 00 F0 58 12 ........ ......X. [030] 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ..... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=116 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=15 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 60 (0x3C) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 60 (0x3C) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=61 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 3C 00 00 00 09 00 00 ........ .<...... [010] 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 F8 4B 10 .$...... ......K. [020] 00 01 00 00 00 DA 15 00 00 01 00 00 00 F0 58 12 ........ ......X. [030] 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ..... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr rpc_hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 02 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 003c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000009 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_resp rpc_hdr_resp [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 00000024 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0016 cancel_ct : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0017 reserved : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu(576) cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: got pdu len 60, data_len 36, ss_len 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(842) rpc_api_pipe: got PDU len of 60 at offset 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(893) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \samr fnum 0x400a returned 72 bytes. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 samr_io_r_lookup_names [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0000 num_rids1: 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0004 ptr_rids : 00104bf8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0008 num_rids2: 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c rid[00] : 000015da [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 num_types1: 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0014 ptr_types : 001258f0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0018 num_types2: 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 001c type[00] : 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_ntstatus(777) 0020 status: NT_STATUS_OK samr_OpenUser: struct samr_OpenUser in: struct samr_OpenUser domain_handle : * domain_handle: struct policy_handle handle_type : 0x00000000 (0) uuid : 24f3f0c5-2b2e-452e-b092-089ee0da77e8 access_mask : 0x02000000 (33554432) 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_GET_NAME_ETC 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_GET_LOCALE 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_SET_LOC_COM 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_GET_LOGONINFO 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_GET_ATTRIBUTES 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_SET_ATTRIBUTES 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_CHANGE_PASSWORD 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_SET_PASSWORD 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_GET_GROUPS 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_GET_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP 0: SAMR_USER_ACCESS_CHANGE_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP rid : 0x000015da (5594) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0034 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 0000000a [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_req hdr_req [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 0000001c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0016 opnum : 0022 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(769) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \samr fnum 0x400a [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=134 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=8 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=16 smt_wct=16 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 52 (0x34) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 4280 (0x10B8) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[11]= 52 (0x34) smb_vwv[12]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[13]= 2 (0x2) smb_vwv[14]= 38 (0x26) smb_vwv[15]=16394 (0x400A) smb_bcc=67 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 5C 00 50 00 49 00 50 00 45 00 5C 00 00 00 05 .\.P.I.P .E.\.... [010] 00 00 03 10 00 00 00 34 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 1C .......4 ........ [020] 00 00 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 00 00 C5 F0 F3 24 2E .....".. ......$. [030] 2B 2E 45 B0 92 08 9E E0 DA 77 E8 00 00 00 02 DA +.E..... .w...... [040] 15 00 00 ... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,138) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,138) wrote 138 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217264920 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=104 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=16 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=49 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 0A 00 00 ........ .0...... [010] 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7D A3 06 ........ .....}.. [020] D3 66 9A FE 4F 9E 52 00 27 17 0B 69 9B 00 00 00 .f..O.R. '..i.... [030] 00 . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=104 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=16 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=49 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 0A 00 00 ........ .0...... [010] 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7D A3 06 ........ .....}.. [020] D3 66 9A FE 4F 9E 52 00 27 17 0B 69 9B 00 00 00 .f..O.R. '..i.... [030] 00 . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr rpc_hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 02 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0030 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 0000000a [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_resp rpc_hdr_resp [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 00000018 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0016 cancel_ct : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0017 reserved : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu(576) cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: got pdu len 48, data_len 24, ss_len 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(842) rpc_api_pipe: got PDU len of 48 at offset 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(893) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \samr fnum 0x400a returned 48 bytes. samr_OpenUser: struct samr_OpenUser out: struct samr_OpenUser user_handle : * user_handle: struct policy_handle handle_type : 0x00000000 (0) uuid : d306a37d-9a66-4ffe-9e52-0027170b699b result : NT_STATUS_OK [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_samr.c:rpccli_samr_set_userinfo2(1331) cli_samr_set_userinfo2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_samr.c:init_samr_q_set_userinfo2(5847) init_samr_q_set_userinfo2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 samr_io_q_set_userinfo2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_pol_hnd pol [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0000 handle_type: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000004 smb_io_uuid uuid [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0004 data : d306a37d [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 data : 9a66 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a data : 4ffe [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 000c data : 9e 52 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 000e data : 00 27 17 0b 69 9b [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 switch_value: 0019 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000016 samr_io_userinfo_ctr ctr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0016 switch_value: 0019 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000018 sam_io_user_info25 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000018 smb_io_time logon_time [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0018 low : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 001c high: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000020 smb_io_time logoff_time [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0020 low : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0024 high: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000028 smb_io_time kickoff_time [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0028 low : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 002c high: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000030 smb_io_time pass_last_set_time [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0030 low : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0034 high: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000038 smb_io_time pass_can_change_time [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0038 low : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 003c high: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000040 smb_io_time pass_must_change_time [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0040 low : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0044 high: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000048 smb_io_unihdr hdr_user_name [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0048 uni_str_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 004a uni_max_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 004c buffer : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000050 smb_io_unihdr hdr_full_name [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0050 uni_str_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0052 uni_max_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0054 buffer : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000058 smb_io_unihdr hdr_home_dir [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0058 uni_str_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 005a uni_max_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 005c buffer : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000060 smb_io_unihdr hdr_dir_drive [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0060 uni_str_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0062 uni_max_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0064 buffer : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000068 smb_io_unihdr hdr_logon_script [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0068 uni_str_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 006a uni_max_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 006c buffer : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000070 smb_io_unihdr hdr_profile_path [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0070 uni_str_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0072 uni_max_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0074 buffer : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000078 smb_io_unihdr hdr_acct_desc [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0078 uni_str_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 007a uni_max_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 007c buffer : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000080 smb_io_unihdr hdr_workstations [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0080 uni_str_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0082 uni_max_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0084 buffer : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000088 smb_io_unihdr hdr_comment [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0088 uni_str_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 008a uni_max_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 008c buffer : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000090 smb_io_unihdr hdr_munged_dial [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0090 uni_str_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0092 uni_max_len: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0094 buffer : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 0098 lm_pwd : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 00a8 nt_pwd : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 00b8 user_rid : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 00bc group_rid : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 00c0 acb_info : 00000080 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 00c4 fields_present : 03100000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 00c8 logon_divs : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 00cc ptr_logon_hrs : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 00d0 bad_password_count : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 00d2 logon_count : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 00d4 padding1 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 00da passmustchange : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 00db padding2 : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 00dc password : 36 9b b6 27 73 7a 40 84 e8 3b 7a 23 b6 81 37 d6 33 de 72 43 e1 f6 9d f4 3f 10 1d f4 b4 d6 9c d3 b3 ac 13 c8 89 6b 71 d2 8e 29 56 af 6e 54 98 56 e0 f7 21 7a 5a 69 a3 4f 39 a5 b2 8a 0a 31 01 a2 6b 34 48 db 41 b3 90 5c 6f a4 2f bf 7f b6 7b 0d 4f ed d3 f9 0e e5 70 a4 71 8e ff 52 7a 8a 35 47 9d 4a ee 7c 5f 8e 76 7f ca f6 ff 0b 0a f6 fd 1c e2 b3 a3 0f 2c 9d ef 7d 24 21 bb bf 03 2c 9d 2b 3a 4d bc de 4e 38 80 18 4d 81 92 68 79 59 cc f4 c0 7d 10 18 78 88 68 dc 79 b7 5b c0 a8 6d 07 bd 1d 9e 6d 25 4d 58 a2 2e e7 26 ab 01 0d 02 08 8f a1 cf 73 6a bb 44 98 99 57 4b e4 15 ba 92 68 2e f2 92 d9 6e 2f 9f 22 b1 3e d3 44 a2 8b 73 6b 6b 46 5c b9 b1 e9 4d 19 1e 6e 93 5d a8 23 9f ab ab ab 50 a0 47 28 20 fc cb d7 35 06 d3 3b ab 43 92 11 66 f0 bc 5c e2 b8 dd 46 f9 ad 63 b0 fc 32 e1 ba fb 51 f3 5b f0 6a ac 81 c8 e9 66 a6 2a 2a 4c 26 42 4b 7f d9 cb 56 82 0d d0 19 81 97 55 64 d6 71 c5 42 4c 6b cb a0 ef af ee 28 2b 81 c6 59 8d bc c5 9f 7c ce 03 04 d4 37 23 29 8e 07 cf da eb 2a e1 70 ec ee 12 50 6a 66 c +> 7 a7 b2 5d 4b 74 ce 9a ba 76 b4 a2 c2 ea 59 25 cc 6d 75 d1 7d ee ac 89 8f 62 ba d8 3a 78 30 fd 90 25 ea f7 fb b0 09 a9 b4 67 81 34 fa da 05 cf a6 20 7f 55 1b 79 9f 08 c4 95 07 15 1f b7 1f 0f e4 b6 6d fa ad 0e 93 8c 9f e1 11 9f 1b 63 6b 2d 3c 9b 62 65 d3 74 a7 a6 4f 83 27 9e 62 f2 38 bc 4b 62 09 90 01 00 94 30 fc 15 1c fd 65 82 04 57 0e 1a d6 75 96 71 55 85 f1 2c 7a d3 17 ec ee 41 af ec 14 89 f0 97 97 7e 69 69 a4 a0 ae ae 0f 7f a1 c2 42 72 72 dc 3a 83 07 f3 7b 80 88 fd e6 f8 22 7a f2 5d 83 ca d3 6f d7 51 e6 66 c8 64 3b 45 69 39 26 75 79 bf fd 25 85 2a 83 6d 74 7c 73 a1 43 64 f7 f9 1f fa 60 52 20 2b 01 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 0002f0 smb_io_unistr2 - NULL uni_user_name [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 0002f0 smb_io_unistr2 - NULL uni_full_name [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 0002f0 smb_io_unistr2 - NULL uni_home_dir [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 0002f0 smb_io_unistr2 - NULL uni_dir_drive [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 0002f0 smb_io_unistr2 - NULL uni_logon_script [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 0002f0 smb_io_unistr2 - NULL uni_profile_path [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 0002f0 smb_io_unistr2 - NULL uni_acct_desc [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 0002f0 smb_io_unistr2 - NULL uni_workstations [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 0002f0 smb_io_unistr2 - NULL uni_comment [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 8] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 0002f0 smb_io_unistr2 - NULL uni_munged_dial [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0308 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 0000000b [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_req hdr_req [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 000002f0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0016 opnum : 0025 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(769) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \samr fnum 0x400a [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=858 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=8 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=17 smt_wct=16 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 776 (0x308) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 4280 (0x10B8) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[11]= 776 (0x308) smb_vwv[12]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[13]= 2 (0x2) smb_vwv[14]= 38 (0x26) smb_vwv[15]=16394 (0x400A) smb_bcc=791 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 5C 00 50 00 49 00 50 00 45 00 5C 00 00 00 05 .\.P.I.P .E.\.... [010] 00 00 03 10 00 00 00 08 03 00 00 0B 00 00 00 F0 ........ ........ [020] 02 00 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 00 00 7D A3 06 D3 66 .....%.. ...}...f [030] 9A FE 4F 9E 52 00 27 17 0B 69 9B 19 00 19 00 00 ..O.R.'. .i...... [040] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [050] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [060] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [070] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [080] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [090] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [0A0] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [0B0] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [0C0] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [0D0] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [0E0] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 10 03 00 ........ ........ [0F0] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [100] 00 00 00 36 9B B6 27 73 7A 40 84 E8 3B 7A 23 B6 ...6..'s z@..;z#. [110] 81 37 D6 33 DE 72 43 E1 F6 9D F4 3F 10 1D F4 B4 .7.3.rC. ...?.... [120] D6 9C D3 B3 AC 13 C8 89 6B 71 D2 8E 29 56 AF 6E ........ kq..)V.n [130] 54 98 56 E0 F7 21 7A 5A 69 A3 4F 39 A5 B2 8A 0A T.V..!zZ i.O9.... [140] 31 01 A2 6B 34 48 DB 41 B3 90 5C 6F A4 2F BF 7F 1..k4H.A ..\o./.. [150] B6 7B 0D 4F ED D3 F9 0E E5 70 A4 71 8E FF 52 7A .{.O.... .p.q..Rz [160] 8A 35 47 9D 4A EE 7C 5F 8E 76 7F CA F6 FF 0B 0A .5G.J.|_ .v...... [170] F6 FD 1C E2 B3 A3 0F 2C 9D EF 7D 24 21 BB BF 03 ......., ..}$!... [180] 2C 9D 2B 3A 4D BC DE 4E 38 80 18 4D 81 92 68 79 ,.+:M..N 8..M..hy [190] 59 CC F4 C0 7D 10 18 78 88 68 DC 79 B7 5B C0 A8 Y...}..x .h.y.[.. [1A0] 6D 07 BD 1D 9E 6D 25 4D 58 A2 2E E7 26 AB 01 0D m....m%M X...&... [1B0] 02 08 8F A1 CF 73 6A BB 44 98 99 57 4B E4 15 BA .....sj. D..WK... [1C0] 92 68 2E F2 92 D9 6E 2F 9F 22 B1 3E D3 44 A2 8B .h....n/ .".>.D.. [1D0] 73 6B 6B 46 5C B9 B1 E9 4D 19 1E 6E 93 5D A8 23 skkF\... M..n.].# [1E0] 9F AB AB AB 50 A0 47 28 20 FC CB D7 35 06 D3 3B ....P.G( ...5..; [1F0] AB 43 92 11 66 F0 BC 5C E2 B8 DD 46 F9 AD 63 B0 .C..f..\ ...F..c. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,862) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,862) wrote 862 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217265032 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=84 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=17 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 28 (0x1C) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 28 (0x1C) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=29 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 1C 00 00 00 0B 00 00 ........ ........ [010] 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ..... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=84 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=17 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 28 (0x1C) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 28 (0x1C) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=29 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 1C 00 00 00 0B 00 00 ........ ........ [010] 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ..... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr rpc_hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 02 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 001c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 0000000b [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_resp rpc_hdr_resp [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 00000004 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0016 cancel_ct : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0017 reserved : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu(576) cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: got pdu len 28, data_len 4, ss_len 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(842) rpc_api_pipe: got PDU len of 28 at offset 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(893) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \samr fnum 0x400a returned 8 bytes. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 samr_io_r_set_userinfo2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_ntstatus(777) 0000 status: NT_STATUS_OK samr_Close: struct samr_Close in: struct samr_Close handle : * handle: struct policy_handle handle_type : 0x00000000 (0) uuid : d306a37d-9a66-4ffe-9e52-0027170b699b [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 002c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 0000000c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_req hdr_req [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 00000014 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0016 opnum : 0001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(769) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \samr fnum 0x400a [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=126 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=8 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=18 smt_wct=16 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 44 (0x2C) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 4280 (0x10B8) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[11]= 44 (0x2C) smb_vwv[12]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[13]= 2 (0x2) smb_vwv[14]= 38 (0x26) smb_vwv[15]=16394 (0x400A) smb_bcc=59 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 5C 00 50 00 49 00 50 00 45 00 5C 00 00 00 05 .\.P.I.P .E.\.... [010] 00 00 03 10 00 00 00 2C 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 14 ......., ........ [020] 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 7D A3 06 D3 66 ........ ...}...f [030] 9A FE 4F 9E 52 00 27 17 0B 69 9B ..O.R.'. .i. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,130) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,130) wrote 130 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217264936 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=104 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=18 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=49 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 0C 00 00 ........ .0...... [010] 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [020] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [030] 00 . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=104 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=18 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 48 (0x30) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=49 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 0C 00 00 ........ .0...... [010] 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [020] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [030] 00 . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr rpc_hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 02 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0030 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 0000000c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_resp rpc_hdr_resp [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 00000018 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0016 cancel_ct : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0017 reserved : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu(576) cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: got pdu len 48, data_len 24, ss_len 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(842) rpc_api_pipe: got PDU len of 48 at offset 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(893) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \samr fnum 0x400a returned 48 bytes. samr_Close: struct samr_Close out: struct samr_Close handle : * handle: struct policy_handle handle_type : 0x00000000 (0) uuid : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 result : NT_STATUS_OK [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,45) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,45) wrote 45 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217265880 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=35 smb_com=0x4 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=19 smt_wct=0 smb_bcc=0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/clientgen.c:cli_rpc_pipe_close(654) cli_rpc_pipe_close: closed pipe \samr to machine vpn.open.ro [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,39) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,39) wrote 39 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217267784 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=35 smb_com=0x71 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=6145 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=10241 smb_mid=20 smt_wct=0 smb_bcc=0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] intl/lang_tdb.c:lang_tdb_init(134) lang_tdb_init: /usr/lib/likewise-open/en_US.UTF-8.msg: No such file or directory [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_start_connection(1609) Connecting to host=vpn.open.ro [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] lib/util_sock.c:open_socket_out(1381) Connecting to at port 445 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_KEEPALIVE = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_REUSEADDR = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_BROADCAST = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option TCP_NODELAY = 1 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option TCP_KEEPCNT = 9 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option TCP_KEEPIDLE = 7200 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option TCP_KEEPINTVL = 75 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option IPTOS_LOWDELAY = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option IPTOS_THROUGHPUT = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_SNDBUF = 16384 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_RCVBUF = 87380 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_SNDLOWAT = 1 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_RCVLOWAT = 1 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_SNDTIMEO = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(826) socket option SO_RCVTIMEO = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,194) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,194) wrote 194 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217266776 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=169 smb_com=0x72 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=0 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=0 smb_mid=1 smt_wct=17 smb_vwv[ 0]= 9 (0x9) smb_vwv[ 1]=12803 (0x3203) smb_vwv[ 2]= 256 (0x100) smb_vwv[ 3]= 1024 (0x400) smb_vwv[ 4]= 65 (0x41) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 256 (0x100) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]=64768 (0xFD00) smb_vwv[10]= 243 (0xF3) smb_vwv[11]=22144 (0x5680) smb_vwv[12]=27404 (0x6B0C) smb_vwv[13]=56758 (0xDDB6) smb_vwv[14]=51475 (0xC913) smb_vwv[15]=19457 (0x4C01) smb_vwv[16]= 255 (0xFF) smb_bcc=100 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 81 B8 80 83 91 3E 00 4C B5 6A 38 61 EB 2F F7 7F .....>.L .j8a./.. [010] 60 52 06 06 2B 06 01 05 05 02 A0 48 30 46 A0 30 `R..+... ...H0F.0 [020] 30 2E 06 09 2A 86 48 82 F7 12 01 02 02 06 09 2A 0...*.H. .......* [030] 86 48 86 F7 12 01 02 02 06 0A 2A 86 48 86 F7 12 .H...... ..*.H... [040] 01 02 02 03 06 0A 2B 06 01 04 01 82 37 02 02 0A ......+. ....7... [050] A3 12 30 10 A0 0E 1B 0C 76 70 6E 24 40 4F 50 45 ..0..... vpn$@OPE [060] 4E 2E 52 4F N.RO [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=169 smb_com=0x72 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=0 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=0 smb_mid=1 smt_wct=17 smb_vwv[ 0]= 9 (0x9) smb_vwv[ 1]=12803 (0x3203) smb_vwv[ 2]= 256 (0x100) smb_vwv[ 3]= 1024 (0x400) smb_vwv[ 4]= 65 (0x41) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 256 (0x100) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]=64768 (0xFD00) smb_vwv[10]= 243 (0xF3) smb_vwv[11]=22144 (0x5680) smb_vwv[12]=27404 (0x6B0C) smb_vwv[13]=56758 (0xDDB6) smb_vwv[14]=51475 (0xC913) smb_vwv[15]=19457 (0x4C01) smb_vwv[16]= 255 (0xFF) smb_bcc=100 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 81 B8 80 83 91 3E 00 4C B5 6A 38 61 EB 2F F7 7F .....>.L .j8a./.. [010] 60 52 06 06 2B 06 01 05 05 02 A0 48 30 46 A0 30 `R..+... ...H0F.0 [020] 30 2E 06 09 2A 86 48 82 F7 12 01 02 02 06 09 2A 0...*.H. .......* [030] 86 48 86 F7 12 01 02 02 06 0A 2A 86 48 86 F7 12 .H...... ..*.H... [040] 01 02 02 03 06 0A 2B 06 01 04 01 82 37 02 02 0A ......+. ....7... [050] A3 12 30 10 A0 0E 1B 0C 76 70 6E 24 40 4F 50 45 ..0..... vpn$@OPE [060] 4E 2E 52 4F N.RO [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(792) Doing spnego session setup (blob length=100) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(817) got OID=1 2 840 48018 1 2 2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(817) got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(817) got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2 3 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(817) got OID=1 3 6 1 4 1 311 2 2 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(825) got principal=vpn$@OPEN.RO [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,168) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,168) wrote 168 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217265992 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=440 smb_com=0x73 smb_rcls=22 smb_reh=0 smb_err=49152 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=0 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=2 smt_wct=4 smb_vwv[ 0]= 255 (0xFF) smb_vwv[ 1]= 440 (0x1B8) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 323 (0x143) smb_bcc=397 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] A1 82 01 3F 30 82 01 3B A0 03 0A 01 01 A1 0C 06 ...?0..; ........ [010] 0A 2B 06 01 04 01 82 37 02 02 0A A2 81 91 04 81 .+.....7 ........ [020] 8E 4E 54 4C 4D 53 53 50 00 02 00 00 00 0C 00 0C .NTLMSSP ........ [030] 00 38 00 00 00 15 82 89 62 AE 80 2C FB DC AE 9D .8...... b..,.... [040] AE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4A 00 4A 00 44 00 00 ........ .J.J.D.. [050] 00 05 00 93 08 00 00 00 0F 4F 00 46 00 46 00 49 ........ .O.F.F.I [060] 00 43 00 45 00 02 00 0C 00 4F 00 46 00 46 00 49 .C.E.... .O.F.F.I [070] 00 43 00 45 00 01 00 06 00 56 00 50 00 4E 00 04 .C.E.... .V.P.N.. [080] 00 0E 00 6F 00 70 00 65 00 6E 00 2E 00 72 00 6F ...o.p.e .n...r.o [090] 00 03 00 16 00 76 00 70 00 6E 00 2E 00 6F 00 70 .....v.p .n...o.p [0A0] 00 65 00 6E 00 2E 00 72 00 6F 00 00 00 00 00 A3 .e.n...r .o...... [0B0] 81 91 04 81 8E 4E 54 4C 4D 53 53 50 00 02 00 00 .....NTL MSSP.... [0C0] 00 0C 00 0C 00 38 00 00 00 15 82 89 62 AE 80 2C .....8.. ....b.., [0D0] FB DC AE 9D AE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4A 00 4A ........ .....J.J [0E0] 00 44 00 00 00 05 00 93 08 00 00 00 0F 4F 00 46 .D...... .....O.F [0F0] 00 46 00 49 00 43 00 45 00 02 00 0C 00 4F 00 46 .F.I.C.E .....O.F [100] 00 46 00 49 00 43 00 45 00 01 00 06 00 56 00 50 .F.I.C.E .....V.P [110] 00 4E 00 04 00 0E 00 6F 00 70 00 65 00 6E 00 2E .N.....o .p.e.n.. [120] 00 72 00 6F 00 03 00 16 00 76 00 70 00 6E 00 2E .r.o.... .v.p.n.. [130] 00 6F 00 70 00 65 00 6E 00 2E 00 72 00 6F 00 00 .o.p.e.n ...r.o.. [140] 00 00 00 57 00 69 00 6E 00 64 00 6F 00 77 00 73 ...W.i.n .d.o.w.s [150] 00 20 00 35 00 2E 00 30 00 00 00 57 00 69 00 6E . .5...0 ...W.i.n [160] 00 64 00 6F 00 77 00 73 00 20 00 32 00 30 00 30 .d.o.w.s . .2.0.0 [170] 00 30 00 20 00 4C 00 41 00 4E 00 20 00 4D 00 61 .0. .L.A .N. .M.a [180] 00 6E 00 61 00 67 00 65 00 72 00 00 00 .n.a.g.e .r... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=440 smb_com=0x73 smb_rcls=22 smb_reh=0 smb_err=49152 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=0 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=2 smt_wct=4 smb_vwv[ 0]= 255 (0xFF) smb_vwv[ 1]= 440 (0x1B8) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 323 (0x143) smb_bcc=397 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] A1 82 01 3F 30 82 01 3B A0 03 0A 01 01 A1 0C 06 ...?0..; ........ [010] 0A 2B 06 01 04 01 82 37 02 02 0A A2 81 91 04 81 .+.....7 ........ [020] 8E 4E 54 4C 4D 53 53 50 00 02 00 00 00 0C 00 0C .NTLMSSP ........ [030] 00 38 00 00 00 15 82 89 62 AE 80 2C FB DC AE 9D .8...... b..,.... [040] AE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4A 00 4A 00 44 00 00 ........ .J.J.D.. [050] 00 05 00 93 08 00 00 00 0F 4F 00 46 00 46 00 49 ........ .O.F.F.I [060] 00 43 00 45 00 02 00 0C 00 4F 00 46 00 46 00 49 .C.E.... .O.F.F.I [070] 00 43 00 45 00 01 00 06 00 56 00 50 00 4E 00 04 .C.E.... .V.P.N.. [080] 00 0E 00 6F 00 70 00 65 00 6E 00 2E 00 72 00 6F ...o.p.e .n...r.o [090] 00 03 00 16 00 76 00 70 00 6E 00 2E 00 6F 00 70 .....v.p .n...o.p [0A0] 00 65 00 6E 00 2E 00 72 00 6F 00 00 00 00 00 A3 .e.n...r .o...... [0B0] 81 91 04 81 8E 4E 54 4C 4D 53 53 50 00 02 00 00 .....NTL MSSP.... [0C0] 00 0C 00 0C 00 38 00 00 00 15 82 89 62 AE 80 2C .....8.. ....b.., [0D0] FB DC AE 9D AE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4A 00 4A ........ .....J.J [0E0] 00 44 00 00 00 05 00 93 08 00 00 00 0F 4F 00 46 .D...... .....O.F [0F0] 00 46 00 49 00 43 00 45 00 02 00 0C 00 4F 00 46 .F.I.C.E .....O.F [100] 00 46 00 49 00 43 00 45 00 01 00 06 00 56 00 50 .F.I.C.E .....V.P [110] 00 4E 00 04 00 0E 00 6F 00 70 00 65 00 6E 00 2E .N.....o .p.e.n.. [120] 00 72 00 6F 00 03 00 16 00 76 00 70 00 6E 00 2E .r.o.... .v.p.n.. [130] 00 6F 00 70 00 65 00 6E 00 2E 00 72 00 6F 00 00 .o.p.e.n ...r.o.. [140] 00 00 00 57 00 69 00 6E 00 64 00 6F 00 77 00 73 ...W.i.n .d.o.w.s [150] 00 20 00 35 00 2E 00 30 00 00 00 57 00 69 00 6E . .5...0 ...W.i.n [160] 00 64 00 6F 00 77 00 73 00 20 00 32 00 30 00 30 .d.o.w.s . .2.0.0 [170] 00 30 00 20 00 4C 00 41 00 4E 00 20 00 4D 00 61 .0. .L.A .N. .M.a [180] 00 6E 00 61 00 67 00 65 00 72 00 00 00 .n.a.g.e .r... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:ntlmssp_client_challenge(1022) Got challenge flags: [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:debug_ntlmssp_flags(62) Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x62898215 NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_UNICODE NTLMSSP_REQUEST_TARGET NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_SIGN NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_NTLM NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_ALWAYS_SIGN NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_NTLM2 NTLMSSP_CHAL_TARGET_INFO NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_128 NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_KEY_EXCH [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:ntlmssp_client_challenge(1044) NTLMSSP: Set final flags: [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:debug_ntlmssp_flags(62) Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x60088215 NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_UNICODE NTLMSSP_REQUEST_TARGET NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_SIGN NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_NTLM NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_ALWAYS_SIGN NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_NTLM2 NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_128 NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_KEY_EXCH [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:ntlmssp_client_challenge(1118) NTLMSSP challenge set by NTLM2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:ntlmssp_client_challenge(1119) challenge is: [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] CE 64 B9 92 02 6B 5C 08 .d...k\. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/ntlmssp_sign.c:ntlmssp_sign_init(337) NTLMSSP Sign/Seal - Initialising with flags: [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:debug_ntlmssp_flags(62) Got NTLMSSP neg_flags=0x60088215 NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_UNICODE NTLMSSP_REQUEST_TARGET NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_SIGN NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_NTLM NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_ALWAYS_SIGN NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_NTLM2 NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_128 NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_KEY_EXCH [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,278) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,278) wrote 278 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217265992 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=126 smb_com=0x73 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=0 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=3 smt_wct=4 smb_vwv[ 0]= 255 (0xFF) smb_vwv[ 1]= 126 (0x7E) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 9 (0x9) smb_bcc=83 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] A1 07 30 05 A0 03 0A 01 00 57 00 69 00 6E 00 64 ..0..... .W.i.n.d [010] 00 6F 00 77 00 73 00 20 00 35 00 2E 00 30 00 00 .o.w.s. .5...0.. [020] 00 57 00 69 00 6E 00 64 00 6F 00 77 00 73 00 20 .W.i.n.d .o.w.s. [030] 00 32 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 20 00 4C 00 41 00 4E . . .L.A.N [040] 00 20 00 4D 00 61 00 6E 00 61 00 67 00 65 00 72 . .M.a.n .a.g.e.r [050] 00 00 00 ... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=126 smb_com=0x73 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=0 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=3 smt_wct=4 smb_vwv[ 0]= 255 (0xFF) smb_vwv[ 1]= 126 (0x7E) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 9 (0x9) smb_bcc=83 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] A1 07 30 05 A0 03 0A 01 00 57 00 69 00 6E 00 64 ..0..... .W.i.n.d [010] 00 6F 00 77 00 73 00 20 00 35 00 2E 00 30 00 00 .o.w.s. .5...0.. [020] 00 57 00 69 00 6E 00 64 00 6F 00 77 00 73 00 20 .W.i.n.d .o.w.s. [030] 00 32 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 20 00 4C 00 41 00 4E . . .L.A.N [040] 00 20 00 4D 00 61 00 6E 00 61 00 67 00 65 00 72 . .M.a.n .a.g.e.r [050] 00 00 00 ... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,90) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,90) wrote 90 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217266744 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=56 smb_com=0x75 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=4101 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=4 smt_wct=7 smb_vwv[ 0]= 255 (0xFF) smb_vwv[ 1]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 2]= 1 (0x1) smb_vwv[ 3]= 511 (0x1FF) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 511 (0x1FF) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=7 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 49 50 43 00 00 00 00 IPC.... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/clientgen.c:cli_init_creds(501) cli_init_creds: user LUCIANMO$ domain WORKGROUP [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/namequery.c:saf_store(75) saf_store: domain = [OFFICE], server = [vpn.open.ro], expire = [1221118032] [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/gencache.c:gencache_set(131) Adding cache entry with key = SAF/DOMAIN/OFFICE; value = vpn.open.ro and timeout = Thu Sep 11 10:27:12 2008 (900 seconds ahead) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,108) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,108) wrote 108 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217267544 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=103 smb_com=0xa2 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=4101 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=5 smt_wct=34 smb_vwv[ 0]= 255 (0xFF) smb_vwv[ 1]= 103 (0x67) smb_vwv[ 2]= 3328 (0xD00) smb_vwv[ 3]= 384 (0x180) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[11]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[12]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[13]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[14]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[15]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[16]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[17]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[18]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[19]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[20]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[21]=32768 (0x8000) smb_vwv[22]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[23]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[24]= 16 (0x10) smb_vwv[25]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[26]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[27]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[28]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[29]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[30]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[31]= 512 (0x200) smb_vwv[32]=65280 (0xFF00) smb_vwv[33]= 5 (0x5) smb_bcc=0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_pipe_bind(2045) Bind RPC Pipe[800d]: \NETLOGON auth_type 0, auth_level 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:valid_pipe_name(1648) Bind Abstract Syntax: [000] 78 56 34 12 34 12 CD AB EF 00 01 23 45 67 CF FB xV4.4... ...#Eg.. [010] 01 00 00 00 .... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:valid_pipe_name(1651) Bind Transfer Syntax: [000] 04 5D 88 8A EB 1C C9 11 9F E8 08 00 2B 10 48 60 .]...... ....+.H` [010] 02 00 00 00 .... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 0b [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0048 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 0000000d [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_rb [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_bba [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0010 max_tsize: 10b8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0012 max_rsize: 10b8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0014 assoc_gid: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0018 num_contexts: 01 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 001c context_id : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 001e num_transfer_syntaxes: 01 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 00001f smb_io_rpc_iface [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000020 smb_io_uuid uuid [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0020 data : 12345678 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0024 data : 1234 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0026 data : abcd [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 0028 data : ef 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 002a data : 01 23 45 67 cf fb [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0030 version: 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000034 smb_io_rpc_iface [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000034 smb_io_uuid uuid [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0034 data : 8a885d04 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0038 data : 1ceb [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 003a data : 11c9 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 003c data : 9f e8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 003e data : 08 00 2b 10 48 60 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0044 version: 00000002 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(769) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \NETLOGON fnum 0x800d [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=154 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=8 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=4101 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=6 smt_wct=16 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 72 (0x48) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 4280 (0x10B8) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[11]= 72 (0x48) smb_vwv[12]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[13]= 2 (0x2) smb_vwv[14]= 38 (0x26) smb_vwv[15]=32781 (0x800D) smb_bcc=87 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 5C 00 50 00 49 00 50 00 45 00 5C 00 00 00 05 .\.P.I.P .E.\.... [010] 00 0B 03 10 00 00 00 48 00 00 00 0D 00 00 00 B8 .......H ........ [020] 10 B8 10 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 78 ........ .......x [030] 56 34 12 34 12 CD AB EF 00 01 23 45 67 CF FB 01 V4.4.... ..#Eg... [040] 00 00 00 04 5D 88 8A EB 1C C9 11 9F E8 08 00 2B ....]... .......+ [050] 10 48 60 02 00 00 00 .H`.... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,158) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,158) wrote 158 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217266536 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=124 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=4101 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=6 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 68 (0x44) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 68 (0x44) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=69 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 0C 03 10 00 00 00 44 00 00 00 0D 00 00 ........ .D...... [010] 00 B8 10 B8 10 44 AC 09 00 0C 00 5C 50 49 50 45 .....D.. ...\PIPE [020] 5C 6C 73 61 73 73 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 \lsass.. ........ [030] 00 04 5D 88 8A EB 1C C9 11 9F E8 08 00 2B 10 48 ..]..... .....+.H [040] 60 02 00 00 00 `.... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=124 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=4101 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=6 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 68 (0x44) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 68 (0x44) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=69 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 0C 03 10 00 00 00 44 00 00 00 0D 00 00 ........ .D...... [010] 00 B8 10 B8 10 44 AC 09 00 0C 00 5C 50 49 50 45 .....D.. ...\PIPE [020] 5C 6C 73 61 73 73 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 \lsass.. ........ [030] 00 04 5D 88 8A EB 1C C9 11 9F E8 08 00 2B 10 48 ..]..... .....+.H [040] 60 02 00 00 00 `.... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr rpc_hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 0c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0044 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 0000000d [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(842) rpc_api_pipe: got PDU len of 68 at offset 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(893) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \NETLOGON fnum 0x800d returned 68 bytes. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_pipe_bind(2082) rpc_pipe_bind: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \NETLOGON fnum 0x800d bind request returned ok. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 0c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0044 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 0000000d [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_ba [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_bba [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0010 max_tsize: 10b8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0012 max_rsize: 10b8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0014 assoc_gid: 0009ac44 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000018 smb_io_rpc_addr_str [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0018 len: 000c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 001a str: \PIPE\lsass. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000026 smb_io_rpc_results [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0028 num_results: 01 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 002c result : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 002e reason : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000030 smb_io_rpc_iface [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000030 smb_io_uuid uuid [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0030 data : 8a885d04 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0034 data : 1ceb [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0036 data : 11c9 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 0038 data : 9f e8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 003a data : 08 00 2b 10 48 60 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0040 version: 00000002 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:check_bind_response(1702) check_bind_response: accepted! [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:cli_rpc_pipe_open_noauth(2278) cli_rpc_pipe_open_noauth: opened pipe \NETLOGON to machine vpn.open.ro and bound anonymously. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 4] rpc_client/cli_netlogon.c:rpccli_net_req_chal(45) cli_net_req_chal: LSA Request Challenge from LUCIANMO to \\vpn.open.ro [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_net.c:init_q_req_chal(762) init_q_req_chal: 762 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_net.c:init_q_req_chal(771) init_q_req_chal: 771 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 net_io_q_req_chal [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0000 undoc_buffer: 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000004 smb_io_unistr2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0004 uni_max_len: 0000000e [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0008 offset : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c uni_str_len: 0000000e [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:dbg_rw_punival(950) 0010 buffer : \.\.v.p.n...o.p.e.n...r.o... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 00002c smb_io_unistr2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 002c uni_max_len: 00000009 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0030 offset : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0034 uni_str_len: 00000009 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:dbg_rw_punival(950) 0038 buffer : L.U.C.I.A.N.M.O... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 00004a smb_io_chal [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 004a data: c7 b7 09 e8 8c d5 04 82 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 006a [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 0000000e [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_req hdr_req [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 00000052 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0016 opnum : 0004 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(769) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \NETLOGON fnum 0x800d [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=188 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=8 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=4101 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=7 smt_wct=16 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 106 (0x6A) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 4280 (0x10B8) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[11]= 106 (0x6A) smb_vwv[12]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[13]= 2 (0x2) smb_vwv[14]= 38 (0x26) smb_vwv[15]=32781 (0x800D) smb_bcc=121 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 5C 00 50 00 49 00 50 00 45 00 5C 00 00 00 05 .\.P.I.P .E.\.... [010] 00 00 03 10 00 00 00 6A 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 52 .......j .......R [020] 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 01 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [030] 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 5C 00 5C 00 76 00 70 00 6E .......\ .\.v.p.n [040] 00 2E 00 6F 00 70 00 65 00 6E 00 2E 00 72 00 6F ...o.p.e .n...r.o [050] 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 4C ........ .......L [060] 00 55 00 43 00 49 00 41 00 4E 00 4D 00 4F 00 00 .U.C.I.A .N.M.O.. [070] 00 C7 B7 09 E8 8C D5 04 82 ........ . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,192) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,192) wrote 192 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217266488 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=92 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=4101 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=7 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 36 (0x24) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 36 (0x24) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=37 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 0E 00 00 ........ .$...... [010] 00 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 53 D2 95 53 99 E9 FC ........ .S..S... [020] 09 00 00 00 00 ..... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=92 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=4101 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=7 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 36 (0x24) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 36 (0x24) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=37 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 0E 00 00 ........ .$...... [010] 00 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 53 D2 95 53 99 E9 FC ........ .S..S... [020] 09 00 00 00 00 ..... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr rpc_hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 02 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0024 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 0000000e [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_resp rpc_hdr_resp [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 0000000c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0016 cancel_ct : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0017 reserved : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu(576) cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: got pdu len 36, data_len 12, ss_len 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(842) rpc_api_pipe: got PDU len of 36 at offset 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(893) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \NETLOGON fnum 0x800d returned 24 bytes. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 net_io_r_req_chal [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_chal [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 0000 data: 53 d2 95 53 99 e9 fc 09 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_ntstatus(777) 0008 status: NT_STATUS_OK [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/credentials.c:creds_client_init(289) creds_client_init: neg_flags : 600fffff [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/credentials.c:creds_client_init(290) creds_client_init: client chal : C7B709E88CD50482 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/credentials.c:creds_client_init(291) creds_client_init: server chal : 53D2955399E9FC09 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libsmb/credentials.c:creds_init_128(70) creds_init_128 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libsmb/credentials.c:creds_init_128(71) clnt_chal_in: C7B709E88CD50482 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libsmb/credentials.c:creds_init_128(72) srv_chal_in : 53D2955399E9FC09 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/credentials.c:creds_client_init(309) creds_client_init: clnt : 55B1F9E68DB6E273 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/credentials.c:creds_client_init(310) creds_client_init: server : B7FBB1EA69CDD34F [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/credentials.c:creds_client_init(311) creds_client_init: seed : 55B1F9E68DB6E273 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 4] rpc_client/cli_netlogon.c:rpccli_net_auth2(169) cli_net_auth2: srv:\\vpn.open.ro acct:LUCIANMO$ sc:2 mc: LUCIANMO neg: 600fffff [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_net.c:init_q_auth_2(883) init_q_auth_2: 883 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_misc.c:init_log_info(1383) make_log_info 1383 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_net.c:init_q_auth_2(889) init_q_auth_2: 889 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 net_io_q_auth_2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_log_info [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0000 undoc_buffer: 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000004 smb_io_unistr2 unistr2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0004 uni_max_len: 0000000e [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0008 offset : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c uni_str_len: 0000000e [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:dbg_rw_punival(950) 0010 buffer : \.\.v.p.n...o.p.e.n...r.o... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 00002c smb_io_unistr2 unistr2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 002c uni_max_len: 0000000a [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0030 offset : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0034 uni_str_len: 0000000a [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:dbg_rw_punival(950) 0038 buffer : L.U.C.I.A.N.M.O.$... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 004c sec_chan: 0002 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 00004e smb_io_unistr2 unistr2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0050 uni_max_len: 00000009 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0054 offset : 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0058 uni_str_len: 00000009 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:dbg_rw_punival(950) 005c buffer : L.U.C.I.A.N.M.O... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 00006e smb_io_chal [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 006e data: 55 b1 f9 e6 8d b6 e2 73 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000076 net_io_neg_flags [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0078 neg_flags: 600fffff [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0094 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 0000000f [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_req hdr_req [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 0000007c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0016 opnum : 000f [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(769) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \NETLOGON fnum 0x800d [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=230 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=8 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=4101 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=8 smt_wct=16 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 148 (0x94) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 4280 (0x10B8) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[11]= 148 (0x94) smb_vwv[12]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[13]= 2 (0x2) smb_vwv[14]= 38 (0x26) smb_vwv[15]=32781 (0x800D) smb_bcc=163 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 5C 00 50 00 49 00 50 00 45 00 5C 00 00 00 05 .\.P.I.P .E.\.... [010] 00 00 03 10 00 00 00 94 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 7C ........ .......| [020] 00 00 00 00 00 0F 00 01 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ [030] 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 5C 00 5C 00 76 00 70 00 6E .......\ .\.v.p.n [040] 00 2E 00 6F 00 70 00 65 00 6E 00 2E 00 72 00 6F ...o.p.e .n...r.o [050] 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 4C ........ .......L [060] 00 55 00 43 00 49 00 41 00 4E 00 4D 00 4F 00 24 .U.C.I.A .N.M.O.$ [070] 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 ........ ........ [080] 00 00 00 4C 00 55 00 43 00 49 00 41 00 4E 00 4D ...L.U.C .I.A.N.M [090] 00 4F 00 00 00 55 B1 F9 E6 8D B6 E2 73 00 00 FF .O...U.. ....s... [0A0] FF 0F 60 ..` [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,234) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,234) wrote 234 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217266488 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=96 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=4101 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=8 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 40 (0x28) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 40 (0x28) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=41 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 0F 00 00 ........ .(...... [010] 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B7 FB B1 EA 69 CD D3 ........ .....i.. [020] 4F FF FF 07 60 00 00 00 00 O...`... . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=96 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=4101 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=8 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 40 (0x28) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 40 (0x28) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=41 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 02 03 10 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 0F 00 00 ........ .(...... [010] 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B7 FB B1 EA 69 CD D3 ........ .....i.. [020] 4F FF FF 07 60 00 00 00 00 O...`... . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr rpc_hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 02 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0028 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 0000000f [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_resp rpc_hdr_resp [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0010 alloc_hint: 00000010 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0014 context_id: 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0016 cancel_ct : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0017 reserved : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu(576) cli_pipe_validate_current_pdu: got pdu len 40, data_len 16, ss_len 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(842) rpc_api_pipe: got PDU len of 40 at offset 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(893) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \NETLOGON fnum 0x800d returned 32 bytes. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 net_io_r_auth_2 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_chal [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 0000 data: b7 fb b1 ea 69 cd d3 4f [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000008 net_io_neg_flags [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0008 neg_flags: 6007ffff [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_ntstatus(777) 000c status: NT_STATUS_OK [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/credentials.c:creds_client_check(328) creds_client_check: credentials check OK. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_netlogon.c:rpccli_netlogon_setup_creds(345) rpccli_netlogon_setup_creds: server vpn.open.ro credential chain established. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,108) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,108) wrote 108 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217267560 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=103 smb_com=0xa2 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=4101 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=9 smt_wct=34 smb_vwv[ 0]= 255 (0xFF) smb_vwv[ 1]= 103 (0x67) smb_vwv[ 2]= 3584 (0xE00) smb_vwv[ 3]= 384 (0x180) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[11]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[12]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[13]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[14]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[15]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[16]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[17]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[18]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[19]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[20]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[21]=32768 (0x8000) smb_vwv[22]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[23]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[24]= 16 (0x10) smb_vwv[25]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[26]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[27]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[28]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[29]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[30]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[31]= 512 (0x200) smb_vwv[32]=65280 (0xFF00) smb_vwv[33]= 5 (0x5) smb_bcc=0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_pipe_bind(2045) Bind RPC Pipe[800e]: \NETLOGON auth_type 2, auth_level 6 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:valid_pipe_name(1648) Bind Abstract Syntax: [000] 78 56 34 12 34 12 CD AB EF 00 01 23 45 67 CF FB xV4.4... ...#Eg.. [010] 01 00 00 00 .... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:valid_pipe_name(1651) Bind Transfer Syntax: [000] 04 5D 88 8A EB 1C C9 11 9F E8 08 00 2B 10 48 60 .]...... ....+.H` [010] 02 00 00 00 .... [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_auth_schannel_neg schannel_neg [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0000 type1: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0004 type2: 00000003 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 4F 46 46 49 43 45 OFFICE [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 4C 55 43 49 41 4E 4D 4F LUCIANMO [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 0b [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0068 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 0018 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000010 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_rb [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_bba [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0010 max_tsize: 10b8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0012 max_rsize: 10b8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0014 assoc_gid: 00000000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0018 num_contexts: 01 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 001c context_id : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 001e num_transfer_syntaxes: 01 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 00001f smb_io_rpc_iface [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000020 smb_io_uuid uuid [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0020 data : 12345678 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0024 data : 1234 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0026 data : abcd [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 0028 data : ef 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 002a data : 01 23 45 67 cf fb [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0030 version: 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000034 smb_io_rpc_iface [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000034 smb_io_uuid uuid [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0034 data : 8a885d04 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0038 data : 1ceb [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 003a data : 11c9 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 003c data : 9f e8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 003e data : 08 00 2b 10 48 60 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0044 version: 00000002 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000048 smb_io_rpc_hdr_auth hdr_auth [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0048 auth_type : 44 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0049 auth_level : 06 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 004a auth_pad_len : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 004b auth_reserved: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 004c auth_context_id: 00000001 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(769) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \NETLOGON fnum 0x800e [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=186 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=8 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=4101 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=10 smt_wct=16 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 104 (0x68) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 4280 (0x10B8) smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[10]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[11]= 104 (0x68) smb_vwv[12]= 82 (0x52) smb_vwv[13]= 2 (0x2) smb_vwv[14]= 38 (0x26) smb_vwv[15]=32782 (0x800E) smb_bcc=119 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 5C 00 50 00 49 00 50 00 45 00 5C 00 00 00 05 .\.P.I.P .E.\.... [010] 00 0B 03 10 00 00 00 68 00 18 00 10 00 00 00 B8 .......h ........ [020] 10 B8 10 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 78 ........ .......x [030] 56 34 12 34 12 CD AB EF 00 01 23 45 67 CF FB 01 V4.4.... ..#Eg... [040] 00 00 00 04 5D 88 8A EB 1C C9 11 9F E8 08 00 2B ....]... .......+ [050] 10 48 60 02 00 00 00 44 06 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 .H`....D ........ [060] 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 4F 46 46 49 43 45 00 4C 55 .......O FFICE.LU [070] 43 49 41 4E 4D 4F 00 CIANMO. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,190) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,190) wrote 190 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217266552 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=144 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=4101 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=10 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 88 (0x58) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 88 (0x58) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=89 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 0C 03 10 00 00 00 58 00 0C 00 10 00 00 ........ .X...... [010] 00 B8 10 B8 10 45 AC 09 00 0C 00 5C 50 49 50 45 .....E.. ...\PIPE [020] 5C 6C 73 61 73 73 00 79 0C 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 \lsass.y ........ [030] 00 04 5D 88 8A EB 1C C9 11 9F E8 08 00 2B 10 48 ..]..... .....+.H [040] 60 02 00 00 00 44 06 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 `....D.. ........ [050] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=144 smb_com=0x25 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=4101 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=10 smt_wct=10 smb_vwv[ 0]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 1]= 88 (0x58) smb_vwv[ 2]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 3]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 4]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 6]= 88 (0x58) smb_vwv[ 7]= 56 (0x38) smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0) smb_vwv[ 9]= 0 (0x0) smb_bcc=89 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:dump_data(2145) [000] 00 05 00 0C 03 10 00 00 00 58 00 0C 00 10 00 00 ........ .X...... [010] 00 B8 10 B8 10 45 AC 09 00 0C 00 5C 50 49 50 45 .....E.. ...\PIPE [020] 5C 6C 73 61 73 73 00 79 0C 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 \lsass.y ........ [030] 00 04 5D 88 8A EB 1C C9 11 9F E8 08 00 2B 10 48 ..]..... .....+.H [040] 60 02 00 00 00 44 06 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 `....D.. ........ [050] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ . [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr rpc_hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 0c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0058 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 000c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000010 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(842) rpc_api_pipe: got PDU len of 88 at offset 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(893) rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \NETLOGON fnum 0x800e returned 88 bytes. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_pipe_bind(2082) rpc_pipe_bind: Remote machine vpn.open.ro pipe \NETLOGON fnum 0x800e bind request returned ok. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000000 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0000 major : 05 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0001 minor : 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0002 pkt_type : 0c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0003 flags : 03 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0004 pack_type0: 10 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0005 pack_type1: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0006 pack_type2: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0007 pack_type3: 00 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0008 frag_len : 0058 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 000a auth_len : 000c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 000c call_id : 00000010 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_ba [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000010 smb_io_rpc_hdr_bba [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0010 max_tsize: 10b8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0012 max_rsize: 10b8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0014 assoc_gid: 0009ac45 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000018 smb_io_rpc_addr_str [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0018 len: 000c [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 001a str: \PIPE\lsass. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000026 smb_io_rpc_results [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8(624) 0028 num_results: 01 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 002c result : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 002e reason : 0000 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000030 smb_io_rpc_iface [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 7] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(88) 000030 smb_io_uuid uuid [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0030 data : 8a885d04 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0034 data : 1ceb [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint16(689) 0036 data : 11c9 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 0038 data : 9f e8 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(865) 003a data : 08 00 2b 10 48 60 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(718) 0040 version: 00000002 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:check_bind_response(1702) check_bind_response: accepted! [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:cli_rpc_pipe_open_schannel_with_key(2550) cli_rpc_pipe_open_schannel_with_key: opened pipe \NETLOGON to machine vpn.open.ro for domain OFFICE and bound using schannel. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,45) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,45) wrote 45 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217267640 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=35 smb_com=0x4 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=4101 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=11 smt_wct=0 smb_bcc=0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/clientgen.c:cli_rpc_pipe_close(654) cli_rpc_pipe_close: closed pipe \NETLOGON to machine vpn.open.ro [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,45) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,45) wrote 45 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217267640 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=35 smb_com=0x4 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=4101 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=12 smt_wct=0 smb_bcc=0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/clientgen.c:cli_rpc_pipe_close(654) cli_rpc_pipe_close: closed pipe \NETLOGON to machine vpn.open.ro [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(319) write_socket(7,39) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 6] libsmb/clientgen.c:write_socket(322) write_socket(7,39) wrote 39 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(1160) got smb length of 3217267720 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(598) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(608) size=35 smb_com=0x71 smb_rcls=0 smb_reh=0 smb_err=0 smb_flg=136 smb_flg2=51201 smb_tid=4101 smb_pid=8099 smb_uid=8193 smb_mid=13 smt_wct=0 smb_bcc=0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] lib/util.c:name_to_fqdn(2875) name_to_fqdn: lookup for LUCIANMO -> lucianmo.open.ro. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/ldap.c:ads_domain_func_level(2817) ads_domain_func_level: Failed to pull the domainFunctionality attribute. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_domain_func_level(2819) ads_domain_func_level: 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 2] libads/ldap.c:ads_get_upn(3260) ads_get_upn: No userPrincipalName attribute! [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/kerberos.c:kerberos_secrets_store_des_salt(465) kerberos_secrets_store_des_salt: Storing salt "host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO" [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/clikrb5.c:smb_krb5_open_keytab(1651) smb_krb5_open_keytab: krb5_kt_default_name returned FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/clikrb5.c:smb_krb5_open_keytab(1699) smb_krb5_open_keytab: resolving: WRFILE:/etc/krb5.keytab [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/ldap.c:ads_get_kvno(1697) ads_get_kvno: Searching for host LUCIANMO [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/ldap.c:ads_get_kvno(1715) ads_get_kvno: Using: CN=lucianmo,CN=Computers,DC=open,DC=ro [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_get_kvno(1727) ads_get_kvno: Error Determining KVNO! [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_get_kvno(1728) ads_get_kvno: Windows 2000 does not support KVNO's, so this may be normal. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(58) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: Will try to delete old keytab entries [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(98) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: Found old entry for principal: host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO (kvno 0) - trying to remove it. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(114) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: removed old entry for principal: host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO (kvno 0). [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(98) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: Found old entry for principal: host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO (kvno 0) - trying to remove it. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(114) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: removed old entry for principal: host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO (kvno 0). [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(98) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: Found old entry for principal: host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO (kvno 0) - trying to remove it. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(114) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: removed old entry for principal: host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO (kvno 0). [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal LUCIANMO$@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal LUCIANMO$@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal LUCIANMO$@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(177) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: adding keytab entry for (host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO) with encryption type (1) and version (0) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(177) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: adding keytab entry for (host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO) with encryption type (3) and version (0) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(177) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: adding keytab entry for (host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO) with encryption type (23) and version (0) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(58) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: Will try to delete old keytab entries [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(98) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: Found old entry for principal: host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO (kvno 0) - trying to remove it. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(114) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: removed old entry for principal: host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO (kvno 0). [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(98) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: Found old entry for principal: host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO (kvno 0) - trying to remove it. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(114) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: removed old entry for principal: host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO (kvno 0). [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(98) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: Found old entry for principal: host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO (kvno 0) - trying to remove it. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(114) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: removed old entry for principal: host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO (kvno 0). [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal LUCIANMO$@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal LUCIANMO$@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal LUCIANMO$@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(177) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: adding keytab entry for (host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO) with encryption type (1) and version (0) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(177) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: adding keytab entry for (host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO) with encryption type (3) and version (0) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(177) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: adding keytab entry for (host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO) with encryption type (23) and version (0) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/clikrb5.c:smb_krb5_open_keytab(1651) smb_krb5_open_keytab: krb5_kt_default_name returned FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/clikrb5.c:smb_krb5_open_keytab(1699) smb_krb5_open_keytab: resolving: WRFILE:/etc/krb5.keytab [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/ldap.c:ads_get_kvno(1697) ads_get_kvno: Searching for host LUCIANMO [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/ldap.c:ads_get_kvno(1715) ads_get_kvno: Using: CN=lucianmo,CN=Computers,DC=open,DC=ro [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_get_kvno(1727) ads_get_kvno: Error Determining KVNO! [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_get_kvno(1728) ads_get_kvno: Windows 2000 does not support KVNO's, so this may be normal. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(58) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: Will try to delete old keytab entries [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(98) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: Found old entry for principal: LUCIANMO$@OPEN.RO (kvno 0) - trying to remove it. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(114) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: removed old entry for principal: LUCIANMO$@OPEN.RO (kvno 0). [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(98) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: Found old entry for principal: LUCIANMO$@OPEN.RO (kvno 0) - trying to remove it. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(114) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: removed old entry for principal: LUCIANMO$@OPEN.RO (kvno 0). [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(98) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: Found old entry for principal: LUCIANMO$@OPEN.RO (kvno 0) - trying to remove it. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(114) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: removed old entry for principal: LUCIANMO$@OPEN.RO (kvno 0). [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo.open.ro@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(86) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: ignoring keytab entry principal host/lucianmo@OPEN.RO, kvno = 0 [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(177) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: adding keytab entry for (LUCIANMO$@OPEN.RO) with encryption type (1) and version (0) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(177) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: adding keytab entry for (LUCIANMO$@OPEN.RO) with encryption type (3) and version (0) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:smb_krb5_kt_add_entry(177) smb_krb5_kt_add_entry: adding keytab entry for (LUCIANMO$@OPEN.RO) with encryption type (23) and version (0) [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 2] libads/ldap.c:ads_get_upn(3260) ads_get_upn: No userPrincipalName attribute! [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/ldap.c:ads_get_kvno(1697) ads_get_kvno: Searching for host LUCIANMO [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 5] libads/ldap.c:ads_get_kvno(1715) ads_get_kvno: Using: CN=lucianmo,CN=Computers,DC=open,DC=ro [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_get_kvno(1727) ads_get_kvno: Error Determining KVNO! [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_get_kvno(1728) ads_get_kvno: Windows 2000 does not support KVNO's, so this may be normal. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:ads_keytab_create_default(537) ads_keytab_create_default: Searching for keytab entries to preserve and update. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/clikrb5.c:smb_krb5_open_keytab(1651) smb_krb5_open_keytab: krb5_kt_default_name returned FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 10] libsmb/clikrb5.c:smb_krb5_open_keytab(1699) smb_krb5_open_keytab: resolving: WRFILE:/etc/krb5.keytab [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 3] libads/kerberos_keytab.c:ads_keytab_create_default(572) ads_keytab_create_default: Found 9 entries in the keytab. [2008/09/11 10:12:12, 2] utils/net.c:main(1178) return code = 0 20080911101212:INFO:Thu Sep 11 10:12:12 EEST 2008 The workgroup in /tmp/centeristmpVegQVb/etc/samba/lwiauthd.conf does not match the short domain name obtained from the server. Using the name [OFFICE] from the server. You should set "workgroup = OFFICE" in /tmp/centeristmpVegQVb/etc/samba/lwiauthd.conf. Using short domain name -- OFFICE Joined 'LUCIANMO' to realm 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101212:INFO:Running module lwiconf 20080911101212:INFO:Running module krb5 20080911101212:INFO:Starting krb5.conf configuration (enabling) 20080911101212:INFO:Reading krb5 file /etc/krb5.conf 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[libdefaults] ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'libdefaults' to '(null)' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_config = /etc/krb.conf ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_config' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_realms = /etc/krb.realms ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_realms' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc_timesync = 1 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc_timesync' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' ccache_type = 4 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ccache_type' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' forwardable = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'forwardable' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' proxiable = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'proxiable' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' v4_instance_resolve = false ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'v4_instance_resolve' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' v4_name_convert = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'v4_name_convert' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' host = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'host' to 'v4_name_convert' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' rcmd = host ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'rcmd' to 'host' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' ftp = ftp ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ftp' to 'host' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' plain = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'plain' to 'v4_name_convert' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' something = something-else ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'something' to 'plain' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' fcc-mit-ticketflags = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'fcc-mit-ticketflags' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_tgs_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_tgs_enctypes' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_tkt_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_tkt_enctypes' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' preferred_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'preferred_enctypes' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' dns_lookup_kdc = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'dns_lookup_kdc' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# The following krb5.conf variables are only for MIT Kerberos. ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# The following encryption type specification will be used by MIT Kerberos ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# if uncommented. In general, the defaults in the MIT Kerberos code are ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# correct and overriding these specifications only serves to disable new ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# encryption types as they are added, creating interoperability problems. ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# Thie only time when you might need to uncomment these lines and change ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# the enctypes is if you have local software that will break on ticket ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# caches containing ticket encryption types it doesn't know about (such as ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# old versions of Sun Java). ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# default_tgs_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# default_tkt_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# permitted_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# The following libdefaults parameters are only for Heimdal Kerberos. ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[realms] ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'realms' to '(null)' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' OPEN.RO = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'OPEN.RO' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' auth_to_local = RULE:[1:$0\$1](^OPEN\.RO\\.*)s/^OPEN\.RO/OFFICE/ ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'auth_to_local' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' auth_to_local = DEFAULT ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'auth_to_local' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' ATHENA.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-1.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.media.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.media.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' ZONE.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = casio.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = seiko.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = casio.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' MOOF.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = three-headed-dogcow.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = three-headed-dogcow-1.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = three-headed-dogcow.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' CSAIL.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-1.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb524_server = krb524.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb524_server' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' IHTFP.ORG = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'IHTFP.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.ihtfp.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'IHTFP.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.ihtfp.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'IHTFP.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' GNU.ORG = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'GNU.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.gnu.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.gnu.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-3.gnu.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.gnu.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' 1TS.ORG = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '1TS.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.1ts.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to '1TS.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.1ts.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to '1TS.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' GRATUITOUS.ORG = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'GRATUITOUS.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.gratuitous.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GRATUITOUS.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.gratuitous.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'GRATUITOUS.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' DOOMCOM.ORG = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'DOOMCOM.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.doomcom.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'DOOMCOM.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.doomcom.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'DOOMCOM.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' ANDREW.CMU.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice28.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice2.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice11.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice12.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = vice28.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' CS.CMU.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'CS.CMU.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.cs.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CS.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.srv.cs.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CS.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.cs.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'CS.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' DEMENTIA.ORG = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'DEMENTIA.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.dementia.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'DEMENTIA.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos2.dementia.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'DEMENTIA.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.dementia.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'DEMENTIA.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' stanford.edu = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'stanford.edu' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = krb5auth1.stanford.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = krb5auth2.stanford.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = krb5auth3.stanford.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = krb5-admin.stanford.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = stanford.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[domain_realm] ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'domain_realm' to '(null)' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .mit.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' mit.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .media.mit.edu = MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '.media.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' media.mit.edu = MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'media.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .csail.mit.edu = CSAIL.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '.csail.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' csail.mit.edu = CSAIL.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'csail.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .whoi.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '.whoi.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' whoi.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'whoi.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .stanford.edu = stanford.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '.stanford.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .slac.stanford.edu = SLAC.STANFORD.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '.slac.stanford.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[login] ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'login' to '(null)' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_convert = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_convert' to 'login' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_get_tickets = false ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_get_tickets' to 'login' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[appdefaults] ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'appdefaults' to '(null)' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' pam = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'pam' to 'appdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' mappings = OFFICE\\(.*) $1@OPEN.RO ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'mappings' to 'pam' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' forwardable = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'forwardable' to 'pam' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' validate = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'validate' to 'pam' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' httpd = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'httpd' to 'appdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' mappings = OFFICE\\(.*) $1@OPEN.RO ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'mappings' to 'httpd' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' reverse_mappings = (.*)@OPEN\.RO OFFICE\$1 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'reverse_mappings' to 'httpd' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:INFO:Lwinet found trust 'OFFICE' -> 'open.ro' 20080911101212:INFO:Failed to run lwiinfo --details -m. This is expected if the auth daemon is not running 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'default_realm' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_realm' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'default_tgs_enctypes' to 'RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'default_tkt_enctypes' to 'RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'preferred_enctypes' to 'RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'dns_lookup_kdc' to 'true' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'auth_to_local' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'auth_to_local' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'mappings' to 'OFFICE\\(.*) $1@OPEN.RO' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'forwardable' to 'true' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'validate' to 'true' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'mappings' to 'OFFICE\\(.*) $1@OPEN.RO' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'reverse_mappings' to '(.*)@OPEN\.RO OFFICE\$1' 20080911101212:INFO:Writing krb5 file /etc/krb5.conf 20080911101212:INFO:File /etc/krb5.conf modified 20080911101212:INFO:Finishing krb5.conf configuration 20080911101212:INFO:Reading krb5 file /tmp/centeristmpumKGv5/etc/krb5.conf 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[libdefaults] ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'libdefaults' to '(null)' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_config = /etc/krb.conf ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_config' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_realms = /etc/krb.realms ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_realms' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc_timesync = 1 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc_timesync' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' ccache_type = 4 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ccache_type' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' forwardable = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'forwardable' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' proxiable = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'proxiable' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' v4_instance_resolve = false ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'v4_instance_resolve' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' v4_name_convert = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'v4_name_convert' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' host = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'host' to 'v4_name_convert' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' rcmd = host ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'rcmd' to 'host' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' ftp = ftp ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ftp' to 'host' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' plain = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'plain' to 'v4_name_convert' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' something = something-else ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'something' to 'plain' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' fcc-mit-ticketflags = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'fcc-mit-ticketflags' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_tgs_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_tgs_enctypes' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_tkt_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_tkt_enctypes' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' preferred_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'preferred_enctypes' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' dns_lookup_kdc = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'dns_lookup_kdc' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_realm = OPEN.RO ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_realm' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# The following krb5.conf variables are only for MIT Kerberos. ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# The following encryption type specification will be used by MIT Kerberos ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# if uncommented. In general, the defaults in the MIT Kerberos code are ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# correct and overriding these specifications only serves to disable new ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# encryption types as they are added, creating interoperability problems. ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# Thie only time when you might need to uncomment these lines and change ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# the enctypes is if you have local software that will break on ticket ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# caches containing ticket encryption types it doesn't know about (such as ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# old versions of Sun Java). ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# default_tgs_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# default_tkt_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# permitted_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# The following libdefaults parameters are only for Heimdal Kerberos. ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[realms] ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'realms' to '(null)' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' OPEN.RO = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'OPEN.RO' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' auth_to_local = RULE:[1:$0\$1](^OPEN\.RO\\.*)s/^OPEN\.RO/OFFICE/ ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'auth_to_local' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' auth_to_local = DEFAULT ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'auth_to_local' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' ATHENA.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-1.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.media.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.media.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' ZONE.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = casio.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = seiko.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = casio.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' MOOF.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = three-headed-dogcow.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = three-headed-dogcow-1.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = three-headed-dogcow.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' CSAIL.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-1.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb524_server = krb524.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb524_server' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' IHTFP.ORG = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'IHTFP.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.ihtfp.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'IHTFP.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.ihtfp.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'IHTFP.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' GNU.ORG = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'GNU.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.gnu.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.gnu.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-3.gnu.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.gnu.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' 1TS.ORG = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '1TS.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.1ts.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to '1TS.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.1ts.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to '1TS.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' GRATUITOUS.ORG = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'GRATUITOUS.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.gratuitous.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GRATUITOUS.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.gratuitous.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'GRATUITOUS.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' DOOMCOM.ORG = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'DOOMCOM.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.doomcom.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'DOOMCOM.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.doomcom.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'DOOMCOM.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' ANDREW.CMU.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice28.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice2.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice11.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice12.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = vice28.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' CS.CMU.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'CS.CMU.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.cs.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CS.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.srv.cs.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CS.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.cs.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'CS.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' DEMENTIA.ORG = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'DEMENTIA.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.dementia.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'DEMENTIA.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos2.dementia.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'DEMENTIA.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.dementia.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'DEMENTIA.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' stanford.edu = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'stanford.edu' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = krb5auth1.stanford.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = krb5auth2.stanford.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = krb5auth3.stanford.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = krb5-admin.stanford.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = stanford.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[domain_realm] ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'domain_realm' to '(null)' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .mit.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' mit.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .media.mit.edu = MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '.media.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' media.mit.edu = MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'media.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .csail.mit.edu = CSAIL.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '.csail.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' csail.mit.edu = CSAIL.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'csail.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .whoi.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '.whoi.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' whoi.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'whoi.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .stanford.edu = stanford.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '.stanford.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .slac.stanford.edu = SLAC.STANFORD.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '.slac.stanford.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[login] ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'login' to '(null)' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_convert = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_convert' to 'login' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_get_tickets = false ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_get_tickets' to 'login' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[appdefaults] ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'appdefaults' to '(null)' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' pam = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'pam' to 'appdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' mappings = OFFICE\\(.*) $1@OPEN.RO ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'mappings' to 'pam' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' forwardable = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'forwardable' to 'pam' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' validate = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'validate' to 'pam' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' httpd = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'httpd' to 'appdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' mappings = OFFICE\\(.*) $1@OPEN.RO ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'mappings' to 'httpd' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' reverse_mappings = (.*)@OPEN\.RO OFFICE\$1 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'reverse_mappings' to 'httpd' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:INFO:Starting krb5.conf configuration (enabling) 20080911101212:INFO:Reading krb5 file /tmp/centeristmpumKGv5/etc/krb5.conf 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[libdefaults] ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'libdefaults' to '(null)' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_config = /etc/krb.conf ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_config' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_realms = /etc/krb.realms ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_realms' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc_timesync = 1 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc_timesync' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' ccache_type = 4 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ccache_type' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' forwardable = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'forwardable' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' proxiable = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'proxiable' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' v4_instance_resolve = false ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'v4_instance_resolve' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' v4_name_convert = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'v4_name_convert' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' host = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'host' to 'v4_name_convert' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' rcmd = host ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'rcmd' to 'host' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' ftp = ftp ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ftp' to 'host' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' plain = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'plain' to 'v4_name_convert' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' something = something-else ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'something' to 'plain' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' fcc-mit-ticketflags = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'fcc-mit-ticketflags' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_tgs_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_tgs_enctypes' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_tkt_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_tkt_enctypes' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' preferred_enctypes = RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'preferred_enctypes' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' dns_lookup_kdc = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'dns_lookup_kdc' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_realm = OPEN.RO ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_realm' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# The following krb5.conf variables are only for MIT Kerberos. ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# The following encryption type specification will be used by MIT Kerberos ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# if uncommented. In general, the defaults in the MIT Kerberos code are ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# correct and overriding these specifications only serves to disable new ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# encryption types as they are added, creating interoperability problems. ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# Thie only time when you might need to uncomment these lines and change ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# the enctypes is if you have local software that will break on ticket ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# caches containing ticket encryption types it doesn't know about (such as ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# old versions of Sun Java). ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# default_tgs_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# default_tkt_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# permitted_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment '# The following libdefaults parameters are only for Heimdal Kerberos. ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'libdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[realms] ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'realms' to '(null)' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' OPEN.RO = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'OPEN.RO' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' auth_to_local = RULE:[1:$0\$1](^OPEN\.RO\\.*)s/^OPEN\.RO/OFFICE/ ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'auth_to_local' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' auth_to_local = DEFAULT ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'auth_to_local' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' ATHENA.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-1.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'ATHENA.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.media.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.media.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' ZONE.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = casio.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = seiko.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = casio.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'ZONE.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' MOOF.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = three-headed-dogcow.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = three-headed-dogcow-1.mit.edu:88 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = three-headed-dogcow.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'MOOF.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' CSAIL.MIT.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-1.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb524_server = krb524.csail.mit.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb524_server' to 'CSAIL.MIT.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' IHTFP.ORG = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'IHTFP.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.ihtfp.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'IHTFP.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.ihtfp.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'IHTFP.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' GNU.ORG = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'GNU.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.gnu.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.gnu.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-3.gnu.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.gnu.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'GNU.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' 1TS.ORG = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '1TS.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.1ts.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to '1TS.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.1ts.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to '1TS.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' GRATUITOUS.ORG = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'GRATUITOUS.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.gratuitous.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'GRATUITOUS.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.gratuitous.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'GRATUITOUS.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' DOOMCOM.ORG = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'DOOMCOM.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.doomcom.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'DOOMCOM.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.doomcom.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'DOOMCOM.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' ANDREW.CMU.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice28.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice2.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice11.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = vice12.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = vice28.fs.andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = andrew.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' CS.CMU.EDU = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'CS.CMU.EDU' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.cs.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CS.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos-2.srv.cs.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'CS.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.cs.cmu.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'CS.CMU.EDU' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' DEMENTIA.ORG = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'DEMENTIA.ORG' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos.dementia.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'DEMENTIA.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = kerberos2.dementia.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'DEMENTIA.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = kerberos.dementia.org ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'DEMENTIA.ORG' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' stanford.edu = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'stanford.edu' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = krb5auth1.stanford.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = krb5auth2.stanford.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' kdc = krb5auth3.stanford.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'kdc' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' admin_server = krb5-admin.stanford.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'admin_server' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' default_domain = stanford.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'default_domain' to 'stanford.edu' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'realms' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[domain_realm] ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'domain_realm' to '(null)' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .mit.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' mit.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .media.mit.edu = MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '.media.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' media.mit.edu = MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'media.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .csail.mit.edu = CSAIL.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '.csail.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' csail.mit.edu = CSAIL.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'csail.mit.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .whoi.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '.whoi.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' whoi.edu = ATHENA.MIT.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'whoi.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .stanford.edu = stanford.edu ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '.stanford.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' .slac.stanford.edu = SLAC.STANFORD.EDU ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '.slac.stanford.edu' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 comment ' ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child '(null)' to 'domain_realm' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[login] ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'login' to '(null)' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_convert = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_convert' to 'login' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' krb4_get_tickets = false ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'krb4_get_tickets' to 'login' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 stanza '[appdefaults] ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'appdefaults' to '(null)' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' pam = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'pam' to 'appdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' mappings = OFFICE\\(.*) $1@OPEN.RO ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'mappings' to 'pam' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' forwardable = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'forwardable' to 'pam' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' validate = true ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'validate' to 'pam' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound statement ' httpd = { ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'httpd' to 'appdefaults' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' mappings = OFFICE\\(.*) $1@OPEN.RO ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'mappings' to 'httpd' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 name value pair ' reverse_mappings = (.*)@OPEN\.RO OFFICE\$1 ' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'reverse_mappings' to 'httpd' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Found krb5 compound end ' } ' 20080911101212:INFO:Lwinet found trust 'OFFICE' -> 'open.ro' 20080911101212:INFO:Failed to run lwiinfo --details -m. This is expected if the auth daemon is not running 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'default_realm' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'default_tgs_enctypes' to 'RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'default_tkt_enctypes' to 'RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'preferred_enctypes' to 'RC4-HMAC DES-CBC-MD5 DES-CBC-CRC' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'dns_lookup_kdc' to 'true' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'auth_to_local' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Adding child 'auth_to_local' to 'OPEN.RO' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'mappings' to 'OFFICE\\(.*) $1@OPEN.RO' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'forwardable' to 'true' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'validate' to 'true' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'mappings' to 'OFFICE\\(.*) $1@OPEN.RO' 20080911101212:VERBOSE:Setting krb5 name value 'reverse_mappings' to '(.*)@OPEN\.RO OFFICE\$1' 20080911101212:INFO:Writing krb5 file /tmp/centeristmpumKGv5/etc/krb5.conf 20080911101212:INFO:File /tmp/centeristmpumKGv5/etc/krb5.conf unmodified 20080911101212:INFO:Finishing krb5.conf configuration 20080911101212:INFO:Running module nsswitch 20080911101212:INFO:Reading nsswitch file /etc/nsswitch.conf 20080911101212:INFO:Writing nsswitch configuration for /etc/nsswitch.conf 20080911101212:INFO:File moved into place 20080911101217:INFO:Reading nsswitch file /etc/nsswitch.conf 20080911101217:INFO:Running module start 20080911101217:INFO:Checking status of daemon [/etc/init.d/likewise-open] 20080911101217:INFO:Daemon [/etc/init.d/likewise-open]: status [1] 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Looking for likewise-open 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Found /usr/sbin/likewise-winbindd 20080911101217:INFO:Starting daemon [/etc/init.d/likewise-open] 20080911101217:INFO:Checking status of daemon [/etc/init.d/likewise-open] 20080911101217:INFO:Daemon [/etc/init.d/likewise-open]: status [0] 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Looking for '/sbin/chkconfig' 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Looking for '/usr/sbin/update-rc.d' 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Found '/usr/sbin/update-rc.d' 20080911101217:INFO:Checking status of daemon [/etc/init.d/likewise-open] 20080911101217:INFO:Daemon [/etc/init.d/likewise-open]: status [0] 20080911101217:INFO:Running module pam 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam configuration 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/gnome-screensaver 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/common-account 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/cron 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/chfn 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/login 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/polkit 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/sudo 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/samba 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/common-session 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/common-password 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/su 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/passwd 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/other 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/gdm 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/chsh 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/gdm-autologin 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/ppp 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/atd 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/common-auth 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.d/cups 20080911101217:INFO:Reading pam file /etc/pam.conf 20080911101217:INFO:Making sure that try_first_pass is not on in pam_lwidentity.conf 20080911101217:INFO:Searching for the system specific path of pam_lwidentity 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/pam_lwidentity.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/pam_lwidentity.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/pam_lwidentity.so exists 20080911101217:INFO:Found pam module /lib/security/pam_lwidentity.so 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/libpam_lwidentity.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/libpam_lwidentity.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/libpam_lwidentity.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/libpam_lwidentity.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/libpam_lwidentity.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/pam_lwidentity.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/pam_lwidentity.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/pam_lwidentity.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/pam_lwidentity.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/pam_lwidentity.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/libpam_lwidentity.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/libpam_lwidentity.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/libpam_lwidentity.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/libpam_lwidentity.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/libpam_lwidentity.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/pam_lwidentity.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/pam_lwidentity.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/pam_lwidentity.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/pam_lwidentity.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/pam_lwidentity.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/libpam_lwidentity.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/libpam_lwidentity.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/libpam_lwidentity.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/libpam_lwidentity.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/libpam_lwidentity.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/pam_lwidentity.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/pam_lwidentity.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/pam_lwidentity.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/pam_lwidentity.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/pam_lwidentity.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/libpam_lwidentity.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/libpam_lwidentity.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/libpam_lwidentity.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/libpam_lwidentity.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/libpam_lwidentity.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/pam_lwidentity.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/pam_lwidentity.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/pam_lwidentity.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/pam_lwidentity.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/pam_lwidentity.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/libpam_lwidentity.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/libpam_lwidentity.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/libpam_lwidentity.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/libpam_lwidentity.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/libpam_lwidentity.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/pam_lwidentity.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/pam_lwidentity.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/pam_lwidentity.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/pam_lwidentity.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/pam_lwidentity.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/libpam_lwidentity.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/libpam_lwidentity.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/libpam_lwidentity.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/libpam_lwidentity.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/libpam_lwidentity.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/pam_lwidentity.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/pam_lwidentity.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/pam_lwidentity.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/pam_lwidentity.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/pam_lwidentity.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/libpam_lwidentity.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/libpam_lwidentity.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/libpam_lwidentity.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/libpam_lwidentity.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/libpam_lwidentity.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/pam_lwidentity.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/pam_lwidentity.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/pam_lwidentity.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/pam_lwidentity.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/pam_lwidentity.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/libpam_lwidentity.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/libpam_lwidentity.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/libpam_lwidentity.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/libpam_lwidentity.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/libpam_lwidentity.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/pam_lwidentity.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/pam_lwidentity.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/pam_lwidentity.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/pam_lwidentity.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/pam_lwidentity.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/libpam_lwidentity.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/libpam_lwidentity.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/libpam_lwidentity.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/libpam_lwidentity.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/libpam_lwidentity.1 exists 20080911101217:INFO:Using module path '/lib/security/pam_lwidentity.so' 20080911101217:INFO:Searching for the system specific path of pam_lwipasspolicy 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib64/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/pam_lwipasspolicy.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib64/security/libpam_lwipasspolicy.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/pam_lwipasspolicy.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/pam_lwipasspolicy.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/pam_lwipasspolicy.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/pam_lwipasspolicy.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/pam_lwipasspolicy.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/libpam_lwipasspolicy.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/libpam_lwipasspolicy.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/libpam_lwipasspolicy.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/libpam_lwipasspolicy.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux32/libpam_lwipasspolicy.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/pam_lwipasspolicy.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/pam_lwipasspolicy.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/pam_lwipasspolicy.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/pam_lwipasspolicy.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/pam_lwipasspolicy.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/libpam_lwipasspolicy.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/libpam_lwipasspolicy.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/libpam_lwipasspolicy.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/libpam_lwipasspolicy.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /lib/security/hpux64/libpam_lwipasspolicy.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/pam_lwipasspolicy.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/pam_lwipasspolicy.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/pam_lwipasspolicy.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/pam_lwipasspolicy.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/pam_lwipasspolicy.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/libpam_lwipasspolicy.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/libpam_lwipasspolicy.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/libpam_lwipasspolicy.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/libpam_lwipasspolicy.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/pam/libpam_lwipasspolicy.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/pam_lwipasspolicy.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/pam_lwipasspolicy.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/pam_lwipasspolicy.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/pam_lwipasspolicy.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/pam_lwipasspolicy.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/libpam_lwipasspolicy.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/libpam_lwipasspolicy.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/libpam_lwipasspolicy.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/libpam_lwipasspolicy.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/sparcv9/libpam_lwipasspolicy.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/pam_lwipasspolicy.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/pam_lwipasspolicy.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/pam_lwipasspolicy.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/pam_lwipasspolicy.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/pam_lwipasspolicy.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/libpam_lwipasspolicy.sl exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/libpam_lwipasspolicy.sl.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/libpam_lwipasspolicy.so exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/libpam_lwipasspolicy.so.1 exists 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Checking if /usr/lib/security/amd64/libpam_lwipasspolicy.1 exists 20080911101217:INFO:Unable to find pam_lwipasspolicy 20080911101217:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service gnome-screensaver for phase auth 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Looking at entry gnome-screensaver auth common-auth 20080911101217:INFO:Including common-auth for service gnome-screensaver 20080911101217:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-auth for phase auth 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-auth auth [success=1 default=ignore] pam_unix.so 20080911101217:VERBOSE:It is not an include line 20080911101217:VERBOSE:The module prompts 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-auth auth requisite pam_deny.so 20080911101217:VERBOSE:Looking at entry gnome-screensaver auth optional pam_gnome_keyring.so 20080911101217:VERBOSE:It is not an include line 20080911101217:INFO:Bottomed out of pam stack 20080911101217:ERROR:Nothing seems to be protecting logins for service gnome-screensaver 20080911101246:WARNING:Unknown pam configuration [CENTERROR_DOMAINJOIN_PAM_BAD_CONF] The likewise PAM module cannot be configured for the gnome-screensaver service. Either this service is unprotected (does not require a valid password for access), or it is using a pam module that this program is unfamiliar with. Please email Likewise technical support and include a copy of /etc/pam.conf or /etc/pam.d. Stack Trace: djpamconf.c:1941 20080911101246:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service gnome-screensaver for phase auth 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry gnome-screensaver auth common-auth 20080911101246:INFO:Including common-auth for service gnome-screensaver 20080911101246:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-auth for phase auth 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-auth auth [success=1 default=ignore] pam_unix.so 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-auth auth requisite pam_deny.so 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-auth auth required pam_permit.so 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry gnome-screensaver auth optional pam_gnome_keyring.so 20080911101246:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service gnome-screensaver for phase account 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry gnome-screensaver account common-auth 20080911101246:INFO:Including common-auth for service gnome-screensaver 20080911101246:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-auth for phase account 20080911101246:INFO:Bottomed out of pam stack 20080911101246:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service gnome-screensaver for phase account 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry gnome-screensaver account common-auth 20080911101246:INFO:Including common-auth for service gnome-screensaver 20080911101246:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-auth for phase account 20080911101246:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service gnome-screensaver for phase password 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry gnome-screensaver password common-auth 20080911101246:INFO:Including common-auth for service gnome-screensaver 20080911101246:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-auth for phase password 20080911101246:INFO:Bottomed out of pam stack 20080911101246:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service gnome-screensaver for phase password 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry gnome-screensaver password common-auth 20080911101246:INFO:Including common-auth for service gnome-screensaver 20080911101246:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-auth for phase password 20080911101246:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service gnome-screensaver for phase session 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry gnome-screensaver session common-auth 20080911101246:INFO:Including common-auth for service gnome-screensaver 20080911101246:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-auth for phase session 20080911101246:INFO:Bottomed out of pam stack 20080911101246:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service gnome-screensaver for phase session 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry gnome-screensaver session common-auth 20080911101246:INFO:Including common-auth for service gnome-screensaver 20080911101246:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-auth for phase session 20080911101246:INFO:Disabling password policy for pam service gnome-screensaver for phase password 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry gnome-screensaver password common-auth 20080911101246:INFO:Including common-auth for service gnome-screensaver 20080911101246:INFO:Disabling password policy for pam service common-auth for phase password 20080911101246:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-account for phase auth 20080911101246:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-account for phase auth 20080911101246:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-account for phase account 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-account account [success=1 default=ignore] pam_unix.so 20080911101246:VERBOSE:It is not an include line 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-account account requisite pam_deny.so 20080911101246:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-account for phase account 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-account account [success=1 default=ignore] pam_unix.so 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-account account requisite pam_deny.so 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-account account required pam_permit.so 20080911101246:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-account for phase password 20080911101246:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-account for phase password 20080911101246:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-account for phase session 20080911101246:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-account for phase session 20080911101246:INFO:Disabling password policy for pam service common-account for phase password 20080911101246:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service cron for phase auth 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron auth common-auth 20080911101246:INFO:Including common-auth for service cron 20080911101246:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-auth for phase auth 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-auth auth [success=1 default=ignore] pam_unix.so 20080911101246:VERBOSE:It is not an include line 20080911101246:VERBOSE:The module prompts 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-auth auth requisite pam_deny.so 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron auth required pam_env.so 20080911101246:VERBOSE:It is not an include line 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron auth common-account 20080911101246:INFO:Including common-account for service cron 20080911101246:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-account for phase auth 20080911101246:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron auth common-session 20080911101246:INFO:Including common-session for service cron 20080911101246:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-session for phase auth 20080911101246:INFO:Bottomed out of pam stack 20080911101246:ERROR:Nothing seems to be protecting logins for service cron 20080911101304:WARNING:Unknown pam configuration [CENTERROR_DOMAINJOIN_PAM_BAD_CONF] The likewise PAM module cannot be configured for the cron service. Either this service is unprotected (does not require a valid password for access), or it is using a pam module that this program is unfamiliar with. Please email Likewise technical support and include a copy of /etc/pam.conf or /etc/pam.d. Stack Trace: djpamconf.c:1941 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service cron for phase auth 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron auth common-auth 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-auth for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-auth for phase auth 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-auth auth [success=1 default=ignore] pam_unix.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-auth auth requisite pam_deny.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-auth auth required pam_permit.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron auth required pam_env.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron auth common-account 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-account for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-account for phase auth 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron auth common-session 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-session for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-session for phase auth 20080911101304:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service cron for phase account 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron account common-auth 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-auth for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-auth for phase account 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron account common-account 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-account for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-account for phase account 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-account account [success=1 default=ignore] pam_unix.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:It is not an include line 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-account account requisite pam_deny.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron account common-session 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-session for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-session for phase account 20080911101304:INFO:Bottomed out of pam stack 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service cron for phase account 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron account common-auth 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-auth for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-auth for phase account 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron account common-account 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-account for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-account for phase account 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-account account [success=1 default=ignore] pam_unix.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-account account requisite pam_deny.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-account account required pam_permit.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron account common-session 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-session for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-session for phase account 20080911101304:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service cron for phase password 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron password common-auth 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-auth for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-auth for phase password 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron password common-account 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-account for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-account for phase password 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron password common-session 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-session for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-session for phase password 20080911101304:INFO:Bottomed out of pam stack 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service cron for phase password 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron password common-auth 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-auth for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-auth for phase password 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron password common-account 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-account for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-account for phase password 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron password common-session 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-session for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-session for phase password 20080911101304:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service cron for phase session 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron session common-auth 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-auth for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-auth for phase session 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron session common-account 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-account for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-account for phase session 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron session common-session 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-session for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-session for phase session 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session required pam_permit.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:It is not an include line 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session required pam_permit.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:It is not an include line 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session required pam_unix.so 20080911101304:INFO:Inserting pam_lwidentity before pam_unix.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session required pam_unix.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session optional pam_ck_connector.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron session required pam_limits.so 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service cron for phase session 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron session common-auth 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-auth for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-auth for phase session 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron session common-account 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-account for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-account for phase session 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron session common-session 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-session for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-session for phase session 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session required pam_permit.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session required pam_permit.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session sufficient /lib/security/pam_lwidentity.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session required pam_unix.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session optional pam_ck_connector.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron session required pam_limits.so 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling password policy for pam service cron for phase password 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron password common-auth 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-auth for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling password policy for pam service common-auth for phase password 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron password common-account 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-account for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling password policy for pam service common-account for phase password 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry cron password common-session 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-session for service cron 20080911101304:INFO:Disabling password policy for pam service common-session for phase password 20080911101304:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service chfn for phase auth 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn auth sufficient pam_rootok.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:It is not an include line 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn auth common-auth 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-auth for service chfn 20080911101304:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-auth for phase auth 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-auth auth [success=1 default=ignore] pam_unix.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:It is not an include line 20080911101304:VERBOSE:The module prompts 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-auth auth requisite pam_deny.so 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn auth common-account 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-account for service chfn 20080911101304:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-account for phase auth 20080911101304:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn auth common-session 20080911101304:INFO:Including common-session for service chfn 20080911101304:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-session for phase auth 20080911101304:INFO:Bottomed out of pam stack 20080911101304:ERROR:Nothing seems to be protecting logins for service chfn 20080911101321:WARNING:Unknown pam configuration [CENTERROR_DOMAINJOIN_PAM_BAD_CONF] The likewise PAM module cannot be configured for the chfn service. Either this service is unprotected (does not require a valid password for access), or it is using a pam module that this program is unfamiliar with. Please email Likewise technical support and include a copy of /etc/pam.conf or /etc/pam.d. Stack Trace: djpamconf.c:1941 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service chfn for phase auth 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn auth sufficient pam_rootok.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn auth common-auth 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-auth for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-auth for phase auth 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-auth auth [success=1 default=ignore] pam_unix.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-auth auth requisite pam_deny.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-auth auth required pam_permit.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn auth common-account 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-account for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-account for phase auth 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn auth common-session 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-session for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-session for phase auth 20080911101321:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service chfn for phase account 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn account common-auth 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-auth for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-auth for phase account 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn account common-account 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-account for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-account for phase account 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-account account [success=1 default=ignore] pam_unix.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:It is not an include line 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-account account requisite pam_deny.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn account common-session 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-session for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-session for phase account 20080911101321:INFO:Bottomed out of pam stack 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service chfn for phase account 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn account common-auth 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-auth for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-auth for phase account 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn account common-account 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-account for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-account for phase account 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-account account [success=1 default=ignore] pam_unix.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-account account requisite pam_deny.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-account account required pam_permit.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn account common-session 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-session for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-session for phase account 20080911101321:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service chfn for phase password 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn password common-auth 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-auth for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-auth for phase password 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn password common-account 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-account for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-account for phase password 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn password common-session 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-session for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-session for phase password 20080911101321:INFO:Bottomed out of pam stack 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service chfn for phase password 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn password common-auth 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-auth for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-auth for phase password 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn password common-account 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-account for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-account for phase password 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn password common-session 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-session for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-session for phase password 20080911101321:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service chfn for phase session 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn session common-auth 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-auth for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-auth for phase session 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn session common-account 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-account for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-account for phase session 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn session common-session 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-session for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-session for phase session 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session required pam_permit.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:It is not an include line 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session required pam_permit.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:It is not an include line 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session sufficient /lib/security/pam_lwidentity.so 20080911101321:INFO:Found pam_lwidentity 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session required pam_unix.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session optional pam_ck_connector.so 20080911101321:INFO:Bottomed out of pam stack 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service chfn for phase session 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn session common-auth 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-auth for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-auth for phase session 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn session common-account 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-account for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-account for phase session 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn session common-session 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-session for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling pam_centeris for pam service common-session for phase session 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session required pam_permit.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session required pam_permit.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session sufficient /lib/security/pam_lwidentity.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session required pam_unix.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-session session optional pam_ck_connector.so 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling password policy for pam service chfn for phase password 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn password common-auth 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-auth for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling password policy for pam service common-auth for phase password 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn password common-account 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-account for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling password policy for pam service common-account for phase password 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry chfn password common-session 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-session for service chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Disabling password policy for pam service common-session for phase password 20080911101321:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service login for phase auth 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry login auth requisite pam_securetty.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:It is not an include line 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry login auth requisite pam_nologin.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:It is not an include line 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry login auth common-auth 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-auth for service login 20080911101321:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-auth for phase auth 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-auth auth [success=1 default=ignore] pam_unix.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:It is not an include line 20080911101321:VERBOSE:The module prompts 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry common-auth auth requisite pam_deny.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry login auth optional pam_group.so 20080911101321:VERBOSE:It is not an include line 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry login auth common-account 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-account for service login 20080911101321:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-account for phase auth 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry login auth common-session 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-session for service login 20080911101321:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-session for phase auth 20080911101321:VERBOSE:Looking at entry login auth common-password 20080911101321:INFO:Including common-password for service login 20080911101321:INFO:Enabling pam_lwidentity for pam service common-password for phase auth 20080911101321:INFO:Bottomed out of pam stack 20080911101321:ERROR:Nothing seems to be protecting logins for service login 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam configuration 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/gnome-screensaver 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/common-account 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/cron 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/chfn 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/login 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/polkit 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/sudo 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/samba 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/common-session 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/common-password 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/su 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/passwd 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/other 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/gdm 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/chsh 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/gdm-autologin 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/ppp 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/atd 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/common-auth 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.d/cups 20080911101321:INFO:Reading pam file /tmp/centeristmphIgDDf/etc/pam.conf