Hi, And all this would be a bug in libxml-sax-perl because of what exactly? We don't have a policy about Debian and CPAN to coexist. This certainly doesn't mean they should not, but it's not a requirement at this point in time. Please bring this issue up at the debian-perl mailing list. I've written a README.Debian for this module which I suggest you read. It probably should be expanded to explain the background of why I wrote the 'update-perl-sax-parsers' script and the issues it solves. I'm working with the upstream authors on a more widely usable solution for these issues (or at least more support for it work smoothly in Debian). The basic problem is that XML:SAX parsers are expected to register themselves at installation time using the XML::SAX API resulting in a ParserDetails.ini file originally in the same location where XML::SAX lives. Debian doesn't allow package A to directly change a file owned by package B. Since the file ParserDetails.ini is owned by XML::SAX, no other parser can register itself. The 'update-perl-sax-parsers' script is a solution around this problem and every parser (including the one in XML::SAX) is expected to call this script in the postinst and prerm scripts. I enhanced the XML::SAX API by a subroutine called 'save_parsers_debian' and stubbed the original subroutine 'save_parsers'. The Makefile.PL of local XML::SAX parsers has be to changed to comment out the part where it registers itself using the original XML::SAX API. After install you then have to call the 'update-perl-sax-parsers' script manually to register the parser. I plan to put support in the 'update-perl-sax-parsers' script for local ParserDetails.ini files (e.g. for users to have parsers under their home directory). So, unfortunately this is hopefully one of the rare occasions where Debian and CPAN cannot coexist out of the box. I'm not sure what to do exactly with this bug report. We don't have to support /usr/local and you're responsible yourself for what you're doing there. If you install software under /usr/local which also is already available under /usr and made to work within the Debian framework, you're probably in for more situations like this. Thanks, Ardo Peter Sinnott (