Activity log for bug #52797

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2006-07-12 19:57:56 Adrian R Goalby bug added bug
2006-07-14 15:58:24 Onkar Shinde gnome-panel: status Unconfirmed Confirmed
2006-07-14 15:58:24 Onkar Shinde gnome-panel: assignee desktop-bugs
2006-07-14 15:58:24 Onkar Shinde gnome-panel: statusexplanation
2006-07-19 09:24:50 Daniel Holbach gnome-panel: importance Untriaged Wishlist
2006-07-19 09:24:50 Daniel Holbach gnome-panel: statusexplanation Thanks for the suggestion, I forwarded it to the upstrema developers:
2006-07-19 09:25:03 Daniel Holbach bug assigned to gnome-panel (upstream)
2006-07-19 13:38:00 Daniel Holbach gnome-panel: statusexplanation Thanks for the suggestion, I forwarded it to the upstrema developers:
2006-07-20 06:42:32 Bug Watch Updater gnome-panel: status Unknown Unconfirmed
2008-10-29 17:17:10 Sebastien Bacher libwnck: status Confirmed Triaged
2010-09-16 01:49:28 Bug Watch Updater gnome-panel: importance Unknown Wishlist
2011-03-07 13:41:42 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:vm
2011-04-05 10:01:00 Uday Reddy branch unlinked lp:vm
2011-08-21 17:41:04 James Haigh bug added subscriber James Haigh
2018-01-24 21:50:55 Bug Watch Updater gnome-panel: status New Expired