Complaints show fear, anger & ungratefulness while calm feature requests show peace, gratefulness & understanding of a problem. Community giving of FOSS shows kindness & compassion, while taking & complaining shows an unsatisfied desire for control. True control lies in harmonising with the community, and paradoxically involves letting go of your need for control while also giving the part which is under your control. Heartbleed shows inherent insecurity of a house divided against itself.... yet it also shows the speed of the Whole to heal itself. Privacy is an illusion... security built on deterministic Laws has little room for true randomness without hiding within Complexity. The appearance of randomness is Chaos, yet within the chaos lies a higher Order. No matter which side you think you are on... you're actually on both, and they are not truly opposed when undivided. On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 12:31 PM, Sam Liddicott