Activity log for bug #1969808

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2022-04-21 16:07:29 Rico Tzschichholz bug added bug
2022-04-21 16:08:08 Rico Tzschichholz nominated for series Ubuntu Focal
2022-04-21 16:08:08 Rico Tzschichholz bug task added libreoffice (Ubuntu Focal)
2022-04-21 16:11:21 Rico Tzschichholz bug added subscriber Ubuntu Backporters
2022-04-21 16:11:27 Rico Tzschichholz libreoffice (Ubuntu Focal): assignee Rico Tzschichholz (ricotz)
2022-04-21 16:23:02 Rico Tzschichholz libreoffice (Ubuntu Focal): status New In Progress
2022-04-21 16:23:05 Rico Tzschichholz libreoffice (Ubuntu Focal): importance Undecided Medium
2022-04-23 10:39:14 Rico Tzschichholz description [Impact] * LibreOffice 7.2.6 is in its sixth bugfix release of the 7.2 line: * This source packages matches the proposed SRU for impish handled at and its backport is currently provided by the LibreOffice Still PPA at * Previous backport of 7.1.7 handled at * LibreOffice 6.4.7 (EOL since November 30, 2020) is currently released in focal. * Given the nature of the project, the complexity of the codebase and the high level of quality assurance upstream, it is preferable to SRU a minor release rather than cherry-pick selected bug fixes. [Scope] * Backport of * Backport target is Focal/20.04 LTS only to provide an official build of a more recent upstream version of LibreOffice [Testing] * Upstream testing. Bugs fixed upstream typically include unit/regression tests, and the release itself is extensively exercised (both in an automated manner and manually). * A recent set of upstream's automated jenkins testing can be found here: * More information about the upstream QA testing can be found here: * Automated tests * Automated UI tests * Regression tests * Feature tests * Launchpad testing. The libreoffice packages include autopkgtests that were run and verified as passing. * [amd64] ... * [arm64] ... * [armhf] ... * [ppc64el] ... * [s390x] ... * General smoke testing of all the applications in the office suite were carried out by going through the manual testplan as documented by: [Regression Potential] * A minor release with a total of 52 bug fixes always carries the potential for introducing regressions, even though it is a bugfix-only release, meaning that no new features were added, and no existing features were removed. * A combination of autopkgtests and careful smoke testing as described above should provide reasonable confidence that no regressions sneaked in. [Impact]  * LibreOffice 7.2.6 is in its sixth bugfix release of the 7.2 line:  * This source packages matches the proposed SRU for impish handled at    and its backport is currently provided by the LibreOffice Still PPA at  * Previous backport of 7.1.7 handled at  * LibreOffice 6.4.7 (EOL since November 30, 2020) is currently released in focal.  * Given the nature of the project, the complexity of the codebase and the high level of quality assurance upstream, it is preferable to SRU a minor release rather than cherry-pick selected bug fixes. [Scope]  * Backport of  * Backport target is Focal/20.04 LTS only to provide an official build of a more recent upstream version of LibreOffice [Testing]  * Upstream testing. Bugs fixed upstream typically include unit/regression tests, and the release itself is extensively exercised (both in an automated manner and manually).   * A recent set of upstream's automated jenkins testing can be found here:   * More information about the upstream QA testing can be found here:     * Automated tests     * Automated UI tests     * Regression tests     * Feature tests  * Launchpad testing. The libreoffice packages include autopkgtests that were run and verified as passing.     * [amd64]     * [arm64]     * [armhf]     * [ppc64el]     * [s390x]  * General smoke testing of all the applications in the office suite were carried out by going through the manual testplan as documented by: [Regression Potential]  * A minor release with a total of 52 bug fixes always carries the potential for introducing regressions, even though it is a bugfix-only release, meaning that no new features were added, and no existing features were removed.  * A combination of autopkgtests and careful smoke testing as described above should provide reasonable confidence that no regressions sneaked in.
2022-04-23 16:08:59 Rico Tzschichholz attachment added libreoffice_7.2.6-0ubuntu0.21.10.1_bpo20.04.1.diff
2022-04-23 16:09:40 Rico Tzschichholz bug added subscriber Ubuntu Release Team
2022-04-23 16:10:01 Rico Tzschichholz libreoffice (Ubuntu): status New Invalid
2022-04-28 12:32:50 Dan Streetman libreoffice (Ubuntu Focal): status In Progress Fix Committed
2022-04-29 13:17:20 Dan Streetman libreoffice (Ubuntu Focal): status Fix Committed Fix Released