Update 20200922 I have tested LibreOffice for a while. It did cause Xorg memory explosion again as explained below. I am excerpting my own personal notes here, please bear with the rough form of it. The graph that I will attach next will show the point. I started using a LibreOFfice program at 2020-09-06; this was a relaunch after the last comment. At timestamp = 20200921T2330, I checked Xorg memory usage tonight after leaving LibreOffice open for over 11 days: Xorg RSS became swollen to over 1 GB! xorg RSS ... 1182768 kiB The "free" status was terrible: total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 12144888 9761024 596696 710552 1787168 1353420 Swap: 1808384 1477752 330632 Three major users of Xorg memory: LibreOffice Writer ( PID:1760594 ): pixmap bytes : 334753205 1 - xfwm4 ( PID:1477670 ): pixmap bytes : 141633828 Mozilla Firefox ( PID:1816946 ): pixmap bytes : 44090522 The total of all three is ~520 MB. LibreOffice alone is eating up over 334 MB of RAM! NOTE: I did not use LibreOffice every day on this machine. But I left that program open since it was opened on Sept 6. I used the LO Writer occasionally to make notes now and then. Now I am closing the LibreOffice program, see what happened. Before LibreOffice doc was closed, the mem usage status was: LibreOffice pixmap bytes usage dropped to 286360981 (pixmap bytes) xfwm4 .... 131834529 (pixmap bytes) firefox .... 44090522 (pixmap bytes) xorg RSS .... 1203568 kiB => misleading, too much dumped to swap! Let's close LibreOffice; after closing (time marker = 20200922T0006) the usage: xfwm4 .... 98517409 firefox .... 44090522 xorg RSS .... 1192256 kiB A few observations: * As you can see above, xorg RSS was NOT significantly reduced even after I closed the LibreOffice. That was not the case with Firefox or with Xpra; the memory usage dropped as soon as I closed those programs. * I also remember from my past observations that *when this Xorg memory explosion occurred*, the RSS of the xorg server is way higher than the (rough) sum total of the pixmap memory consumption reported by xrestop. My fuzzy memory has it at about a factor of 4: RSS(Xorg) ~ 4x sum(pixmap bytes reported by xrestop) The example above did not quite support that though, but still, it is a factor of more than two! * I also looked at smaps: (ref: smaps-1600747980-20200922T001300.txt). That file indicates the largest memory occupied is in the heap: $ grep -e '^[0-9a-f]' -e 'Dirty' smaps-1600747980-20200922T001300.txt ... 55aa90005000-55aad31ae000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap] Shared_Dirty: 0 kB Private_Dirty: 1078916 kB ... Now I closed Firefox as well: (after closure, timestamp: 20200922T0034) xfwm4 .... 61755763 xorg RSS .... 1149028 kiB Again, it looks like firefox X pixmap memory was freed ok (xorg RSS dropped by ~50 MB), but not much lower.