Activity log for bug #1971056
Date | Who | What changed | Old value | New value | Message |
2022-04-30 22:09:29 | Luís Infante da Câmara | bug | added bug | ||
2022-04-30 22:09:34 | Luís Infante da Câmara | information type | Private Security | Public Security | |
2022-04-30 22:09:57 | Luís Infante da Câmara | cve linked | 2021-3850 | ||
2022-04-30 22:24:24 | Marc Deslauriers | tags | community-security | ||
2022-06-02 13:07:49 | Luís Infante da Câmara | libphp-adodb (Ubuntu): status | New | In Progress | |
2022-06-02 13:07:51 | Luís Infante da Câmara | libphp-adodb (Ubuntu): assignee | Luís Cunha dos Reis Infante da Câmara (luis220413) | ||
2022-06-29 07:46:26 | Luís Infante da Câmara | description | The versions in Bionic, Focal, Impish and Jammy are vulnerable to CVE-2021-3850. Debian released an advisory on March 13. | The versions in Bionic, Focal and Jammy are vulnerable to CVE-2021-3850. Debian released an advisory on March 13. | |
2022-12-23 17:13:47 | Luís Infante da Câmara | libphp-adodb (Ubuntu): assignee | Luís Infante da Câmara (luis220413) |