I used Spyder3 successfully in Ubuntu 11.04, buit it indeed isn working anymore in 11.10. I use the fine ArgyllCMS software. I both tried version 1.3.3 and 1.3.5 (64 bits and 32 bits on two different computers with 11.10). Just for the record my experience. I issue the command $dispcal -yl -r -D5 And the output is as follows (i deleted duplicate lines and replaced them with "(...)"): $./dispcal -yl -r -D5 Checking XRandR 1.2 VideoLUT access XRandR 1.2 is faulty - falling back to older extensions get_displays checking for Xinerama Display 0 name = ':0.0' usb_get_paths about to look through devices: usb_check_and_add() called with VID 0x1d6b, PID 0x2 usb_check_and_add() called with VID 0x1d6b, PID 0x2 usb_check_and_add() called with VID 0x1d6b, PID 0x2 usb_check_and_add() called with VID 0x1d6b, PID 0x1 usb_check_and_add() called with VID 0x1d6b, PID 0x1 usb_check_and_add() called with VID 0x1d6b, PID 0x1 usb_check_and_add() called with VID 0x1d6b, PID 0x1 usb_check_and_add() called with VID 0x1d6b, PID 0x2 usb_check_and_add() called with VID 0x1d6b, PID 0x3 usb_check_and_add() called with VID 0x1058, PID 0x1003 usb_check_and_add() called with VID 0x424, PID 0x2504 usb_check_and_add() called with VID 0x4fc, PID 0x5d8 usb_check_and_add() called with VID 0x85c, PID 0x300 usb_check_and_add() found known instrument managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS0" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS31" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS30" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS29" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS28" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS27" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS26" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS25" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS24" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS23" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS22" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS21" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS20" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS19" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS18" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS17" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS16" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS15" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS14" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS13" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS12" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS11" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS10" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS9" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS8" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS7" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS6" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS5" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS4" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS3" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS2" managed to open serial "/dev/ttyS1" spyd2: About to init coms spyd2: About to init USB icoms: About to set usb port characteristics icoms: About to open the USB port, tries 0 icoms: USB port needs opening icoms: About to open USB port 'usb:/bus1/dev44/ (Datacolor Spyder3)' open() of USB port 'usb:/bus1/dev44/ (Datacolor Spyder3)' suceeded Number of configurations = 1 icoms: USB port is now open icoms: Clearing any USB errors icoms: usb port characteristics set ok spyd2: init coms has suceeded spyd2: About to init instrument icoms: About to return usb read 0 bytes, ICOM err 0x100 (...) icoms: About to return usb read 0 bytes, ICOM err 0x100 spyd2: about to read all the EEProm values spyd2: Read EEProm addr 5, bytes 2 spyd2: Read bytes retry with ICOM err 0x200 (...) spyd2: Read bytes retry with ICOM err 0x200 init_inst returned 'Communications failure' (Communications failure) new_disprd failed because init_inst failed icoms: delete called icoms: closing port usb_close_port() called usb port has been released and closed dispcal: Error - new_disprd() failed with 'Instrument Access Failed'