[Availability] The package libfreezethaw-perl is already in Ubuntu universe. The package libfreezethaw-perl builds for the architectures it is designed to work on. It currently builds and works for architectures: all (perl package) Link to package https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libfreezethaw-perl [Rationale] The package libfreezethaw-perl is required in Ubuntu main for libmldbm-perl The package libfreezethaw-perl will not generally be useful for a large part of our user base, but is important/helpful still because - The package libfreezethaw-perl is recommended by libmldbm-perl, a new runtime dependency of package lintian that we already support - The package libfreezethaw-perl is required in Ubuntu main no later than 2022-08-25 due to Kinetic Feature Freeze [Security] - No CVEs/security issues in this software in the past - no executables in `/sbin` and `/usr/sbin` - Package does not install services, timers or recurring jobs - Packages does not open privileged ports (ports < 1024) - Packages does not contain extensions to security-sensitive software (filters, scanners, plugins, UI skins, ...) [Quality assurance - function/usage] - The package works well right after install - it is a library [Quality assurance - maintenance] - The package does not deal with exotic hardware we cannot support [Quality assurance - testing] - The package runs a test suite on build time, if it fails it makes the build fail, link to build log https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libfreezethaw-perl/0.5001-2.1/+build/20734946 - The package runs an autopkgtest, and is currently passing on amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el s390x, link to test logs https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/libfreezethaw-perl - The package does have not failing autopkgtests right now [Quality assurance - packaging] - debian/watch is present and works - debian/control defines a correct Maintainer field - This package does not yield massive lintian Warnings, Errors one warning https://udd.debian.org/lintian/?packages=libfreezethaw-perl possibly false positive; the last uploader incuded 'Non maintainer upload' in the changelog - Please link to a recent build log of the package https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libfreezethaw-perl/0.5001-2.1/+build/20734946 - Full output of `lintian --pedantic` E: libfreezethaw-perl changes: bad-distribution-in-changes-file unstable - Lintian overrides are not present - This package does not rely on obsolete or about to be demoted packages. - This package has no python2 or GTK2 dependencies - The package will not be installed by default - Packaging and build is easy, link to d/rules https://salsa.debian.org/perl-team/modules/packages/libfreezethaw-perl/-/blob/master/debian/rules [UI standards] - Application is not end-user facing (does not need translation) [Dependencies] - No further depends or recommends dependencies that are not yet in main [Standards compliance] - This package correctly follows FHS and Debian Policy [Maintenance/Owner] - Owning Team will be Ubuntu Foundations - Team is not yet, but will subscribe to the package before promotion - This does not use static builds - This does not use vendored code - The package successfully built during the most recent test rebuild https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20220617-kinetic/+build/24023276 [Background information] The Package description explains the package well Upstream Name is FreezeThaw Link to upstream project https://metacpan.org/dist/FreezeThaw Package is maintained by Debian Perl Group Package was previously in main, see LP: #1427724