libhash-merge-simple-perl 0.052-1 source package in Ubuntu


libhash-merge-simple-perl (0.052-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Team upload.
  * Import upstream version 0.052.
  * Update test and runtime dependencies.
  * Add debian/upstream/metadata.
  * Update years of upstream copyright.
  * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.7.0.
  * Set Rules-Requires-Root: no.

 -- gregor herrmann <email address hidden>  Mon, 28 Oct 2024 19:42:18 +0100

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Debian Perl Group
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Original maintainer:
Debian Perl Group
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Plucky release universe perl


Plucky: [FULLYBUILT] amd64


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
libhash-merge-simple-perl_0.052-1.dsc 2.5 KiB 0c15f6740fcdaaf64b68b7ab24b1b88a23d0afe179663eaee901a90310c92952
libhash-merge-simple-perl_0.052.orig.tar.gz 17.1 KiB c27f20895814a96e0c5bd0ca3315bf901d79706e3bab4ab0d946debc2c429c0b
libhash-merge-simple-perl_0.052-1.debian.tar.xz 2.7 KiB 5266ff4517512b8b5f9f9a8d709df6dc6aacae36e20d8191a3275c6dee22769e

Available diffs

No changes file available.

Binary packages built by this source

libhash-merge-simple-perl: Perl module to easily merge two or more hashes

 Hash::Merge::Simple will recursively merge two or more hashes and return the
 result as a new hash reference. The merge function will descend and merge
 hashes that exist under the same node in both the left and right hash, but
 doesn't attempt to combine arrays, objects, scalars, or anything else. The
 rightmost hash also takes precedence, replacing whatever was in the left hash
 if a conflict occurs.
 This code is based on Catalyst::Utils, but was modified to handle merging more
 than two hashes simultaneously.