libcobra-java 0.98.4-7 source package in Ubuntu


libcobra-java (0.98.4-7) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Team upload.
  * Fixed the build failure with Java 21 (Closes: #1053048)
  * No longer generate the javadoc (Closes: #1048009)
  * Build with the DH sequencer instead of CDBS
  * Standards-Version updated to 4.6.2
  * Switch to debhelper level 13

 -- Emmanuel Bourg <email address hidden>  Fri, 29 Sep 2023 10:35:25 +0200

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Debian Java Maintainers
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Original maintainer:
Debian Java Maintainers
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Plucky release universe utils
Oracular release universe utils
Noble release universe utils


Noble: [FULLYBUILT] amd64


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
libcobra-java_0.98.4-7.dsc 2.0 KiB 82b4649ad89b0a45aa2a13ad67b2dafa104ff86b2a3fafc369d75aa8f0fb95aa
libcobra-java_0.98.4.orig.tar.gz 373.7 KiB a3ead9b5f79971d49f9280a2c53ecf6467eea7691fa67e4b0470f57e4e0000a4
libcobra-java_0.98.4-7.debian.tar.xz 6.9 KiB 79fa9fb3aebcc058db431621ced37421fbf3603e042c0a9ec5f02fc3b205b9e3

Available diffs

No changes file available.

Binary packages built by this source

libcobra-java: Java HTML Renderer & Parser

 Cobra is a pure Java HTML renderer and DOM parser that is being
 developed to support HTML 4, Javascript and CSS 2.
 Cobra can be used as a Javascript-aware and CSS-aware HTML DOM
 parser, independently of the Cobra rendering engine. Javascript DOM
 modifications that occur during parsing (e.g. via document.write)
 will be reflected in the parsed DOM, unless Javascript is
 disabled. Likewise, DOM element implementations have a getStyle
 method that can be called to obtain the styling properties of an