lcmaps-plugins-jobrep 1.5.7-1 source package in Ubuntu


lcmaps-plugins-jobrep (1.5.7-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release
  * Sync serialnumber code with verify-proxy plugin, making code OpenSSL-1.1
    API compliant (Closes: #1065942)
  * Cleanup manpage (and cleanup packaging of the documentation)
  * Set dependency on liblcmaps0t64 for 64 bit time_t
    transition (Closes: #1068071)
 -- Dennis van Dok <email address hidden>  Wed, 10 Apr 2024 14:40:13 +0200

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Dennis van Dok
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Original maintainer:
Dennis van Dok
any all
Medium Urgency

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Series Pocket Published Component Section
Plucky release universe misc
Oracular release universe misc
Noble release universe misc


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
lcmaps-plugins-jobrep_1.5.7-1.dsc 2.2 KiB 1e19bc06c5076cb1d2dfb859a6202809a9bf920e47b73fe90fbe2d81339218d4
lcmaps-plugins-jobrep_1.5.7.orig.tar.gz 455.1 KiB 3306c0300eb967f0c5182e263e95343af589a1157f91710a93b9adac1a82f4ad
lcmaps-plugins-jobrep_1.5.7-1.debian.tar.xz 3.2 KiB 04cd901657c2abbfc6d4e31bebf82b9c5ce4461630d197f777517cb9ba4c08e1

No changes file available.

Binary packages built by this source

lcmaps-plugins-jobrep: Jobrepository plugin for the LCMAPS authorization framework

 The Local Centre MAPping Service (LCMAPS) is a security middleware
 component that processes the users Grid credentials (typically X.509
 proxy certificates and VOMS attributes) and maps the user to a local
 account based on the site local policy.
 This package contains the LCMAPS jobrepository plug-in, which stores
 credentials and the resulting account mappings into a relational
 database. This plugin will link up all the known in-process information
 from LCMAPS core memory and store it in a database. This plug-in uses
 ODBC ( to connect to the database.
 The current state of the mappings between various credentials and
 Unix accounts is stored in an open database on disk, but this
 information can change over time through (regular) system
 administrative interventions. This state is now preserved in a
 relational database with the added benefit of being accessible by
 other systems, e.g. GridSAFE and build-up an easy to backup historic
 view on the mapping state.

lcmaps-plugins-jobrep-admin: Jobrepository database setup tools

 The job repository logs and tracks what is happening in a grid
 computing farm, by collecting information about users and jobs from
 the LCMAPS framework. It consists of different parts, such as a
 database, a job repository LCMAPS module and the job repository API.
 This package contains the script to initialize the MySQL database
 with the correct structure.

lcmaps-plugins-jobrep-dbgsym: debug symbols for lcmaps-plugins-jobrep