There should be a real monospaced English character font prepended, like DejaVu Sans Mono (i think the Noto Sans Mono is too small for reading). For some applications, there are problems with the current config file. reference: Also, i think the Aliases for Chinese should be modified for noto-cjk the modified part: SimSun HYSong AR PL UMing CN NSimSun HYSong AR PL UMing CN SimSun-18030 HYSong AR PL UMing CN NSimSun-18030 HYSong AR PL UMing CN 宋体 HYSong AR PL UMing CN 新宋体 HYSong AR PL UMing CN AR MingtiM GB HYSong AR PL UMing CN KaiTi AR PL UKai CN AR PL ZenKai Uni 楷体 AR PL UKai CN AR PL ZenKai Uni Microsoft YaHei Noto Sans CJK SC WenQuanYi Micro Hei WenQuanYi Zen Hei 微软雅黑 Noto Sans CJK SC WenQuanYi Micro Hei WenQuanYi Zen Hei MingLiU AR PL UMing TW 細明體 AR PL UMing TW PMingLiU AR PL UMing TW 新細明體 AR PL UMing TW AR MingtiM BIG-5 AR PL UMing TW DFKai\-SB AR PL UKai TW AR PL ZenKai Uni 標楷體 AR PL UKai TW AR PL ZenKai Uni Microsoft JhengHei Noto Sans CJK TC WenQuanYi Micro Hei WenQuanYi Zen Hei 微軟正黑體 Noto Sans CJK TC WenQuanYi Micro Hei WenQuanYi Zen Hei