This post was originally posted by xenomorph0525 on 2011/1/30 Its url : and its following discussion posts. I help translate it into English and post it here. ............................................................................................................................................................... Ubuntu is easy to use. Ubuntu does everything you need it to. [url=]It has so strong appeal for everyone on the page[/url] We can supply better defaults for per-language font settings, so that the majority of users don't need to have it. It is absolutely the main reason why we choose ubuntu, as traditional-chinese locale, [url=]with the wish shown on the page [/url] In fact ubuntu make the best achievement in localization. But there are still many things to do to advance towards these respectable goals. One of them is the Font-selector tool 69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf file. When install the ubuntu, users choose 『traditional-chinese』 in the first window in front of him, that means the user has chosen to display the message on the monitor with the locale default zh_TW. In turns he will automatically accept 69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf as the main mechanism to arrange the priority of installed fonts to be adopted. The majority of traditional chinese users choose 69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf by default and by willingness. It is a great design ! But there are still somethings to be improved to chieve the great goal: easy to use and per-language font settings. Yeah, 69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf is one of them to be improved! ..................................................... One of our posters, said in his post: [url=]How to do when his monitor shows square characters when he apply pppoeconf ?[/url] He has just finished the installation of ubuntu 10.10 server edition with traditional chinese under text mode. I find the reason why it shows square ? It only installs DejaVu font, by default, in the /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavudirectory and use 69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf as font select tool. So it must show square when it is intent to display chinese character. This has bothered him much ! He must learn something else to read the square, not in the status “don't need to have it” as described above. If you put 69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf into the searching square of google searching engine, there are ten thousands of outputs. Most of these pages try to teach ubuntu users, who choose traditional chinese as there default locale, to edit there 69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf. This is far from the appeal : Ubuntu does everything you need it to and better defaults for per-language font settings. We know minority of users have the needs to use English fonts, like DejaVu and Bitstream Vera Sans, as their default font selection. Most of them are experters. They may choose English, i.e. en_US, as their default locale, etc.. Most of them belongs to mightier user groups. There are also many another arrangements to satisfy them. Thanks to Mr. [url=]Walter Cheuk who has suggested, on the post #6[/url]: just move the Chinese typefaces to a higher priority. This is more reasonable since typeface priority should match the locale. Just like the example described above, there is not any chinese font installed by default at all ! One must learn how to install extra chinese fonts and how to edit the 69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf. He also must to learn what is font and any font available for him and where is the font located to be downloaded... Not "nothing to do" before he can see chinese font ! Thanks to Mr. Aron Xu for so many advices, We note that all xpdf, poppler, popper-data, evince, okular, nautilus preview are designed specially for reading pdf document. But there are still many square problems in the system itself and in the applications for other usage except pdf. Mr. Aron Xu maybe have some misunderstanding, We doubt from his post, that we propose to remove the whole file 69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf. No ! We just attempt to suggest to remove, just as said in the original post in this bug report, those string including Bitstream Vera、DejaVu from 69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf. It wll be necessary to install some fonts having chinese traditional characters by default with locale zh_TW locale, no matter desktop, server or other editions. 1.The following report described how tetravex, which is not related to pdf, appearred square chinese fonts uder zh_TW locale with 69-language-selector-zh-TW.conf. 1-1.with default setting: The chinese characters appeared square. 1-2.with poller-data installed: The chinese characters appeared square. 1-3.with poller-data installed but 69-language-selector-zh-TW.conf with Bitstream Vera、DejaVu string removed: The chinese characters appeared normal. 1-4. without poller-data installed and 69-language-selector-zh-TW.conf with Bitstream Vera、DejaVu string also removed: The chinese characters appeared normal. Conclusion: It displayed normal chinese fonts only when Bitstream Vera、DejaVu strings was removed from 69-language-selector-zh-TW.conf (despite poller-data installed or not.) ..................................................... 2.Another report related to the different behavior of evince detached in the same page: 2-1.with default setting: most of the characters appeared blank, only a few characters shown normal. 2-2.with poller-data installed: a lot of the characters appeared square, but a few characters shown normal. 2-3.69-language-selector-zh-TW.conf with Bitstream Vera、DejaVu string removed (but with poller-data installed) : all characters shown normal 2-4.without poller-data installed and 69-language-selector-zh-TW.conf with Bitstream Vera、DejaVu string also removed: most of the characters appeared blank, only a few characters shown normal. conclusion: Only case 2-3 shown normal, 69-language-selector-zh-TW.conf with Bitstream Vera、DejaVu string removed (but with poller-data installed ) ..................................................... 3.The 3rd report related to the different behavior of xpdf detached in the same page: 3-1.with default setting: 3-2.with poller-data installed: 3-3.with poller-data installed but 69-language-selector-zh-TW.conf with Bitstream Vera、DejaVu string removed: 3-4.without poller-data installed and 69-language-selector-zh-TW.conf with Bitstream Vera、DejaVu string also removed: conclusion: Although xpdf with xpdf-chinese-traditional installed shows the content in chinese fonts all the way, but it cannot normally expressed the name of directories and files in chinese fonts in all cases, either. ..................................................... We have also noted that : it shows chinese characters with WenQuanYi Zen Hei fonts while English and Didital number characters with DejaVu Sans in the third case: 69-language-selector-zh-TW.conf with Bitstream Vera、DejaVu string removed. This is another acceptable option, better than sqare. The above test is finished under ubuntu 9.10 with the original pdf file: You are welcomed to visit the detailed information in the following pages. ..................................................... We will support to improve poppler and poppler-data besides removal of those string including Bitstream Vera、DejaVu from 69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf. Let us go towards the goal“Ubuntu does everything you need it to for majority of users by per-language font settings” together soon !