escape_char / comment_char % % Secwepemctsin (Shuswap) language locale for Canada % sorting according to CAN/CSA-Z243.4.1-1992 % Source: Neskie Manuel % Address: 745 Ska-Hiish Dr % Chase BC V0E 1M3 % Contact: Neskie Manuel % Email: % Tel: +1 - 2506792821 % Fax: +1 - 2506792821 % Language: shs % Territory: CA % Revision: 0.1 % Date: 2008-01-11 % Application: general % Users: general % Repertoiremap: % Charset: UTF-8 % Distribution and use is free, also % for commercial purposes. % Changelog % 0.1 (2008-02-06) % * Initial release provided by Neskie Manuel LC_IDENTIFICATION title "Secwepemctsin locale for Canada" source "Neskie Manuel" address "745 Ska-Hiish Dr, Chase BC V0E 1M3" contact "" email "" tel "" fax "" language "Secwepemctsin" territory "Canada" revision "1.0" date "2008-01-15" % category "shs_CA:2000";LC_IDENTIFICATION category "shs_CA:2000";LC_CTYPE category "shs_CA:2000";LC_COLLATE category "shs_CA:2000";LC_TIME category "shs_CA:2000";LC_NUMERIC category "shs_CA:2000";LC_MONETARY category "shs_CA:2000";LC_MESSAGES category "shs_CA:2000";LC_PAPER category "shs_CA:2000";LC_NAME category "shs_CA:2000";LC_ADDRESS category "shs_CA:2000";LC_TELEPHONE END LC_IDENTIFICATION LC_COLLATE copy "iso14651_t1" reorder-after % Present in iso14651_t1, but these definitions seem to have been % removed from latest iso14651 tables. reorder-after "";"";"";IGNORE reorder-after "";"";"";IGNORE reorder-end END LC_COLLATE LC_CTYPE copy "en_GB" END LC_CTYPE LC_MONETARY copy "en_CA" END LC_MONETARY LC_NUMERIC copy "en_CA" END LC_NUMERIC LC_TIME % abbreviations of the day Sxe, Spe , Sel , Ske , Sme , Sts , Stq abday "";"";"";"";"";"";"" % full names of of the day Sxetspesq't , Spetkesq't , Selesq't % Skellesq't , Smesesq't , Stselkstesq't % Stqmekstesq't day "";"";"";"";"";"";"" % abbreviations of the months % Kwe , Tsi , Sqe , E'w , Ell , Tsp , Tqw , Ct' , Qel , Wel , U7l , Tet abmon "";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"" % full names of the months % mon Pellkwet'min , Pelctsipwen'ten , Pellsqe'pts , Peslle'wten % Pell7ell7e'7llqten , Pelltspe'ntsk , Pelltqwelq'we'l't % Pellct'e'xel'cten , Pesqelqle'lten , Pesllwe'lsten % Pellc7ell7u'7llcwten' , Pelltete'tq'em mon "";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"" d_t_fmt "" d_fmt "" t_fmt "" am_pm "";"" t_fmt_ampm "" date_fmt "" % FIXME: found in CLDR first_weekday 1 END LC_TIME LC_MESSAGES yesexpr "" noexpr "" END LC_MESSAGES LC_PAPER copy "en_CA" END LC_PAPER LC_TELEPHONE copy "en_CA" END LC_TELEPHONE LC_MEASUREMENT % FIXME copy "en_CA" END LC_MEASUREMENT LC_NAME copy "en_CA" END LC_NAME LC_ADDRESS copy "en_CA" END LC_ADDRESS