kscreen-doctor -o output BEFORE fixing the screen settings: Output: 66 eDP1 enabled connected primary Panel Modes: 72:1920x1080@60*! 190:1680x1050@60 193:1280x1024@60 201:1024x768@60 205:800x600@60 206:800x600@56 213:640x480@60 1574:1400x1050@60 1575:1600x900@60 1576:1600x900@60 1577:1600x900@60 1578:1400x900@60 1579:1400x900@60 1580:1280x960@60 1581:1368x768@60 1582:1368x768@60 1583:1368x768@60 1584:1280x800@60 1585:1280x800@60 1586:1280x720@60 1587:1280x720@60 1588:1280x720@60 1589:1024x576@60 1590:1024x576@60 1591:1024x576@60 1592:960x540@60 1593:960x540@60 1594:960x540@60 1595:864x486@60 1596:864x486@60 1597:864x486@60 1598:720x405@60 1599:720x405@60 1600:720x405@59 1601:640x360@60 1602:640x360@59 1603:640x360@60 Geometry: 0,0 1920x1080 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown primary Output: 67 DP1 disabled disconnected DisplayPort Modes: Geometry: 0,0 0x0 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown Output: 68 HDMI1 disabled disconnected HDMI Modes: Geometry: 0,0 0x0 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown Output: 69 HDMI2 enabled connected HDMI Modes: 73:1920x1200@60*! 187:1920x1080@60 188:1920x1080@50 189:1920x1080@60 192:1280x1024@75 193:1280x1024@60 195:1152x864@75 196:1280x720@60 197:1280x720@50 198:1280x720@60 199:1024x768@75 201:1024x768@60 204:800x600@75 205:800x600@60 207:720x576@50 208:720x480@60 209:720x480@60 210:640x480@75 212:640x480@60 213:640x480@60 214:720x400@70 1604:1920x1080@60 1605:1920x1080@50 1606:1920x1080@24 1607:1920x1080@60 1608:1920x1080@24 1609:1600x1200@60 1610:720x576@50 1611:720x480@60 1612:720x480@60 Geometry: 950,1080 1920x1200 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown Output: 70 VIRTUAL1 disabled disconnected Unknown Modes: Geometry: 0,0 0x0 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown Output: 185 DVI-I-2-1 enabled connected DVI Modes: 187:1920x1080@60*! 188:1920x1080@50 189:1920x1080@60 190:1680x1050@60 191:1600x900@60 192:1280x1024@75 193:1280x1024@60 194:1440x900@60 195:1152x864@75 196:1280x720@60 197:1280x720@50 198:1280x720@60 199:1024x768@75 200:1024x768@70 201:1024x768@60 202:832x624@75 203:800x600@72 204:800x600@75 205:800x600@60 206:800x600@56 207:720x576@50 208:720x480@60 209:720x480@60 210:640x480@75 211:640x480@73 212:640x480@60 213:640x480@60 214:720x400@70 Geometry: 1920,0 1920x1080 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown Output: 246 DVI-I-3-2 enabled connected DVI Modes: 187:1920x1080@60*! 188:1920x1080@50 189:1920x1080@60 190:1680x1050@60 191:1600x900@60 192:1280x1024@75 193:1280x1024@60 194:1440x900@60 195:1152x864@75 196:1280x720@60 197:1280x720@50 198:1280x720@60 199:1024x768@75 200:1024x768@70 201:1024x768@60 202:832x624@75 203:800x600@72 204:800x600@75 205:800x600@60 206:800x600@56 207:720x576@50 208:720x480@60 209:720x480@60 210:640x480@75 211:640x480@73 212:640x480@60 213:640x480@60 214:720x400@70 Geometry: 3840,0 1920x1080 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown Output: 279 DVI-I-4-3 disabled disconnected DVI Modes: Geometry: 0,0 0x0 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown Output: 312 DVI-I-5-4 disabled disconnected DVI Modes: Geometry: 0,0 0x0 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown kscreen-doctor -o AFTER fixing the screen settings: Output: 66 eDP1 disabled connected Panel Modes: 72:1920x1080@60! 190:1680x1050@60 193:1280x1024@60 201:1024x768@60 205:800x600@60 206:800x600@56 213:640x480@60 1574:1400x1050@60 1575:1600x900@60 1576:1600x900@60 1577:1600x900@60 1578:1400x900@60 1579:1400x900@60 1580:1280x960@60 1581:1368x768@60 1582:1368x768@60 1583:1368x768@60 1584:1280x800@60 1585:1280x800@60 1586:1280x720@60 1587:1280x720@60 1588:1280x720@60 1589:1024x576@60 1590:1024x576@60 1591:1024x576@60 1592:960x540@60 1593:960x540@60 1594:960x540@60 1595:864x486@60 1596:864x486@60 1597:864x486@60 1598:720x405@60 1599:720x405@60 1600:720x405@59 1601:640x360@60 1602:640x360@59 1603:640x360@60 Geometry: 0,0 1920x1080 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown Output: 67 DP1 disabled disconnected DisplayPort Modes: Geometry: 0,0 0x0 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown Output: 68 HDMI1 disabled disconnected HDMI Modes: Geometry: 0,0 0x0 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown Output: 69 HDMI2 enabled connected HDMI Modes: 73:1920x1200@60*! 187:1920x1080@60 188:1920x1080@50 189:1920x1080@60 192:1280x1024@75 193:1280x1024@60 195:1152x864@75 196:1280x720@60 197:1280x720@50 198:1280x720@60 199:1024x768@75 201:1024x768@60 204:800x600@75 205:800x600@60 207:720x576@50 208:720x480@60 209:720x480@60 210:640x480@75 212:640x480@60 213:640x480@60 214:720x400@70 1604:1920x1080@60 1605:1920x1080@50 1606:1920x1080@24 1607:1920x1080@60 1608:1920x1080@24 1609:1600x1200@60 1610:720x576@50 1611:720x480@60 1612:720x480@60 Geometry: 862,1080 1920x1200 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown Output: 70 VIRTUAL1 disabled disconnected Unknown Modes: Geometry: 0,0 0x0 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown Output: 185 DVI-I-2-1 enabled connected primary DVI Modes: 187:1920x1080@60*! 188:1920x1080@50 189:1920x1080@60 190:1680x1050@60 191:1600x900@60 192:1280x1024@75 193:1280x1024@60 194:1440x900@60 195:1152x864@75 196:1280x720@60 197:1280x720@50 198:1280x720@60 199:1024x768@75 200:1024x768@70 201:1024x768@60 202:832x624@75 203:800x600@72 204:800x600@75 205:800x600@60 206:800x600@56 207:720x576@50 208:720x480@60 209:720x480@60 210:640x480@75 211:640x480@73 212:640x480@60 213:640x480@60 214:720x400@70 Geometry: 0,0 1920x1080 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown primary Output: 246 DVI-I-3-2 enabled connected DVI Modes: 187:1920x1080@60*! 188:1920x1080@50 189:1920x1080@60 190:1680x1050@60 191:1600x900@60 192:1280x1024@75 193:1280x1024@60 194:1440x900@60 195:1152x864@75 196:1280x720@60 197:1280x720@50 198:1280x720@60 199:1024x768@75 200:1024x768@70 201:1024x768@60 202:832x624@75 203:800x600@72 204:800x600@75 205:800x600@60 206:800x600@56 207:720x576@50 208:720x480@60 209:720x480@60 210:640x480@75 211:640x480@73 212:640x480@60 213:640x480@60 214:720x400@70 Geometry: 1920,0 1920x1080 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown Output: 279 DVI-I-4-3 disabled disconnected DVI Modes: Geometry: 0,0 0x0 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown Output: 312 DVI-I-5-4 disabled disconnected DVI Modes: Geometry: 0,0 0x0 Scale: 1 Rotation: 1 Overscan: 0 Vrr: incapable RgbRange: unknown