apt-get source cd # (only cdbs .deb packages) # This creates a temporary source directory for the new changes. # and starts a sub shell. In this shell you make changes in the # temporary directory and on exit it creates a diff/patch. cdbs-edit-patch # update the change log and version number dch -i #build the package # if you don't have a gpg key run: debuild -us -uc # else debuild # Done... # Extra stuf # .bashrc: # - add 'export DEBEMAIL="name@mailserver.dom"' for automatic correct # e-mail in change log # # .devscripts: # - add 'DEBUILD_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_OPTS="-i -ICVS -I.svn"' to # remove .CVS and .SVN directories # - add 'DEBSIGN_KEYID="1234567890abcdef"' for automatic signing # with corresponding key.