Just in case it'll help: $ sudo /usr/lib/kde4/bin/systemsettings [sudo] password for stephen: Sorry, try again. [sudo] password for stephen: Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-stephen" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0. Creating link /root/.kde4/cache-dev-007. Created link from "/root/.kde4/cache-dev-007" to "/var/tmp/kdecache-root" Error: "/tmp/kde-stephen" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0. Link points to "/tmp/kde-root" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: "" Looking for children in ' "" ' findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "general" ' findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "network-and-connectivity" ' findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "sharing" ' systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Local Network Browsing" ' "lanbrowser.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "lanbrowser.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "network-settings" ' systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Connection Preferences" ' "netpref.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "netpref.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Proxy" ' "proxy.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "proxy.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Service Discovery" ' "kcm_kdnssd.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "kcm_kdnssd.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "bluetooth" ' findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "computer-administration" ' findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "keyboard-and-mouse" ' systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Keyboard" ' "keyboard.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "keyboard.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Mouse" ' "mouse.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "mouse.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Keyboard Shortcuts" ' "keys.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "keys.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "display" ' systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Size & Orientation" ' "randr.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "randr.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Power Control" ' "energy.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "energy.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Joystick" ' "joystick.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "joystick.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Font Installer" ' "fontinst.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "fontinst.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Date & Time" ' "clock.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "clock.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Sound" ' "kcm_phonon.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "kcm_phonon.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "personal" ' findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "about-me" ' systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Paths" ' "desktoppath.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "desktoppath.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "regional-and-language" ' systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Country/Region & Language" ' "language.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "language.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Spell Checker" ' "spellchecking.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "spellchecking.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Keyboard Layout" ' "keyboard_layout.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "keyboard_layout.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "accessibility" ' systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Accessibility" ' "kcmaccess.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "kcmaccess.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Default Applications" ' "componentchooser.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "componentchooser.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "look-and-feel" ' findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "window-behaviour" ' systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Window-Specific" ' "kwinrules.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "kwinrules.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Window Behavior" ' "kwinoptions.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "kwinoptions.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "notifications" ' systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "System Notifications" ' "kcmnotify.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "kcmnotify.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "System Bell" ' "bell.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "bell.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "appearance" ' systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Emoticons" ' "emoticons.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "emoticons.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Windows" ' "kwindecoration.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "kwindecoration.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Colors" ' "colors.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "colors.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Style" ' "style.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "style.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Splash Screen" ' "ksplashthememgr.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "ksplashthememgr.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Fonts" ' "fonts.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "fonts.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Icons" ' "icons.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "icons.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "desktop" ' systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Desktop Effects" ' "kwincompositing.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "kwincompositing.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Multiple Desktops" ' "desktop.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "desktop.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Launch Feedback" ' "kcmlaunch.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "kcmlaunch.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Screen Saver" ' "screensaver.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "screensaver.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "advanced" ' findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "advanced-user-settings" ' systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "KDE Wallet" ' "kwalletconfig.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "kwalletconfig.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Audio CDs" ' "audiocd.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "audiocd.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Nepomuk" ' "kcm_nepomuk.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "kcm_nepomuk.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Service Manager" ' "kcmkded.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "kcmkded.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Solid" ' "kcm_solid.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "kcm_solid.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Autostart" ' "autostart.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "autostart.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "KDE Resources" ' "kresources.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "kresources.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Session Manager" ' "kcmsmserver.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "kcmsmserver.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "CDDB Retrieval" ' "libkcddb.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "libkcddb.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Input Actions" ' "khotkeys.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "khotkeys.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "File Associations" ' "filetypes.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "filetypes.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Digital Camera" ' "kamera.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "kamera.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found findServiceByDesktopPath: not found systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " Looking for children in ' "system" ' systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " found module ' "Login Manager" ' "kdm.desktop" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::readMenu: " " filename is "kdm.desktop" findServiceByDesktopPath: not found stephen@dev-007:~/mount/svn01atg/VM$ systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::selectionChanged: Selected item: "Date & Time" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::selectionChanged: Comment: "Date and time settings" systemsettings(7060) MainWindow::selectionChanged: Needs root privs: false systemsettings(7060) Dtime::findNTPutility: ntpUtility = "ntpdate" systemsettings(7060) Dtime::save: Setting date from time server "Public Time Server (pool.ntp.org)" Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-stephen" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0. Link points to "/var/tmp/kdecache-root" Error: "/tmp/kde-stephen" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0. Link points to "/tmp/kde-root" 29 Oct 10:44:20 ntpdate[7084]: adjust time server offset -0.031367 sec