------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3397 | bastiK | 2010-07-31 16:37:39 +0200(sab, 31 lug 2010) | 1 line fixed #5281 - Wrong Icon in Presets/man-Made/Shops/Car Dealer (patch by reini122) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3398 | bastiK | 2010-07-31 17:12:26 +0200(sab, 31 lug 2010) | 1 line reduce number of warnings ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3399 | framm | 2010-07-31 21:22:49 +0200(sab, 31 lug 2010) | 8 lines Modify behaviour regarding the changeset comment. It is now allowed to upload changes with an empty changeset comment but everything with less than 10 characters prompts a dialog that explains the importance of changesets and suggests to reconsider. Also, the last recently used changeset comment is only used as a default if it was used less than 4 hours ago, to avoid people automatically using the same stuff all the time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3400 | ce | 2010-08-01 11:32:14 +0200(dom, 01 ago 2010) | 2 lines Added microbrewery flag to restaurents and pubs, as http://brewpubs.openstreetmap.de/ gets more and more popular. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3401 | jttt | 2010-08-02 08:04:40 +0200(lun, 02 ago 2010) | 1 line Fix #5255 filter: wrong info about the amount of filtered objects. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3402 | jttt | 2010-08-02 08:56:53 +0200(lun, 02 ago 2010) | 1 line Fix tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3403 | bastiK | 2010-08-02 09:47:56 +0200(lun, 02 ago 2010) | 2 lines some extensions to exteded dialog; modified the warning dialog box for too short changeset comments (from [3399]) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3404 | bastiK | 2010-08-02 12:07:40 +0200(lun, 02 ago 2010) | 1 line fixed ExtendedDialog layout ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3405 | bastiK | 2010-08-02 16:08:15 +0200(lun, 02 ago 2010) | 2 lines changed drawing of highlighted, selected and disabled ways to adapt the alpha value of overlays. see #5292 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3406 | bastiK | 2010-08-02 20:00:36 +0200(lun, 02 ago 2010) | 2 lines fixed #5284 - change units at bottom of screen ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3407 | bastiK | 2010-08-02 21:15:07 +0200(lun, 02 ago 2010) | 2 lines fixed #5284 - change units at bottom of screen (yd -> ft) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3408 | jttt | 2010-08-03 07:52:26 +0200(mar, 03 ago 2010) | 1 line Show only actions that can work on all selected layers in LayerListDialog popup menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3409 | jttt | 2010-08-03 08:47:51 +0200(mar, 03 ago 2010) | 1 line Use class BooleanProperty so it don't get removed from josm jar and wms plugin can use it ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3410 | jttt | 2010-08-03 20:17:35 +0200(mar, 03 ago 2010) | 1 line Fix #5287 Zoom in to data after JOSM crash & restore ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3411 | bastiK | 2010-08-03 22:06:36 +0200(mar, 03 ago 2010) | 2 lines fixed #5275 - Displayed co-ordinate precision adjustment ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3412 | bastiK | 2010-08-03 23:53:21 +0200(mar, 03 ago 2010) | 2 lines fixed #3187 - Feature request: coordinates also in degrees minutes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3413 | bastiK | 2010-08-04 00:10:31 +0200(mer, 04 ago 2010) | 2 lines applied #5266 (patch by Nakor) - Ask only for changed values when reversing a way ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3414 | jttt | 2010-08-04 08:29:53 +0200(mer, 04 ago 2010) | 1 line Fix #5089 Error at upload ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3415 | stoecker | 2010-08-04 19:11:06 +0200(mer, 04 ago 2010) | 1 line added zh_CN language ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3416 | jttt | 2010-08-05 07:58:54 +0200(gio, 05 ago 2010) | 1 line Add Dataset.add/removeSelectionListener methods, change eclipse project to java 1.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3417 | bastiK | 2010-08-05 15:29:36 +0200(gio, 05 ago 2010) | 2 lines Added message box if JOSM starts with Java 5. The following classes need to be Java 5 compatible for this message box to show up: JOSM, MainApplication, I18n. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3418 | stoecker | 2010-08-05 18:31:22 +0200(gio, 05 ago 2010) | 1 line fixed locale handling a bit ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3419 | ulfl | 2010-08-06 20:46:34 +0200(ven, 06 ago 2010) | 1 line addr:interpolation: slightly different display of the common values ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3420 | ulfl | 2010-08-06 20:58:09 +0200(ven, 06 ago 2010) | 1 line add various properties (internet_access, smoking, phone, ...) to restaurant, hotel and alike ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3421 | bastiK | 2010-08-08 13:32:17 +0200(dom, 08 ago 2010) | 2 lines fixed #5304 - Problem occured during validation operation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3422 | stoecker | 2010-08-08 13:45:20 +0200(dom, 08 ago 2010) | 1 line fix #4401 - upload error - patch by Upliner ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3423 | stoecker | 2010-08-08 13:48:26 +0200(dom, 08 ago 2010) | 1 line fix #5221 - patch by Upliner - errors in conflict manager ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3424 | stoecker | 2010-08-08 13:51:08 +0200(dom, 08 ago 2010) | 1 line fix #5235 - patch by Upliner - button to clear URL dropbox ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3425 | stoecker | 2010-08-08 13:56:03 +0200(dom, 08 ago 2010) | 1 line fix #5244 - port to signpost 1.2 - patch by dpaleino ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3426 | stoecker | 2010-08-08 14:05:15 +0200(dom, 08 ago 2010) | 1 line see #5303 - some cleanup patches from matthew Bell - partially applied only ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3427 | stoecker | 2010-08-09 16:07:56 +0200(lun, 09 ago 2010) | 1 line fix i18n ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3428 | stoecker | 2010-08-10 16:25:15 +0200(mar, 10 ago 2010) | 1 line remove unused undocumented value ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3429 | ulfl | 2010-08-12 11:17:59 +0200(gio, 12 ago 2010) | 1 line slightly improve the fuel "dialog" by moving the kiosk a bit up ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3430 | jttt | 2010-08-13 21:32:07 +0200(ven, 13 ago 2010) | 1 line Check for null coordinate when adding node to dataset ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3431 | bastiK | 2010-08-13 22:00:38 +0200(ven, 13 ago 2010) | 2 lines added purge action (some testing would be welcome) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3432 | bastiK | 2010-08-13 22:37:52 +0200(ven, 13 ago 2010) | 3 lines added a view consistency test - might be too strict, let's see. removed unused method ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3433 | bastiK | 2010-08-13 23:17:39 +0200(ven, 13 ago 2010) | 2 lines fixed #5140 - Adding plugin list sources fault translation/cancel operation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3434 | bastiK | 2010-08-13 23:33:38 +0200(ven, 13 ago 2010) | 1 line i18n update ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3435 | jttt | 2010-08-14 07:39:38 +0200(sab, 14 ago 2010) | 1 line Fix #5320 autosave restore: josm loads data before affirmation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3436 | bastiK | 2010-08-14 10:13:10 +0200(sab, 14 ago 2010) | 2 lines fixed #5326 by reverting [2981] (Ticket text: Exception in plugin Routing (22549) when opening data file or downloading ...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3437 | bastiK | 2010-08-14 21:31:31 +0200(sab, 14 ago 2010) | 2 lines fixed #5328 - Tried to split way JOSM crashed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3438 | stoecker | 2010-08-15 00:34:57 +0200(dom, 15 ago 2010) | 1 line fix some charset errors ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3439 | stoecker | 2010-08-15 14:12:04 +0200(dom, 15 ago 2010) | 1 line cleanup JAVA5/JAVA6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3440 | jttt | 2010-08-15 17:31:20 +0200(dom, 15 ago 2010) | 1 line Fix #5333 "Merge selection" tool is broken ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3441 | jttt | 2010-08-15 18:36:43 +0200(dom, 15 ago 2010) | 1 line Fix #5331 Memory leak when removing data layers ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3442 | jttt | 2010-08-15 19:00:33 +0200(dom, 15 ago 2010) | 1 line Fix check-plugin ant task, update to latest proguard ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3443 | jttt | 2010-08-15 22:04:43 +0200(dom, 15 ago 2010) | 1 line Fix some of the references/forgotten listeners that keeps MapView alive after all layers are removed (see #5331) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3444 | jttt | 2010-08-17 08:08:58 +0200(mar, 17 ago 2010) | 1 line Fix #5331 Memory leak when removing data layers ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3445 | bastiK | 2010-08-18 17:29:56 +0200(mer, 18 ago 2010) | 2 lines see #5179 (patch by viesturs) - Join overlapping areas produces bad results ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3446 | stoecker | 2010-08-19 18:27:48 +0200(gio, 19 ago 2010) | 1 line close #5318 - don't report failed image loading as fatal error ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3447 | stoecker | 2010-08-19 18:28:52 +0200(gio, 19 ago 2010) | 1 line tpo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3448 | stoecker | 2010-08-20 12:05:12 +0200(ven, 20 ago 2010) | 1 line fixed #5354 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3449 | bastiK | 2010-08-20 13:07:55 +0200(ven, 20 ago 2010) | 2 lines see #5179 (patch by viesturs) - Fixed "nothing changed" popup (Join overlapping areas produces bad results) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3450 | bastiK | 2010-08-20 21:56:22 +0200(ven, 20 ago 2010) | 2 lines Purge+Clear Undo/Redo should free memory - remove references by clearing selection history ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3451 | jttt | 2010-08-20 22:10:26 +0200(ven, 20 ago 2010) | 1 line Memory leaks, minor changes needed by wmsplugin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3452 | bastiK | 2010-08-20 23:32:23 +0200(ven, 20 ago 2010) | 1 line i18n update ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3453 | bastiK | 2010-08-21 14:59:31 +0200(sab, 21 ago 2010) | 1 line suppress some trivial warnings ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3454 | jttt | 2010-08-21 17:43:56 +0200(sab, 21 ago 2010) | 1 line Select last used mapmode after active layer change when old mode doesn't support new layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3455 | jttt | 2010-08-21 18:34:28 +0200(sab, 21 ago 2010) | 1 line Revert MapFrame.selectMapMode signature change (some plugins are using it) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3456 | bastiK | 2010-08-21 23:11:30 +0200(sab, 21 ago 2010) | 1 line use Java's native String intern feature ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3457 | bastiK | 2010-08-23 14:35:03 +0200(lun, 23 ago 2010) | 1 line fix IDE warnings (cosmetics) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3458 | bastiK | 2010-08-23 15:05:06 +0200(lun, 23 ago 2010) | 2 lines fixed #5365 - Deadlock when using tracer plugin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3459 | jttt | 2010-08-23 21:12:50 +0200(lun, 23 ago 2010) | 1 line Fix tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3460 | ulfl | 2010-08-24 10:12:56 +0200(mar, 24 ago 2010) | 21 lines Major rework of the presets menu layout. Goals were: - add lot's of icons from mappaint (bring presets and mappaint icons closer together) - trying to group stuff together that belongs together (making it easier to find things) - split very long menus (to better fit on low resolution screens) - add some stuff I was missing In detail: - (slight) relayout of waypoints entries - add a new transport/motorcycle section - whole relayout of water menu entries (water vs. shipping) - (slight) relayout of travel/tourism entries - add a new sport/motorsport section - add a new man_made/food section (selected items from shop section go here) - relayout of man_made/shop section - whole relayout of places entries - add a new annotation section - add some entries came to mind - other minor changes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3461 | bastiK | 2010-08-24 10:32:50 +0200(mar, 24 ago 2010) | 2 lines added gui preference for autosave; fixed #5359 - Button to delete autosaved data ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3462 | bastiK | 2010-08-24 19:23:07 +0200(mar, 24 ago 2010) | 2 lines fixed #4771 - Move more than 20 elements dialog should not be disablable with answer=no ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3463 | bastiK | 2010-08-24 19:38:16 +0200(mar, 24 ago 2010) | 2 lines #5370 - fix error from [3461] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3464 | ce | 2010-08-24 23:58:31 +0200(mar, 24 ago 2010) | 2 lines fixes #3497 - added a step count tag to highway=steps ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3465 | ulfl | 2010-08-25 00:43:34 +0200(mer, 25 ago 2010) | 1 line as came up on josm-dev: don't use the places icon for geography (looks similiar to the above icon), but the one for a peak ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3466 | stoecker | 2010-08-25 10:05:40 +0200(mer, 25 ago 2010) | 1 line see #5372 - fix missing style switch ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3467 | stoecker | 2010-08-25 11:55:50 +0200(mer, 25 ago 2010) | 1 line see #5372 - extend clean for all layers ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3468 | stoecker | 2010-08-25 15:23:23 +0200(mer, 25 ago 2010) | 1 line fix #5375 - build error ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3469 | jttt | 2010-08-25 19:29:07 +0200(mer, 25 ago 2010) | 1 line Fix #5377 Search button not enabled when view is hidden ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3470 | jttt | 2010-08-25 20:01:11 +0200(mer, 25 ago 2010) | 1 line Fix #3278 redirect shortcuts in the undocked windows to the main window ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3471 | jttt | 2010-08-25 22:01:42 +0200(mer, 25 ago 2010) | 1 line Fix #5379 Fixing duplicate nodes very slow when filter dock is open ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3472 | jttt | 2010-08-26 07:14:50 +0200(gio, 26 ago 2010) | 1 line Set default button in TaggingPreset dialog ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3473 | bastiK | 2010-08-26 23:56:47 +0200(gio, 26 ago 2010) | 2 lines see #5327 (patch by sbrunner) - Swissgrild uses approximate formulas => better use exact formulas ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3474 | stoecker | 2010-08-28 14:15:20 +0200(sab, 28 ago 2010) | 1 line #see 5372 - add link to internal style ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3475 | ulfl | 2010-08-28 15:29:29 +0200(sab, 28 ago 2010) | 3 lines the term model_car is ambitious (rc, slot, ...), the more often used rc_car even fits better with addr:country using combo, the use_last_as_default doesn't work, so switch back to text type for now ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3476 | jttt | 2010-08-29 12:58:38 +0200(dom, 29 ago 2010) | 1 line QuadBuckets optimization - keep children as fields instead of 4-item array ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3477 | stoecker | 2010-08-29 14:07:46 +0200(dom, 29 ago 2010) | 1 line apply patch by Gnonthgol - fix #5330 - UTM issues ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3478 | bastiK | 2010-08-29 14:25:18 +0200(dom, 29 ago 2010) | 2 lines 1) do not show bug report window for bugs that are thrown while bug handling is in progress; 2) do not paint the MapView while bug handling is in progress. (This prevents the cascaded error messages when exceptions is thrown by paint()) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3479 | jttt | 2010-08-29 14:55:25 +0200(dom, 29 ago 2010) | 1 line cosmetics ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3480 | bastiK | 2010-08-29 14:57:39 +0200(dom, 29 ago 2010) | 1 line fixed some issues with world bounds; add basic projection tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3481 | stoecker | 2010-08-29 15:30:31 +0200(dom, 29 ago 2010) | 1 line add use_last_as_default for combos, fix long-time broken tagged/untagged detection for combo-box and textbox default value selection ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3482 | stoecker | 2010-08-29 15:36:38 +0200(dom, 29 ago 2010) | 1 line updated docs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3483 | bastiK | 2010-08-29 15:58:46 +0200(dom, 29 ago 2010) | 1 line fixed tests for projection (see #5327) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3484 | bastiK | 2010-08-29 16:00:03 +0200(dom, 29 ago 2010) | 1 line typo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3485 | bastiK | 2010-08-29 16:05:49 +0200(dom, 29 ago 2010) | 1 line another typo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3486 | bastiK | 2010-08-29 16:20:19 +0200(dom, 29 ago 2010) | 1 line minor fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3487 | stoecker | 2010-08-29 18:04:00 +0200(dom, 29 ago 2010) | 1 line ghost plugin is obsolete ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3488 | stoecker | 2010-08-29 18:20:44 +0200(dom, 29 ago 2010) | 1 line fix #5212 - No shortcut displayed in shortcut list ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3489 | stoecker | 2010-08-29 18:23:58 +0200(dom, 29 ago 2010) | 1 line close #5199 - wrong preset icon ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3490 | bastiK | 2010-08-29 20:17:41 +0200(dom, 29 ago 2010) | 2 lines fixed #5349 - A LOT of gpx tracks fill entire screen with popup information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3491 | bastiK | 2010-08-29 20:50:40 +0200(dom, 29 ago 2010) | 1 line i18n update ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3492 | ulfl | 2010-08-29 22:45:52 +0200(dom, 29 ago 2010) | 1 line copy over some icons from mappaint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3493 | ulfl | 2010-08-29 23:06:21 +0200(dom, 29 ago 2010) | 2 lines sync preset and mappaint icons a little (Presets and mappaint shouldn't use different icons for the same things ... still a lot to do here) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3494 | stoecker | 2010-08-30 00:05:30 +0200(lun, 30 ago 2010) | 1 line fix #5100 - OAuth failing ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3495 | ulfl | 2010-08-30 01:52:50 +0200(lun, 30 ago 2010) | 1 line sync preset and mappaint icons a little more ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3496 | ulfl | 2010-08-30 01:55:16 +0200(lun, 30 ago 2010) | 1 line add some missing self drawn / open clipart icons ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3497 | ulfl | 2010-08-30 02:01:03 +0200(lun, 30 ago 2010) | 1 line "fix" some more icons ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3498 | ulfl | 2010-08-30 09:54:57 +0200(lun, 30 ago 2010) | 2 lines fix #5285: add the remaining icons listed in the attachment to the presets add aerialway=goods ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3499 | ulfl | 2010-08-30 09:55:27 +0200(lun, 30 ago 2010) | 1 line add aerialway=goods ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3500 | ulfl | 2010-08-30 21:52:48 +0200(lun, 30 ago 2010) | 2 lines fix parking icon priority add rules for motocross and karting (motor) sport ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3501 | bastiK | 2010-08-30 23:22:28 +0200(lun, 30 ago 2010) | 2 lines fixed #4632 - Button Help puts help window under main window ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3502 | bastiK | 2010-08-31 12:37:51 +0200(mar, 31 ago 2010) | 2 lines see #3278 (redirect shortcuts in the undocked windows to the main window) - also for relation dialog ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3503 | bastiK | 2010-08-31 12:39:49 +0200(mar, 31 ago 2010) | 2 lines fixed #5067 - crash while uploading ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3504 | bastiK | 2010-09-01 10:48:28 +0200(mer, 01 set 2010) | 1 line reworked reverseWay and combineWay such that it can be used by other actions without hack (see #5179 - Join overlapping areas rewrite) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3505 | stoecker | 2010-09-01 17:53:56 +0200(mer, 01 set 2010) | 1 line fix #5402 - creates different users for same name when no OSM id given ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3506 | stoecker | 2010-09-02 19:12:32 +0200(gio, 02 set 2010) | 1 line updated i18n ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3507 | stoecker | 2010-09-02 19:26:26 +0200(gio, 02 set 2010) | 1 line fix #6506 - applet destroys josm prefs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3508 | bastiK | 2010-09-02 19:43:31 +0200(gio, 02 set 2010) | 2 lines fixed #5408 - Keystrokes in relation editor affect main window ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3509 | bastiK | 2010-09-02 20:01:29 +0200(gio, 02 set 2010) | 2 lines make java 6 warning message from [3417] work again. Basically it does not matter much if you put 1.5 or 1.6 there, but in this case it does: If you compile with 1.6 option and run with 1.5 jre, it fails at once. If you compile with 1.5 option, it will run normally, but fail as soon as it requires a java 6 class that is not shipped with 1.5 jre. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3510 | bastiK | 2010-09-02 23:50:30 +0200(gio, 02 set 2010) | 2 lines fix rework [3504] (see #5179) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3511 | stoecker | 2010-09-03 23:12:56 +0200(ven, 03 set 2010) | 1 line fix #5410 - server error message hidden from user ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3512 | bastiK | 2010-09-04 14:10:43 +0200(sab, 04 set 2010) | 2 lines fixed #5373 - JOSM can't delete old and replace by new plugins (JOSM loaded icons from plugin jar file, but did not release file handles.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3513 | bastiK | 2010-09-04 15:52:04 +0200(sab, 04 set 2010) | 2 lines fixed #4259 - Authentication dialog appears several times while uploading a changeset ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3514 | stoecker | 2010-09-05 23:03:46 +0200(dom, 05 set 2010) | 1 line i18n update ------------------------------------------------------------------------