Installer Partition: parted_server: Closing infifo and outfifo parted_server: main_loop: iteration 5 parted_server: Opening infifo Device: yes Model: Maxtor 6Y080L0 Path: /dev/hda Sector size: 512 Sectors: 160086528 Sectors/track: 63 Heads: 255 Cylinders: 9964 Partition table: yes Type: msdos Partitions: # id length type fs path name (0,0,0) (0,0,62) -1 0-32255 32256 primary label /dev/hda-1 (0,1,0) (9962,254,62) 1 32256-81948464639 81948432384 primary ntfs /dev/hda1 (9963,0,0) (9963,254,62) -1 81948464640-81956689919 8225280 pri/log free /dev/hda-1 (9964,0,0) (9964,235,62) -1 81956689920-81964302335 7612416 primary label /dev/hda-1 Dump finished. /lib/partman/init.d/35dump: IN: DUMP =dev=sda parted_server: Read command: DUMP parted_server: command_dump() parted_server: Opening outfifo parted_server: OUT: OK parted_server: Closing infifo and outfifo parted_server: main_loop: iteration 6 parted_server: Opening infifo Device: yes Model: ATA Maxtor 6L160M0 Path: /dev/sda Sector size: 512 Sectors: 320173056 Sectors/track: 63 Heads: 255 Cylinders: 19929 Partition table: yes Type: msdos Partitions: # id length type fs path name (0,0,0) (0,0,62) -1 0-32255 32256 primary label /dev/sda-1 (0,1,0) (19928,254,62) 1 32256-163921605119 163921572864 primary fat32 /dev/sda1 (19929,0,0) (19929,216,62) -1 163921605120-163928604671 6999552 primary label /dev/sda-1 Dump finished. /lib/partman/init.d/35dump: IN: DUMP =dev=sdb parted_server: Read command: DUMP parted_server: command_dump() parted_server: Opening outfifo parted_server: OUT: OK parted_server: Closing infifo and outfifo parted_server: main_loop: iteration 7 parted_server: Opening infifo Device: yes Model: ATA Maxtor 6L160M0 Path: /dev/sdb Sector size: 512 Sectors: 320173056 Sectors/track: 63 Heads: 255 Cylinders: 19929 Partition table: yes Type: msdos Partitions: # id length type fs path name (0,0,0) (0,0,62) -1 0-32255 32256 primary label /dev/sdb-1 (0,1,0) (2557,254,62) 1 32256-21040266239 21040233984 primary ext3 /dev/sdb1 (2558,0,0) (19928,254,62) 2 21040266240-163921605119 142881338880 primary extended /dev/sdb2 (2558,0,0) (2558,0,62) -1 21040266240-21040298495 32256 logical label /dev/sdb-1 (2558,1,0) (2650,254,62) 5 21040298496-21805217279 764918784 logical linux-swap /dev/sdb5 (2651,0,0) (2651,0,62) -1 21805217280-21805249535 32256 logical label /dev/sdb-1 (2651,1,0) (19928,254,62) 6 21805249536-163921605119 142116355584 logical ext3 /dev/sdb6 (19929,0,0) (19929,216,62) -1 163921605120-163928604671 6999552 primary label /dev/sdb-1 Dump finished. /lib/partman/init.d/70update_partitions: ******************************************************* /lib/partman/init.d/70update_partitions: IN: PARTITIONS =dev=hda parted_server: Read command: PARTITIONS parted_server: command_partitions() parted_server: Opening outfifo parted_server: OUT: OK Syslog Installer: ubiquity: console-keymaps-at/keymap db: fr-latin9 jeu, 01 jun 2006 20:31:43 INFO Step_before = stepKeyboardConf jeu, 01 jun 2006 20:31:43 INFO Step_after = stepUserInfo QSocketNotifier: invalid socket 15 and type 'Read', disabling... QSocketNotifier: invalid socket 15 and type 'Write', disabling... QSocketNotifier: invalid socket 15 and type 'Exception', disabling... ubiquity: Starting up '['/usr/lib/ubiquity/user-setup/user-setup-ask', '/target']' for ubiquity.components.usersetup.UserSetup ubiquity: Watching for question patterns ^passwd/user-fullname$, ^passwd/username$, ^passwd/user-password$, ^passwd/user-password-again$, ERRO R ON STATE: 1 ON STATE: 2 ON STATE: 3 ON STATE: 4 ScimInputContextPlugin() ON STATE: 5 ON STATE: 6 ON STATE: 7 ON STATE: 8 jeu, 01 jun 2006 20:32:00 INFO Step_before = stepUserInfo jeu, 01 jun 2006 20:32:00 INFO Step_after = stepPartDisk QSocketNotifier: invalid socket 15 and type 'Read', disabling... QSocketNotifier: invalid socket 15 and type 'Write', disabling... QSocketNotifier: invalid socket 15 and type 'Exception', disabling... ubiquity: Starting up '/bin/partman' for ubiquity.components.partman.Partman ubiquity: Watching for question patterns ^partman-auto/select_disk$, ^partman-auto/.*automatically_partition$, ^partman-partitioning/new_size$ , ^partman/choose_partition$, ^partman/confirm.*, type:boolean, ERROR, PROGRESS unsupported kernelmodules_basicfilesystems kernelmodules_ext3 kernelmodules_jfs kernelmodules_reiserfs kernelmodules_xfs umount_target parted dump update_partitions filesystems_detected auto_mountpoints autouse_swap backup ubiquity: /bin/partman exited with code 10 jeu, 01 jun 2006 20:32:09 INFO Step_before = stepPartDisk jeu, 01 jun 2006 20:32:09 INFO gparted_loop() X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166 Major opcode: 144 Minor opcode: 3 Resource id: 0x0 Failed to open device X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166 Major opcode: 144 Minor opcode: 3 Resource id: 0x0 Failed to open device ScimInputContextPlugin() No Implementation: Le support pour l'ouverture du système de fichiers ntfs n'est pas encore implémenté. bad data in /proc/uptime No Implementation: Le support pour l'ouverture du système de fichiers ntfs n'est pas encore implémenté. bad data in /proc/uptime jeu, 01 jun 2006 20:32:28 INFO Step_after = stepPartAdvanced QSocketNotifier: invalid socket 15 and type 'Read', disabling... QSocketNotifier: invalid socket 15 and type 'Write', disabling... QSocketNotifier: invalid socket 15 and type 'Exception', disabling... Error: Le système de fichiers a une option incompatible d'activée. bad data in /proc/uptime Error: Le système de fichiers a une option incompatible d'activée. bad data in /proc/uptime jeu, 01 jun 2006 20:32:37 INFO Step_before = stepPartAdvanced ~ScimInputContextPlugin() X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3 Major opcode: 25 Minor opcode: 0 Resource id: 0x3000001 jeu, 01 jun 2006 20:32:39 INFO Step_after = stepPartMountpoints jeu, 01 jun 2006 20:33:22 INFO Step_before = stepPartMountpoints jeu, 01 jun 2006 20:33:22 INFO mountpoints: {'/dev/sdb5': ('swap', False, None), '/dev/hda1': ('/media/windows', False, None), '/dev/sdb6' : ('/home', False, None), '/dev/sdb1': ('/', True, None), '/dev/sda1': ('/media/media', False, None)} ubiquity: Starting up '/bin/partman' for ubiquity.components.partman_commit.PartmanCommit ubiquity: Watching for question patterns ^partman/choose_partition$, ^partman/confirm.*, type:boolean, ERROR, PROGRESS mkdir: ne peut créer le répertoire `/var/lib/partman': Le fichier existe. unsupported kernelmodules_basicfilesystems kernelmodules_ext3 kernelmodules_jfs kernelmodules_reiserfs kernelmodules_xfs umount_target parted dump update_partitions filesystems_detected auto_mountpoints autouse_swap backup ubiquity: Starting up '['/usr/share/ubiquity/summary']' for ubiquity.components.summary.Summary ubiquity: Watching for question patterns ^ubiquity/summary$ QSocketNotifier: invalid socket 19 and type 'Read', disabling... QSocketNotifier: invalid socket 19 and type 'Write', disabling... QSocketNotifier: invalid socket 19 and type 'Exception', disabling... swapon: /dev/sdb5: Périphérique ou ressource occupé swapon: /dev/sdb5: Périphérique ou ressource occupé swapon: /dev/sdb5: Périphérique ou ressource occupé swapon: /dev/sdb5: Périphérique ou ressource occupé umount /target/ umount /target/home swapoff /dev/sdb5 chroot: cannot run command `apt-get': No such file or directory chroot: cannot run command `apt-get': No such file or directory jeu, 01 jun 2006 20:34:28 INFO progress_loop() ubiquity: Starting up '['/usr/share/ubiquity/']' for ubiquity.components.install.Install ubiquity: Watching for question patterns ^.*/apt-install-failed$, CAPB, ERROR, PROGRESS QSocketNotifier: Multiple socket notifiers for same socket 15 and type read QSocketNotifier: Multiple socket notifiers for same socket 15 and type write QSocketNotifier: Multiple socket notifiers for same socket 15 and type exception /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/apt/ FutureWarning: apt API not stable yet warnings.warn("apt API not stable yet", FutureWarning) ubiquity: Starting up '['sh', '-c', '/usr/lib/ubiquity/localechooser/post-base-installer && /usr/lib/ubiquity/localechooser/prebaseconfig']' f or ubiquity.components.language_apply.LanguageApply