Comment 10 for bug 1470080

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

Apparently for iPhones, we know what their charge level is, but we don’t know whether they are charging. I didn’t know that was (and don’t understand why it is) a possibility, so I hadn’t considered that case in the design. Specification updated: if we know the charge level, but not that it’s charging, we should use the same icons as when it’s discharging. <>

Separately, we shouldn’t show a device in the menu title when we don’t know whether it’s charging or discharging, if for other things we *do* know whether they’re charging or discharging. <> So that’s a bug, but fixing it wouldn’t fix the missing icon by itself, just make it less prominent. It would still appear in the title if, for example, you connect an iPhone to a battery-less desktop PC.