Doug, I was informed by another user that he didn't see any other bug reports related to storage not populating. So I went ahead and submitted a report since it didn't work on both machines. As for that bug 1841037 - I was unaware of that bug until now. Other users have also concurred with what I found so I let it be. With all of that being said if this is indeed a duplicate then that should be noted appropriately so users aren't chasing around the same issue twice. I just checked the bug report 1841037 and the difference between 1841037 and mine is nothing actually populated in the Storage window for me which would be because I only have the nvme drive and I also noticed that a warning was thrown by hardinfo regarding the /cpu/procinfo "Flags" field being in excess of 896 characters. So I guess it's up to you and your colleagues who are working out the bugs to decide if this is indeed a duplicate. By all means identify it as such if you feel it's appropriate. Sincerely, Tim Brockway On Sun, Aug 22, 2021 at 5:00 PM Doug Smythies