Hiding behind a "proper bug request" gets us nowhere. Additionally, I do not have the time to do the research to figure out how to even begin to "file a proper bug report". I'm one of those....you know, former Windows users, who do everything with a GUI and if there's not a double click or next->next->finish wizard to do it, then it's not going to happen with me and my machine. I am what you would call the average user, average joe, who just wants it to work like it's supposed to. It's not working like it is supposed to and that's painfully obvious. I can tell you my same exact hardware works multitudes better in terms of USB performance running the other OS. Not sure what a bug report has to do with that, it's a fact. I suppose you want average joe to show you how the software is messed up. I'm game for that as long as you make error logging and reporting an automated thing. Then you would not have to rely on people like me who obviously don't know as much as yourself to find and implement bug fixes. Thanks for your support. 2009/6/9 Simon Holm Thøgersen