Page 1 (Scheduler not running?): {'cups_connection_failure': False} Page 2 (Choose printer): {'cups_dest': , 'cups_instance': None, 'cups_queue': 'Canon-iP4000', 'cups_queue_listed': True} Page 3 (Check printer sanity): {'cups_device_uri_scheme': u'usb', 'cups_printer_dict': {'device-uri': u'usb://Canon/iP4000', 'printer-info': u'Canon iP4000', 'printer-is-shared': True, 'printer-location': u'', 'printer-make-and-model': u'Canon PIXMA iP4000 - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.2.6', 'printer-state': 3, 'printer-state-message': u'Unable to write print data: Input/output error', 'printer-state-reasons': [u'none'], 'printer-type': 176156, 'printer-uri-supported': u'ipp://localhost:631/printers/Canon-iP4000'}, 'cups_printer_remote': False, 'is_cups_class': False, 'local_cups_queue_attributes': {'auth-info-required': u'none', 'charset-configured': u'utf-8', 'charset-supported': [u'us-ascii', u'utf-8'], 'color-supported': True, 'compression-supported': [u'none', u'gzip'], 'copies-default': 1, 'copies-supported': (1, 9999), 'cups-version': u'1.4.4', 'device-uri': u'usb://Canon/iP4000', 'document-format-default': u'application/octet-stream', 'document-format-supported': [u'application/octet-stream', u'application/openofficeps', u'application/pdf', u'application/postscript', u'application/vnd.cups-banner', u'application/vnd.cups-pdf', u'application/vnd.cups-postscript', u'application/vnd.cups-raster', u'application/vnd.cups-raw', u'application/vnd.hp-hpgl', u'application/x-cshell', u'application/x-csource', u'application/x-perl', u'application/x-shell', u'image/gif', u'image/jpeg', u'image/png', u'image/tiff', u'image/x-bitmap', u'image/x-photocd', u'image/x-portable-anymap', u'image/x-portable-bitmap', u'image/x-portable-graymap', u'image/x-portable-pixmap', u'image/x-sgi-rgb', u'image/x-sun-raster', u'image/x-xbitmap', u'image/x-xpixmap', u'image/x-xwindowdump', u'text/css', u'text/html', u'text/plain'], 'finishings-default': 3, 'finishings-supported': [3], 'generated-natural-language-supported': [u'en-us'], 'ipp-versions-supported': [u'1.0', u'1.1', u'2.0', u'2.1'], 'ippget-event-life': 15, 'job-creation-attributes-supported': [u'copies', u'finishings', u'ipp-attribute-fidelity', u'job-hold-until', u'job-name', u'job-priority', u'job-sheets', u'media', u'media-col', u'multiple-document-handling', u'number-up', u'output-bin', u'orientation-requested', u'page-ranges', u'print-quality', u'printer-resolution', u'sides'], 'job-hold-until-default': u'no-hold', 'job-hold-until-supported': [u'no-hold', u'indefinite', u'day-time', u'evening', u'night', u'second-shift', u'third-shift', u'weekend'], 'job-k-limit': 0, 'job-page-limit': 0, 'job-priority-default': 50, 'job-priority-supported': [100], 'job-quota-period': 0, 'job-settable-attributes-supported': [u'copies', u'finishings', u'job-hold-until', u'job-name', u'job-priority', u'media', u'media-col', u'multiple-document-handling', u'number-up', u'output-bin', u'orientation-requested', u'page-ranges', u'print-quality', u'printer-resolution', u'sides'], 'job-sheets-default': (u'none', u'none'), 'job-sheets-supported': [u'none', u'classified', u'confidential', u'secret', u'standard', u'topsecret', u'unclassified'], 'marker-change-time': 0, 'media-bottom-margin-supported': [529, 1587, 1516], 'media-col-supported': [u'media-bottom-margin', u'media-left-margin', u'media-right-margin', u'media-size', u'media-source', u'media-top-margin', u'media-type'], 'media-default': u'iso_a4_210x297mm', 'media-left-margin-supported': [352, 635, 776], 'media-right-margin-supported': [352, 635, 776], 'media-source-supported': [u'select-key', u'auto', u'main', u'cd', u'auto'], 'media-supported': [u'na_letter_8.5x11in', u'na_legal_8.5x14in', u'na_ledger_11x17in', u'na_executive_7.25x10.5in', u'jpn_hagaki_100x148mm', u'om_cd5-inch_116.06x116.06mm', u'om_cd3-inch_64.91x64.91mm', u'om_cdcustom_119.94x119.94mm', u'oe_w216h360_3x5in', u'oe_w252h360_3.5x5in', u'oe_w288h432_4x6in', u'om_w324h495_114.3x174.62mm', u'om_w297h421_104.77x148.51mm', u'oe_w360h504_5x7in', u'oe_w360h576_5x8in', u'oe_w432h576_6x8in', u'oe_c8x10_8x10in', u'na_invoice_5.5x8.5in', u'oe_w576h864_8x12in', u'oe_w792h1008_11x14in', u'iso_a3_297x420mm', u'iso_a4_210x297mm', u'iso_a5_148x210mm', u'iso_a6_105x148mm', u'iso_a7_74x105mm', u'iso_a8_52x74mm', u'iso_a9_37x52mm', u'iso_a10_26x37mm', u'om_w609h864_214.84x304.8mm', u'om_w637h907_224.71x319.96mm', u'iso_b4_250x353mm', u'iso_b5_176x250mm', u'iso_b6_125x176mm', u'iso_b7_88x125mm', u'iso_b8_62x88mm', u'iso_b9_44x62mm', u'iso_b10_31x44mm', u'jis_b4_257x364mm', u'jis_b5_182x257mm', u'jis_b6_128x182mm', u'jis_b7_91x128mm', u'jis_b8_64x91mm', u'jis_b9_45x64mm', u'jis_b10_32x45mm', u'om_c4_228.95x323.85mm', u'om_c5_161.92x228.95mm', u'om_c5-l_228.95x161.92mm', u'om_w354h918_124.88x323.85mm', u'om_c6_113.94x161.92mm', u'om_c6-l_161.92x113.94mm', u'om_dl_109.71x219.78mm', u'om_dl-l_219.78x109.71mm', u'om_w229h459_80.78x161.92mm', u'om_w229h459-l_161.92x80.78mm', u'om_c7_80.78x113.94mm', u'om_c7-l_113.94x80.78mm', u'om_c8_56.79x80.78mm', u'om_c8-l_80.78x56.79mm', u'om_c9_39.86x56.79mm', u'om_c9-l_56.79x39.86mm', u'om_c10_27.86x39.86mm', u'om_c10-l_39.86x27.86mm', u'om_ea5_155.92x228.95mm', u'om_ea5-l_228.95x155.92mm', u'na_arch-a_9x12in', u'oe_w612h936_8.5x13in', u'oe_w648h936_9x13in', u'om_w535h697_188.73x245.88mm', u'om_w569h731_200.73x257.88mm', u'om_w620h782_218.72x275.87mm', u'om_w671h884_236.71x311.85mm', u'om_w348h527_122.76x185.91mm', u'om_w365h561_128.76x197.9mm', u'om_w391h612_137.93x215.9mm', u'om_w442h663_155.92x233.89mm', u'om_w314h504_110.77x177.8mm', u'om_w314h513_110.77x180.97mm', u'om_cw365h561_128.76x197.9mm', u'om_w283h425_99.83x149.93mm', u'om_w283h420_99.83x148.16mm', u'om_w420h567_148.16x200.02mm', u'om_w340h666_119.94x234.95mm', u'om_w340h666-l_234.95x119.94mm', u'om_w255h581_89.95x204.96mm', u'om_w255h581-l_204.96x89.95mm', u'om_w680h941_239.88x331.96mm', u'om_com10_104.77x241.3mm', u'om_com10-l_241.3x104.77mm', u'om_w315h414_111.12x146.05mm', u'om_monarch_98.42x190.5mm', u'om_monarch-l_190.5x98.42mm', u'om_w288h387_101.6x136.52mm', u'oe_w288h504_4x7in', u'om_w253h337_89.25x118.88mm', u'om_w155h244_54.68x86.07mm', u'om_w283h566_99.83x199.67mm', u'om_w612h935_215.9x329.84mm', u'custom_min_0.35x0.35mm', u'custom_max_297.03x431.8mm'], 'media-top-margin-supported': [529, 635, 599], 'media-type-supported': [u'stationery', u'transparency', u'tshirt', u'photographic-glossy', u'stationery-coated', u'envelope', u'photopaper-pro', u'photopaper-matte', u'photopaper-plus', u'cd', u'photopaper-other', u'photopaper-plus-double'], 'multiple-document-handling-supported': [u'separate-documents-uncollated-copies', u'separate-documents-collated-copies'], 'multiple-document-jobs-supported': True, 'multiple-operation-time-out': 300, 'natural-language-configured': u'en-us', 'notify-attributes-supported': [u'printer-state-change-time', u'notify-lease-expiration-time', u'notify-subscriber-user-name'], 'notify-events-default': [u'job-completed'], 'notify-events-supported': [u'job-completed', u'job-config-changed', u'job-created', u'job-progress', u'job-state-changed', u'job-stopped', u'printer-added', u'printer-changed', u'printer-config-changed', u'printer-deleted', u'printer-finishings-changed', u'printer-media-changed', u'printer-modified', u'printer-restarted', u'printer-shutdown', u'printer-state-changed', u'printer-stopped', u'server-audit', u'server-restarted', u'server-started', u'server-stopped'], 'notify-lease-duration-default': 86400, 'notify-lease-duration-supported': (0, 2147483647), 'notify-max-events-supported': [100], 'notify-pull-method-supported': [u'ippget'], 'notify-schemes-supported': [u'dbus', u'mailto', u'rss'], 'number-up-default': 1, 'number-up-supported': [1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 16], 'operations-supported': [2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 34, 35, 37, 38, 16385, 16386, 16387, 16388, 16389, 16390, 16391, 16392, 16393, 16394, 16395, 16396, 16397, 16398, 16399, 16423], 'orientation-requested-default': None, 'orientation-requested-supported': [3, 4, 5, 6], 'output-bin-default': u'face-down', 'output-bin-supported': [u'face-down'], 'page-ranges-supported': True, 'pdl-override-supported': [u'not-attempted'], 'port-monitor': u'none', 'port-monitor-supported': [u'none'], 'print-quality-default': 4, 'print-quality-supported': [4, 5], 'printer-commands': u'none', 'printer-current-time': '(IPP_TAG_DATE)', 'printer-error-policy': u'stop-printer', 'printer-error-policy-supported': [u'abort-job', u'retry-current-job', u'retry-job', u'stop-printer'], 'printer-info': u'Canon iP4000', 'printer-is-accepting-jobs': True, 'printer-is-shared': True, 'printer-location': u'', 'printer-make-and-model': u'Canon PIXMA iP4000 - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.2.6', 'printer-more-info': u'http://localhost:631/printers/Canon-iP4000', 'printer-name': u'Canon-iP4000', 'printer-op-policy': u'default', 'printer-op-policy-supported': [u'authenticated', u'default'], 'printer-resolution-default': '(unknown IPP tag)', 'printer-resolution-supported': ['(unknown IPP tag)', '(unknown IPP tag)', '(unknown IPP tag)', '(unknown IPP tag)'], 'printer-settable-attributes-supported': [u'printer-info', u'printer-location'], 'printer-state': 3, 'printer-state-change-time': 1296481043, 'printer-state-message': u'Unable to write print data: Input/output error', 'printer-state-reasons': [u'none'], 'printer-type': 176156, 'printer-up-time': 1296481057, 'printer-uri-supported': [u'ipp://localhost:631/printers/Canon-iP4000'], 'queued-job-count': 1, 'server-is-sharing-printers': True, 'sides-default': u'one-sided', 'sides-supported': [u'one-sided', u'two-sided-long-edge', u'two-sided-short-edge'], 'uri-authentication-supported': [u'requesting-user-name'], 'uri-security-supported': [u'none']}} Page 4 (Check PPD sanity): {'cups_printer_ppd_defaults': {u'C0L0': {u'StpInkType': u'CMYK'}, u'C1L0': {u'StpBrightness': u'None', u'StpColorCorrection': u'None', u'StpContrast': u'None', u'StpFineBrightness': u'None', u'StpFineContrast': u'None', u'StpFineSaturation': u'None', u'StpImageType': u'TextGraphics', u'StpSaturation': u'None'}, u'C1L1': {u'StpBlackDensity': u'None', u'StpCyanDensity': u'None', u'StpDensity': u'None', u'StpDitherAlgorithm': u'None', u'StpFineBlackDensity': u'None', u'StpFineCyanDensity': u'None', u'StpFineDensity': u'None', u'StpFineMagentaDensity': u'None', u'StpFineYellowDensity': u'None', u'StpMagentaDensity': u'None', u'StpYellowDensity': u'None'}, u'C1L2': {u'StpBlackGamma': u'None', u'StpCyanBalance': u'None', u'StpCyanGamma': u'None', u'StpFineBlackGamma': u'None', u'StpFineCyanBalance': u'None', u'StpFineCyanGamma': u'None', u'StpFineGamma': u'None', u'StpFineMagentaBalance': u'None', u'StpFineMagentaGamma': u'None', u'StpFineYellowBalance': u'None', u'StpFineYellowGamma': u'None', u'StpGamma': u'None', u'StpMagentaBalance': u'None', u'StpMagentaGamma': u'None', u'StpYellowBalance': u'None', u'StpYellowGamma': u'None'}, u'C1L4': {u'StpLinearContrast': u'False'}, u'C1L5': {u'StpBlackTrans': u'None', u'StpFineBlackTrans': u'None', u'StpFineGCRLower': u'None', u'StpFineGCRUpper': u'None', u'StpFineInkLimit': u'None', u'StpFineLightCyanTrans': u'None', u'StpFineLightMagentaTrans': u'None', u'StpFineLightYellowTrans': u'None', u'StpGCRLower': u'None', u'StpGCRUpper': u'None', u'StpInkLimit': u'None', u'StpLightCyanTrans': u'None', u'StpLightMagentaTrans': u'None', u'StpLightYellowTrans': u'None'}, u'General': {u'ColorModel': u'RGB', u'Duplex': u'None', u'InputSlot': u'SelectKey', u'MediaType': u'Plain', u'PageRegion': u'A4', u'PageSize': u'A4', u'Resolution': u'601x600dpi', u'StpColorPrecision': u'Normal', u'StpQuality': u'Standard', u'StpiShrinkOutput': u'Shrink'}}, 'cups_printer_ppd_valid': True, 'missing_pkgs_and_exes': ([], [])} Page 5 (Local or remote?): {'printer_is_remote': False} Page 6 (Printer state reasons): {'printer-state-message': u'Unable to write print data: Input/output error', 'printer-state-reasons': [u'none']} Page 7 (Error log checkpoint): {'cups_server_settings': {'BrowseLocalProtocols': 'CUPS dnssd', 'BrowseRemoteProtocols': 'CUPS', 'DefaultAuthType': 'Basic', 'MaxLogSize': '0', 'SystemGroup': 'lpadmin', '_debug_logging': '1', '_remote_admin': '1', '_remote_any': '0', '_remote_printers': '1', '_share_printers': '1', '_user_cancel_any': '1'}, 'error_log_checkpoint': 11475243} Page 8 (Print test page): {'test_page_attempted': '31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000', 'test_page_job_id': [10], 'test_page_job_status': [(True, 10, 'Canon-iP4000', 'Test Page', 'Processing', {'attributes-charset': u'utf-8', 'attributes-natural-language': u'en-gb', 'document-count': 1, 'document-format': u'application/vnd.cups-banner', 'job-hold-until': u'no-hold', 'job-id': 10, 'job-k-octets': 1, 'job-media-progress': 41, 'job-media-sheets-completed': 1, 'job-more-info': u'ipp://localhost:631/jobs/10', 'job-name': u'Test Page', 'job-originating-host-name': u'localhost', 'job-originating-user-name': u'john', 'job-printer-state-message': u'', 'job-printer-state-reasons': [u'none'], 'job-printer-up-time': 1296481128, 'job-printer-uri': u'ipp://boxroom:631/printers/Canon-iP4000', 'job-priority': 50, 'job-sheets': [u'none', u'none'], 'job-state': 5, 'job-state-reasons': u'job-printing', 'job-uri': u'ipp://localhost:631/jobs/10', 'job-uuid': u'urn:uuid:cdce8445-ed93-3ddc-7a6c-eb241b167dce', 'printer-uri': u'ipp://localhost/printers/Canon-iP4000', 'time-at-completed': None, 'time-at-creation': 1296481117, 'time-at-processing': 1296481117})], 'test_page_successful': False} Page 9 (Error log fetch): {'error_log': ['D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 16 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 16 1.1 Get-Jobs 1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/printers/', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Jobs (ipp://localhost/printers/) from localhost', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 16 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 16 1.1 Get-Jobs 1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/printers/', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Jobs (ipp://localhost/printers/) from localhost', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 16 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 16 1.1 Create-Printer-Subscription 1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] Create-Printer-Subscription /', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdCreateSubscription(con=0x7f1b162e49c0(16), uri="/")', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] pullmethod="ippget"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] notify-lease-duration=86400', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] notify-time-interval=0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdAddSubscription(mask=17800, dest=(nil)(), job=(nil)(0), uri="(null)")', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] Added subscription 10 for server', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] Returning IPP successful-ok for Create-Printer-Subscription (/) from localhost', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:24 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:25 +0000] [Job 9] Unloading...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:26 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 16 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:26 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:26 +0000] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:26 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 16 1.1 Get-Notifications 1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:26 +0000] Get-Notifications /', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:26 +0000] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="john"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:26 +0000] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:26 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdAcceptClient: 26 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 25 WAITING Closing on EOF', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdCloseClient: 25', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 26 POST /printers/Canon-iP4000 HTTP/1.1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 26 1.1 Print-Job 1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] Print-Job ipp://localhost/printers/Canon-iP4000', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job ???] Auto-typing file...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job ???] Request file type is application/vnd.cups-banner.', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] add_job: requesting-user-name="john"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] Adding default job-sheets values "none,none"...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Adding start banner page "none".', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Adding end banner page "none".', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] File of type application/vnd.cups-banner queued by "john".', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] hold_until=0', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Queued on "Canon-iP4000" by "john".', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] job-sheets=none,none', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] argv[0]="Canon-iP4000"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] argv[1]="10"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] argv[2]="john"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] argv[3]="Test Page"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] argv[4]="1"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:cdce8445-ed93-3ddc-7a6c-eb241b167dce job-originating-host-name=localhost"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00010-001"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc-root"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@boxroom"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.4.4"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[13]="TZ=GB"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[14]="USER=root"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[15]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[16]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[17]="IPP_PORT=631"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[18]="CHARSET=utf-8"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[19]="LANG=en_GB.UTF-8"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[20]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/Canon-iP4000.ppd"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[21]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=auto"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[22]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-banner"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[23]="DEVICE_URI=usb://Canon/iP4000"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[24]="PRINTER_INFO=Canon iP4000"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[25]="PRINTER_LOCATION="', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[26]="PRINTER=Canon-iP4000"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[27]="CUPS_FILETYPE=document"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] envp[28]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/Canon-iP4000"', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops (PID 2182)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf (PID 2183)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf (PID 2184)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftoraster (PID 2185)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertogutenprint.5.2 (PID 2187)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb (PID 2188)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] Returning IPP successful-ok for Print-Job (ipp://localhost/printers/Canon-iP4000) from localhost', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] pstopdf 5 args: 10 john Test Page 1 job-uuid=urn:uuid:cdce8445-ed93-3ddc-7a6c-eb241b167dce job-originating-host-name=localhost', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] PPD: /etc/cups/ppd/Canon-iP4000.ppd', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Printing jobs and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] load_banner(filename="/var/spool/cups/d00010-001")', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] STATE: +connecting-to-device', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Printer using device file "/dev/usb/lp2"...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] STATE: -connecting-to-device', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] backendRunLoop(print_fd=0, device_fd=5, snmp_fd=-1, addr=(nil), use_bc=0, side_cb=0x7f1f8da3d670)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Page = 595x842; 10,15 to 585,827', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] PNG image: 128x128x8, color_type=6 (RGB+ALPHA)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] PNG image: 192x128x8, color_type=2 (RGB)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] PID 2182 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops) exited with no errors.', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Resolution: 601x600', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint 5.2.6 Starting', "D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint command line: Canon-iP4000 '10' 'john' 'Test Page' '1' ", 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint using PPD file /etc/cups/ppd/Canon-iP4000.ppd', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Page size: A4', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: CUPS option count is 2 (90 bytes)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: CUPS option 0 job-originating-host-name = localhost', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: CUPS option 1 job-uuid = urn:uuid:cdce8445-ed93-3ddc-7a6c-eb241b167dce', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Driver Canon PIXMA iP4000', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Using fd 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set options:', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting PageSize to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting MediaType to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting InputSlot to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CDInnerRadius to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CDOuterDiameter to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CDInnerDiameter to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CDXAdjustment to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CDYAdjustment to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting Resolution to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set string InkType to CMYK', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set special string InkType to CMYK', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting InkChannels to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting PrintingMode to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting Duplex to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set string Quality to Standard', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set special string Quality to Standard', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set string ColorCorrection to None', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set special string ColorCorrection to None', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting ChannelBitDepth to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting InputImageType to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting STPIOutputType to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting STPIRawChannels to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting SimpleGamma to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set bool LinearContrast to False (0)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting LUTDumpFile to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CyanCurve to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting MagentaCurve to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting YellowCurve to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting BlackCurve to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting RedCurve to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting GreenCurve to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting BlueCurve to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting WhiteCurve to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting HueMap to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting SatMap to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting LumMap to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting GCRCurve to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh0 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh1 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh2 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh3 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh4 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh5 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh6 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh7 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh8 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh9 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh10 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh11 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh12 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh13 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh14 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh15 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh16 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh17 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh18 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh19 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh20 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh21 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh22 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh23 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh24 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh25 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh26 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh27 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh28 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh29 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh30 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh31 to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set string DitherAlgorithm to None', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set special string DitherAlgorithm to None', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set string ImageType to TextGraphics', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set special string ImageType to TextGraphics', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting JobMode to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Not setting PageNumber to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: End options', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Width: 595, height: 842, absolute margins: 10, 15, 585, 827', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Relative margins: 10, 15, 10, 15', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] PPD options: -r600 -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] PostScript to be injected:', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] [Job 10] Running cat | /usr/bin/gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.3 -dAutoRotatePages=/None -dAutoFilterColorImages=false -dNOPLATFONTS -dPARANOIDSAFER -sstdout=%stderr -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -dColorConversionStrategy=/LeaveColorUnchanged -dDoNumCopies -r600 -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842 -sOutputFile=- -c .setpdfwrite -f -', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdAcceptClient: 27 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 27 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 27 1.1 Get-Notifications 1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] Get-Notifications /', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="john"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Printing jobs and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 27 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 27 1.1 Get-Job-Attributes 1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/10', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Job-Attributes (ipp://localhost/jobs/10) from localhost', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Printing jobs and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 16 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 16 1.1 Get-Notifications 1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] Get-Notifications /', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="john"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Printing jobs and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 27 WAITING Closing on EOF', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:37 +0000] cupsdCloseClient: 27', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] PID 2183 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf) exited with no errors.', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] PID 2184 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf) exited with no errors.', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Ghostscript command line: /usr/bin/gs -dQUIET -dPARANOIDSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=cups -sstdout=%stderr -sOutputFile=%stdout -I/usr/share/cups/fonts -sMediaClass=SelectKey -sMediaType=Plain -r600x600 -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842 -dcupsBitsPerColor=8 -dcupsColorOrder=0 -dcupsColorSpace=1 -dcupsRowFeed=2 -scupsPageSizeName=A4 -c -f -_', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc-root"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@boxroom"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.4.4"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[13]="TZ=GB"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[14]="USER=root"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[15]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[16]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[17]="IPP_PORT=631"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[18]="CHARSET=utf-8"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[19]="LANG=en_GB.UTF-8"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[20]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/Canon-iP4000.ppd"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[21]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=auto"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[22]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-banner"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[23]="DEVICE_URI=usb://Canon/iP4000"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[24]="PRINTER_INFO=Canon iP4000"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[25]="PRINTER_LOCATION="', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[26]="PRINTER=Canon-iP4000"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[27]="CUPS_FILETYPE=document"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] envp[28]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/Canon-iP4000"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] num_components = 1, depth = 1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] cupsColorSpace = 3, cupsColorOrder = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] cupsBitsPerPixel = 1, cupsBitsPerColor = 1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] max_gray = 1, dither_grays = 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] max_color = 0, dither_colors = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Updating PageSize to [595 842]...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Setting initial media size, [595 842] = 4958x7017 pixels...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Setting MediaClass to "SelectKey"...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Setting MediaType to "Plain"...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Setting cupsBitsPerColor to 8...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Setting cupsColorOrder to 0...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Setting cupsColorSpace to 1...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Setting cupsRowFeed to 2...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Setting cupsPageSizeName to "A4"...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] num_components = 3, depth = 24', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] cupsColorSpace = 1, cupsColorOrder = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] cupsBitsPerPixel = 24, cupsBitsPerColor = 8', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] max_gray = 0, dither_grays = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] max_color = 255, dither_colors = 256', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Setting initial media size, [595 842] = 4958x7017 pixels...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Processing page 1...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] num_components = 3, depth = 24', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] cupsColorSpace = 1, cupsColorOrder = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] cupsBitsPerPixel = 24, cupsBitsPerColor = 8', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] max_gray = 0, dither_grays = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] max_color = 255, dither_colors = 256', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Setting LeadingEdge to 0...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] num_components = 3, depth = 24', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] cupsColorSpace = 1, cupsColorOrder = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] cupsBitsPerPixel = 24, cupsBitsPerColor = 8', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] max_gray = 0, dither_grays = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] max_color = 255, dither_colors = 256', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Updating PageSize to [595 842]...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] size = A4', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] margins[] = [ 0.138889 0.208333 0.138889 0.208333 ]', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Setting LeadingEdge to 0...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] num_components = 3, depth = 24', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] cupsColorSpace = 1, cupsColorOrder = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] cupsBitsPerPixel = 24, cupsBitsPerColor = 8', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] max_gray = 0, dither_grays = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] max_color = 255, dither_colors = 256', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Setting LeadingEdge to 0...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] num_components = 3, depth = 24', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] cupsColorSpace = 1, cupsColorOrder = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] cupsBitsPerPixel = 24, cupsBitsPerColor = 8', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] max_gray = 0, dither_grays = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] max_color = 255, dither_colors = 256', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Updating PageSize to [595 842]...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] size = A4', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] margins[] = [ 0.138889 0.208333 0.138889 0.208333 ]', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: About to start printing loop.', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] cups_print_chunked: xflip = 0, yflip = 0, height = 6767', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Printing page 1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] PAGE: 1 1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Initialize page', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set special string ChannelBitDepth to 8', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set special string PrintingMode to Color', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set special string InputImageType to RGB', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Clear special parameter Resolution', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set special parameter Quality to choice 1 (Standard)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set special string InputSlot to SelectKey', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set special string MediaType to Plain', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: PageSize = 595x842', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Using page size A4 with (842, 595)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set special string PageSize to A4', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Set special string JobMode to Job', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Validating options', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Clearing string CDInnerRadius ((null))', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Clearing string Resolution ((null))', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Setting default string Resolution to 600x600dpi', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Clearing string STPIOutputType ((null))', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Setting default string STPIOutputType to (null)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Done validating options', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: limits w 595 l 10 r 585 h 842 t 15 b 827', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: max limits l 10 r 585 t 15 b 827', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Adjusting left margin from 10 to 10', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Adjusting right margin from 585 to 585', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Adjusting top margin from 15 to 15', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Adjusting bottom margin from 827 to 827', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: CUPS settings w 4791 (4791) l 83 r 83 h 6766 (6766) t 125 b 125', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: End initialize page', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Page data:', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: MediaClass = "SelectKey"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: MediaColor = ""', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: MediaType = "Plain"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: OutputType = ""', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: AdvanceDistance = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: AdvanceMedia = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Collate = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: CutMedia = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Duplex = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: HWResolution = [ 600 600 ]', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: ImagingBoundingBox = [ 10 15 585 827 ]', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: InsertSheet = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Jog = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: LeadingEdge = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Margins = [ 10 15 ]', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: ManualFeed = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: MediaPosition = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: MediaWeight = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: MirrorPrint = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: NegativePrint = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: NumCopies = 1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Orientation = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: OutputFaceUp = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: PageSize = [ 595 842 ]', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Separations = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: TraySwitch = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Tumble = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: cupsWidth = 4792', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: cupsHeight = 6767', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: cups->width = 4791', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: cups->height = 6766', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: cups->adjusted_width = 4791', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: cups->adjusted_height = 6766', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: cupsMediaType = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: cupsBitsPerColor = 8', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: cupsBitsPerPixel = 24', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: cupsBytesPerLine = 14376', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: cupsColorOrder = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: cupsColorSpace = 1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: cupsCompression = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: cupsRowCount = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: cupsRowFeed = 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: cupsRowStep = 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_driver(v) |bjc-iP4000|', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_left(v) 10', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_top(v) 15', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_page_width(v) 595', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_page_height(v) 842', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: shrink page to fit 1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_string PageSize(v) |A4| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_string MediaType(v) |Plain| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_string InputSlot(v) |SelectKey| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_string CDInnerRadius(v) |NULL| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_dimension CDOuterDiameter(v) |329| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_dimension CDInnerDiameter(v) |121| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_dimension CDXAdjustment(v) |0| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_dimension CDYAdjustment(v) |0| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_string Resolution(v) |600x600dpi| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_string InkType(v) |CMYK| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_int InkChannels(v) |4| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_string PrintingMode(v) |Color| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_string Duplex(v) |None| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_string Quality(v) |Standard| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float CyanDensity(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float MagentaDensity(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float YellowDensity(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float BlackDensity(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float LightCyanTrans(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float LightMagentaTrans(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float LightYellowTrans(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_string ColorCorrection(v) |None| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_string ChannelBitDepth(v) |8| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_string InputImageType(v) |RGB| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_string STPIOutputType(v) |NULL| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_int STPIRawChannels(v) |1| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_boolean SimpleGamma(v) |0| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float Brightness(v) |1.000| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float Contrast(v) |1.000| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_boolean LinearContrast(v) |0| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float Gamma(v) |1.667| 1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float AppGamma(v) |1.000| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float CyanGamma(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float MagentaGamma(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float YellowGamma(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float RedGamma(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GreenGamma(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float BlueGamma(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float BlackGamma(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float CyanBalance(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float MagentaBalance(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float YellowBalance(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float Saturation(v) |1.000| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float InkLimit(v) |4.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float BlackTrans(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GCRLower(v) |0.200| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GCRUpper(v) |0.500| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh0(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh1(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh2(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh3(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh4(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh5(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh6(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh7(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh8(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh9(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh10(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh11(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh12(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh13(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh14(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh15(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh16(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh17(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh18(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh19(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh20(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh21(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh22(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh23(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh24(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh25(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh26(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh27(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh28(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh29(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh30(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float GammaCh31(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_float Density(v) |1.000| 0', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_string DitherAlgorithm(v) |None| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_string ImageType(v) |TextGraphics| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_string JobMode(v) |Job| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: stp_get_int PageNumber(v) |0| 2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: End page data', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Starting page 1...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Image_height 6766', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Image_width 4791', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Image_width 4791', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Image_width 4791', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Gutenprint: Image_width 4791', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 1%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] STATE: -media-empty-warning', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] STATE: -offline-report', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Printer is now online.', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 2%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=2', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 3%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=3', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:38 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 4%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=4', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 5%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=5', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 6%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=6', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 7%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=7', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 8%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=8', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 9%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=9', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 10%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=10', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 11%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=11', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 12%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=12', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 13%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=13', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 14%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=14', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:39 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] Saving job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] Saving subscriptions.conf...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Printing jobs', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 15%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=15', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Printing jobs and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 16%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=16', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 17%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=17', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 18%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=18', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 19%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=19', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 20%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=20', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 21%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=21', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 22%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=22', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 23%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=23', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 24%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=24', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 25%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=25', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 26%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=26', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:40 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 27%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=27', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 28%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=28', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 29%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=29', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 30%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=30', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 31%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=31', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 32%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=32', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 33%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=33', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 34%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=34', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 35%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=35', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Wrote 4096 bytes of print data...', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Read 4096 bytes of print data...', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 36%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=36', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 37%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=37', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:42 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 38%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:42 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=38', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:42 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:42 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:42 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 39%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:42 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=39', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:42 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:42 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:42 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 40%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:42 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=40', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:42 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:42 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'I [31/Jan/2011:13:38:42 +0000] [Job 10] Printing page 1, 41%', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:42 +0000] [Job 10] ATTR: job-media-progress=41', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:42 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:42 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 16 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 16 1.1 Get-Job-Attributes 1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/10', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Job-Attributes (ipp://localhost/jobs/10) from localhost', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Printing jobs and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 16 POST / HTTP/1.1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 16 1.1 Cancel-Subscription 1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] Cancel-Subscription /', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="john"', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] Returning IPP successful-ok for Cancel-Subscription (/) from localhost', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Printing jobs and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] cupsdAcceptClient: 27 from localhost (Domain)', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 24 GET /admin/log/error_log HTTP/1.1', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files', 'D [31/Jan/2011:13:38:48 +0000] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.']} Page 10 (Printer state reasons): {'printer-state-message': u'Printing page 1, 41%', 'printer-state-reasons': [u'none']} Page 11 (Locale issues): {'printer_page_size': u'A4', 'system_locale_lang': None, 'user_locale_ctype': 'en_GB', 'user_locale_messages': 'en_GB'}