-- Logs begin at Thu 2018-02-15 14:18:12 +0330, end at Thu 2018-02-15 15:06:43 +0330. -- فوریه 15 14:46:31 hostname avahi-daemon[669]: chroot.c: open() failed: No such file or directory فوریه 15 14:46:31 hostname NetworkManager[717]: ((src/devices/nm-device.c:1452)): assertion '' failed فوریه 15 14:46:32 hostname wpa_supplicant[714]: dbus: wpa_dbus_get_object_properties: failed to get object properties: (none) none فوریه 15 14:46:32 hostname wpa_supplicant[714]: dbus: Failed to construct signal فوریه 15 14:46:57 hostname pulseaudio[1226]: [pulseaudio] bluez5-util.c: GetManagedObjects() failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Failed to activate service 'org.bluez': timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms) فوریه 15 14:48:04 hostname gnome-session-binary[795]: Unrecoverable failure in required component org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Sharing.desktop فوریه 15 14:48:04 hostname gnome-session-binary[795]: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry....