Jeff, Many thanks for taking the time to check this out. On this 64 bit computer I'm using a 64 bit dual boot grub with a 32 bit winXP OS (shouldn't be a problem, right). Yet rebooting from winXP to Ubuntu seems to trigger the low graphics mode most every time which restarting the x server seems to temporarily solve making it only a nuisance problem. This doesn't normally occur when rebooting from Lucid with x server loaded properly from the last reboot. Seems the problem started with introduction of grub 2 (don't know). During installation the initial 64 bit release of Lucid gave me a blank screen necessitating changing the "silent splash" to "nomodeset" in grub; an indication something is faulty. On my end then there was something buggy about the latest Lucid update in relation to my Nvidia driver from the get-go down to the crash report generated when updating to linux-image-2.6.32-22-generic. Hope this info helps you guys in some small way. - Dennis --- On Tue, 7/20/10, Jeff Epstein