Hello Fritz, Thank you for your attention. I understand that it is a place for bug reports. My intention was to indicate that I too was experiencing this bug. I added the phrase "please help!" to the end of my post simply to imply a sense of urgency. I decided to report that I was experiencing the bug only after combing through many forums, both those of Canonical as well as third party forums. Many of the issues posted to the forums appear to be related to Ubuntu installations concurrent to existing Windows installations. This is not the case here. Nonetheless, I've tried many of the solutions presented on the forums for both single installations as well as concurrent installations but, unfortunately, none had made any progress in resolving my issue. In the end, I was able to resolve the issue by reinstalling Ubuntu over my old installation. This did not resolve the issue, however, but a solution that worked for the user *orlapa* last May worked for me: https://medium.com/@leijerry888/get-grub-menu-back-after-installing-ubuntu-20-04-alongside-windows-dab5de5afc37 I also used this documentation to verify that I didn't miss anything in trying to configure Ubuntu Desktop to run headless: https://ubuntuusertips.wordpress.com/2014/02/19/turn-ubuntu-desktop-into-an-headless-server/ That said, my post can be removed. I will see about removing it myself. Thanks! On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 10:06 AM Fritz Hudnut