I, however, did not find an easy fix. After spending all day (i.e., over 10 hours) trying to muddle through commands I don't really understand, I read that the solution is in fact to reformat your harddrive (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2218362). Given this, I finally gave up worrying that fiddling with parts I don't understand by doing things I can't even pronounce is going to do even more damage to my machine than is done by making it utterly unbootable. Released from care by knowing I'll probably have to start from scratch anyway, I start doing things nearly randomly, and may have added grub to every partition aliong the way. Continuing this strategy with the options in boot-repair, I stumble upon a combination of chosen options that lets me boot. I have no idea if I now (still?) have "a misconfigured system;" all I know is that after hours of trying random things after hours of having exhausted trying posted things, it finally works again. For other's sake, I got it to work by using the general steps given here: http://iambusychangingtheworld.blogspot.com/2014/03/error-symbol-grubtermhighlightcolor-not.html with these these particulars (no idea what really mattered, so just giving it all): ======================================= Boot-Repair Options ---------------------------- Advanced Settings: Main options - reinstall grub - use standard efi - backup and rename windows efi - hid boot menu GRUB options - secure boot - purge grub before reinstall - did NOT upgrade grub to most recent version GRUB location - changed to windows (via sda5) [I think this was the critical point, but I really have no idea--I could have recited something from the Necronomicon and had as much faithin what I was donig] - ata disk support Output from boot-repair: ---------------------------------- Boot successfully repaired. Please write on a paper the following URL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7341950/ In case you still experience boot problem, indicate this URL to: