Phillip, After my last response I was able to get it to boot from /dev/mmcblk0p1 using Ubuntu 10.10. I am not sure why it did not work at first, but maybe my explaining what I did may help you determine why. The following is what I did. 1. I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a USB thumb drive, and placed the Grub loader on the MBR. The boot menu did display OK and I was able to boot Ubuntu 10.10 from the drive OK. The menu did show the previous version of Ubuntu on /dev/mmcblk0p1 but I was never able to get it to boot. 2. After I received your note requesting a test of using Ubuntu 10.10, I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on /dev/mmcblk0p1 and placed the grub loader on the /dev/sdb which is the MBR of my thumb drive from step 1. This was to ensure that the Grub menu would be updated for this version of Ubuntu. 3. I tried booting from the thumb drive in step 1 but the Grub menu never displayed. Instead I got the message I reported in my previous note and was place in the Grub rescue screen. 4. After not being able to restore the MBR, I reinstalled Ubuntu 10.10 to the USB thumb drive and placed the grub loader on the MBR as I had done in step 1. 5. When I booted from the thumb drive, the Grub menu displayed included both the system installed in step 4 and step 2. I am now able to select either system and they boot OK. I hope the above sequence better explains what I did and what went wrong. I am not sure why what happened in step 4 did not happen in step 2 as far as setting up the Grub menu. Regards, Robert. > Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2010 00:25:48 +0000 > From: