Since we have several topics of discussion, I will try to break these into sections. This will hopefully make easier to see what we need to do. :-) ------------------------------ 1) THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATCHES AND INTEREST IN PARTED AND GPARTED I wish to begin by thanking you for the patches you have supplied for parted. Your patches along with another from Jim Meyering have been critical in helping to lessen problems for users of Parted and GParted arising from a "failure to inform kernel of partition changes". The Jim Meyering patch I speak of is this one:;a=commit;h=0f850220b3f26bb969a1a7ff78dc550691a89566 There may yet be some further room for improvement in this area because I have at least one report of the problem continuing. See: Personally I have not been able to reproduce this problem. ------------------------------ 2) WHAT TO DO FOR FOR THE UPCOMING UBUNTU NATTY RELEASE? Details of the changes in each release of GParted can be found in the NEWS file: If it is too late in Natty's release cycle to include a newer version of GParted, then perhaps we should focus on NATTY+1. The possibility of duplicate dmraid device partition names has been present since DMRaid support was added in GParted 0.4.4. If there is still time to consider patches in Natty, I suggest the following patch to fix incorrect dmraid partition path names: In my mind this problem has a higher possibility of impacting a user than duplicate dmraid device names. ------------------------------ 3) WHY MAINTAIN BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY WITH OLDER LIBPARTED VERSIONS? You might call this a personal pet peeve, but I hate when I am forced to upgrade my entire operating system just to run a newer version of an application. I find this particularly vexing when the operating system or GNU/Linux distribution is still within a supported time-frame. This is why I _try_ my best to ensure that GParted will compile and run on the currently supported major GNU/Linux distributions. I recognize that there are situations where it makes sense to break from this goal. Unfortunately the following statement is not always true: "If the distribution can update to the latest version of gparted, then they can update parted as well just as easily." A case in point is with Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron. This release is currently supported on both the desktop and server. However, libparted-2.3 does not work well with GParted on Ubuntu 8.04. The problem encountered when performing operations in GParted with libparted 2.3 is the unfortunately familiar "failure to inform kernel of partition changes". Older versions of libparted, such as 1.7.1 that is packaged for Ubuntu 8.04, do not exhibit this problem on Ubuntu 8.04. I have tested this on a physical computer installation, and in a virtual machine with the same results. ------------------------------ 4) WHAT TO DO FOR THE UPCOMING UBUNTU NATTY+1 RELEASE? I would like to work together with you to accomplish the following three goals: a) Begin the retirement of b) Resolve the duplicate dmraid device partition name issue c) Use libparted-2.3 for dmraid device partition naming For these goals, perhaps you could help me to help you. I know exactly where to place the configure conditionals. However, I am searching for a more elegant way to set a configure condition such as "HAVE_LIBPARTED_2_3_0_PLUS". Currently I have duplicated code (I know this is not desirable), to determine if libparted is >= 1.7.1, and also to determine if libparted is >= 2.2. See: If you can help reduce this duplication of code then I would be very appreciative. As I stated above, I know exactly where to place the #ifdef HAVE_LIBPARTED_2_3_0_PLUS conditionals to accomplish the above goals. Hopefully that helps to address questions raised, and outline a path forward. Sincerely, Curtis Gedak