Comment 6 for bug 459474

Revision history for this message
Milan Bouchet-Valat (nalimilan) wrote :

Thanks! So far the only strange thing from the logs is the GID set to 0. I guess you did not change manually the user's main group, did you?

Does the directory /home/invitado exist? What does running the command
sudo /usr/sbin/adduser --gecos --disabled-password --home /home/invitado --gid 0 --shell /bin/bash --uid 1001 invitado
say? If that fails, please also check that no group called 'invitado' or using GID 1001 exists, and try
sudo addgroup --gid 1001 invitado
sudo /usr/sbin/adduser --gecos --disabled-password --home /home/invitado --gid 1001 --shell /bin/bash --uid 1001 invitado