. Thread 6 (Thread 0x7f8c26e43700 (LWP 20931)): #0 syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38 No locals. #1 0x00007f8c511be7ca in g_cond_wait_until (cond=cond@entry=0x5620d7dd0cd8, mutex=mutex@entry=0x5620d7dd0cd0, end_time=end_time@entry=24546468620) at ../../../../glib/gthread-posix.c:1442 now = {tv_sec = 24545, tv_nsec = 968620710} span = {tv_sec = 0, tv_nsec = 499999290} sampled = 7 res = #2 0x00007f8c5114d2e1 in g_async_queue_pop_intern_unlocked (queue=0x5620d7dd0cd0, wait=wait@entry=1, end_time=24546468620) at ../../../../glib/gasyncqueue.c:422 retval = __func__ = "g_async_queue_pop_intern_unlocked" #3 0x00007f8c5114d8d8 in g_async_queue_timeout_pop_unlocked (queue=, timeout=timeout@entry=500000) at ../../../../glib/gasyncqueue.c:570 end_time = #4 0x00007f8c511a0fa4 in g_thread_pool_wait_for_new_task (pool=) at ../../../../glib/gthreadpool.c:262 task = #5 g_thread_pool_thread_proxy (data=) at ../../../../glib/gthreadpool.c:296 pool = 0x5620d7dcc4c0 #6 0x00007f8c511a0605 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x5620d95a7e30) at ../../../../glib/gthread.c:784 thread = 0x5620d95a7e30 #7 0x00007f8c4e46a7fc in start_thread (arg=0x7f8c26e43700) at pthread_create.c:465 pd = 0x7f8c26e43700 now = unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140239924639488, 2306970083390333001, 140737309958526, 140737309958527, 140239924639488, 27, -2369934808193228727, -2369846009884893111}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = pagesize_m1 = sp = freesize = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread" #8 0x00007f8c4e197a3f in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 No locals. . Thread 5 (Thread 0x7f8c28086700 (LWP 20932)): #0 syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38 No locals. #1 0x00007f8c511be7ca in g_cond_wait_until (cond=cond@entry=0x5620d7dd0cd8, mutex=mutex@entry=0x5620d7dd0cd0, end_time=end_time@entry=24546258514) at ../../../../glib/gthread-posix.c:1442 now = {tv_sec = 24545, tv_nsec = 758514948} span = {tv_sec = 0, tv_nsec = 499999052} sampled = 6 res = #2 0x00007f8c5114d2e1 in g_async_queue_pop_intern_unlocked (queue=0x5620d7dd0cd0, wait=wait@entry=1, end_time=24546258514) at ../../../../glib/gasyncqueue.c:422 retval = __func__ = "g_async_queue_pop_intern_unlocked" #3 0x00007f8c5114d8d8 in g_async_queue_timeout_pop_unlocked (queue=, timeout=timeout@entry=500000) at ../../../../glib/gasyncqueue.c:570 end_time = #4 0x00007f8c511a0fa4 in g_thread_pool_wait_for_new_task (pool=) at ../../../../glib/gthreadpool.c:262 task = #5 g_thread_pool_thread_proxy (data=) at ../../../../glib/gthreadpool.c:296 pool = 0x5620d7dcc4c0 #6 0x00007f8c511a0605 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x5620d95a7ed0) at ../../../../glib/gthread.c:784 thread = 0x5620d95a7ed0 #7 0x00007f8c4e46a7fc in start_thread (arg=0x7f8c28086700) at pthread_create.c:465 pd = 0x7f8c28086700 now = unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140239943788288, 2306970083390333001, 140737309959822, 140737309959823, 140239943788288, 27, -2369930235663671223, -2369846009884893111}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = pagesize_m1 = sp = freesize = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread" #8 0x00007f8c4e197a3f in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 No locals. . Thread 4 (Thread 0x7f8c40485700 (LWP 2291)): #0 0x00007f8c4e18b831 in __GI___poll (fds=0x5620d7db6010, nfds=2, timeout=3999) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/poll.c:29 resultvar = 18446744073709551100 sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 #1 0x00007f8c51179129 in g_main_context_poll (priority=, n_fds=2, fds=0x5620d7db6010, timeout=, context=0x5620d7db4d70) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:4187 ret = errsv = poll_func = 0x7f8c51188600 #2 g_main_context_iterate (context=context@entry=0x5620d7db4d70, block=block@entry=1, dispatch=dispatch@entry=1, self=) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:3881 max_priority = 2147483647 timeout = 3999 some_ready = nfds = 2 allocated_nfds = 2 fds = 0x5620d7db6010 #3 0x00007f8c5117923c in g_main_context_iteration (context=0x5620d7db4d70, may_block=may_block@entry=1) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:3947 retval = #4 0x00007f8c51179281 in glib_worker_main (data=) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:5742 No locals. #5 0x00007f8c511a0605 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x5620d7d9fc50) at ../../../../glib/gthread.c:784 thread = 0x5620d7d9fc50 #6 0x00007f8c4e46a7fc in start_thread (arg=0x7f8c40485700) at pthread_create.c:465 pd = 0x7f8c40485700 now = unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140240350631680, 2306970083390333001, 140737309967054, 140737309967055, 140240350631680, 140240350632384, -2369876908812853175, -2369846009884893111}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = pagesize_m1 = sp = freesize = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread" #7 0x00007f8c4e197a3f in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 No locals. . Thread 3 (Thread 0x7f8c3dd8b700 (LWP 2307)): #0 0x00007f8c4e18b831 in __GI___poll (fds=0x5620d7f5b4a0, nfds=1, timeout=-1) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/poll.c:29 resultvar = 18446744073709551100 sc_cancel_oldtype = 0 #1 0x00007f8c51179129 in g_main_context_poll (priority=, n_fds=1, fds=0x5620d7f5b4a0, timeout=, context=0x5620d8007410) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:4187 ret = errsv = poll_func = 0x7f8c51188600 #2 g_main_context_iterate (context=context@entry=0x5620d8007410, block=block@entry=1, dispatch=dispatch@entry=1, self=) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:3881 max_priority = 2147483647 timeout = -1 some_ready = nfds = 1 allocated_nfds = 1 fds = 0x5620d7f5b4a0 #3 0x00007f8c5117923c in g_main_context_iteration (context=context@entry=0x5620d8007410, may_block=may_block@entry=1) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:3947 retval = #4 0x00007f8c3dd9346d in dconf_gdbus_worker_thread (user_data=0x5620d8007410) at dconf-gdbus-thread.c:82 context = 0x5620d8007410 #5 0x00007f8c511a0605 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x5620d7f0dc50) at ../../../../glib/gthread.c:784 thread = 0x5620d7f0dc50 #6 0x00007f8c4e46a7fc in start_thread (arg=0x7f8c3dd8b700) at pthread_create.c:465 pd = 0x7f8c3dd8b700 now = unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140240309761792, 2306970083390333001, 140737309962590, 140737309962591, 140240309761792, 140240309762496, -2369884475471486903, -2369846009884893111}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = pagesize_m1 = sp = freesize = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread" #7 0x00007f8c4e197a3f in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 No locals. . Thread 2 (Thread 0x7f8c3fc84700 (LWP 2292)): #0 obj_message_func (message=0x5620d8dc40f0, eo=0x5620d7dee680, connection=0x5620d7df3050) at ../../../../gio/gdbusconnection.c:5022 ei = 0x5620d7e10f60 member = 0x7f8c3002dd80 "DescribeAll" interface_name = signature = 0x7f8c50ed76b6 "" handled = 0 #1 distribute_method_call (message=0x5620d8dc40f0, connection=0x5620d7df3050) at ../../../../gio/gdbusconnection.c:7068 reply = es = object_path = 0x7f8c3002ddf0 "/org/gnome/Software" interface_name = 0x7f8c30023df0 "org.gtk.Actions" member = subtree_path = 0x7f8c3001dea0 "/org/gnome" eo = 0x5620d7dee680 path = needle = #2 on_worker_message_received (worker=, message=0x5620d8dc40f0, user_data=0x5620d7df3050) at ../../../../gio/gdbusconnection.c:2305 message_type = connection = 0x5620d7df3050 filters = n = alive = #3 0x00007f8c50e62e57 in _g_dbus_worker_queue_or_deliver_received_message (message=0x5620d8dc40f0, worker=0x5620d7dea880) at ../../../../gio/gdbusprivate.c:510 No locals. #4 _g_dbus_worker_do_read_cb (input_stream=, res=, user_data=0x5620d7dea880) at ../../../../gio/gdbusprivate.c:795 message = 0x5620d8dc40f0 worker = 0x5620d7dea880 error = 0x0 bytes_read = #5 0x00007f8c50e1f1a3 in g_task_return_now (task=0x7f8c30002b70) at ../../../../gio/gtask.c:1145 No locals. #6 0x00007f8c50e1f1d9 in complete_in_idle_cb (task=0x7f8c30002b70) at ../../../../gio/gtask.c:1159 No locals. #7 0x00007f8c51178de5 in g_main_dispatch (context=0x5620d7deac50) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:3148 dispatch = 0x7f8c51175720 prev_source = 0x0 was_in_call = 0 user_data = 0x7f8c30002b70 callback = 0x7f8c50e1f1d0 cb_funcs = 0x7f8c51440280 cb_data = 0x5620d8d363d0 need_destroy = source = 0x7f8c3002eec0 current = 0x5620d7dc94a0 i = 0 #8 g_main_context_dispatch (context=context@entry=0x5620d7deac50) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:3813 No locals. #9 0x00007f8c511791b0 in g_main_context_iterate (context=0x5620d7deac50, block=block@entry=1, dispatch=dispatch@entry=1, self=) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:3886 max_priority = 0 timeout = 0 some_ready = 1 nfds = allocated_nfds = 4 fds = 0x7f8c2057c960 #10 0x00007f8c511794c2 in g_main_loop_run (loop=0x5620d7dead90) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:4082 __func__ = "g_main_loop_run" #11 0x00007f8c50e60ac6 in gdbus_shared_thread_func (user_data=0x5620d7df8240) at ../../../../gio/gdbusprivate.c:275 data = 0x5620d7df8240 #12 0x00007f8c511a0605 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x5620d7da0400) at ../../../../glib/gthread.c:784 thread = 0x5620d7da0400 #13 0x00007f8c4e46a7fc in start_thread (arg=0x7f8c3fc84700) at pthread_create.c:465 pd = 0x7f8c3fc84700 now = unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140240342238976, 2306970083390333001, 140737309965470, 140737309965471, 140240342238976, 140240342239680, -2369880211105832887, -2369846009884893111}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = pagesize_m1 = sp = freesize = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread" #14 0x00007f8c4e197a3f in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 No locals. . Thread 1 (Thread 0x7f8c51cdcac0 (LWP 2264)): #0 __strlen_sse2 () at ../sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/../strlen.S:120 No locals. #1 0x00007f8c4e0d88d5 in _IO_vfprintf_internal (s=s@entry=0x7ffff55e0300, format=, format@entry=0x5620d7a6d788 "Don't know how to handle \342\200\230%s\342\200\231", ap=ap@entry=0x7ffff55e0470) at vfprintf.c:1643 len = string_malloced = 0 string = 0x4 width = 0 is_short = 0 spec = step0_jumps = {0, -1248, 901, 993, -1083, -991, -882, 1092, 1387, 1783, 1889, 713, 802, 896, -2341, -2294, -1194, 1768, 1484, 1499, -1581, -684, 349, 438, 534, -3034, 63, -3125, -3125, -776} base = pad = step1_jumps = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1783, 1889, 713, 802, 896, -2341, -2294, -1194, 1768, 1484, 1499, -1581, -684, 349, 438, 534, -3034, 63, -3125, -3125, 0} is_negative = number = use_outdigits = step2_jumps = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1889, 713, 802, 896, -2341, -2294, -1194, 1768, 1484, 1499, -1581, -684, 349, 438, 534, -3034, 63, -3125, -3125, 0} alt = left = showsign = group = 0 is_char = step3a_jumps = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 611, 0, 0, 0, -2341, -2294, -1194, 1768, 1484, 0, 0, 0, 0, 438, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} the_arg = {pa_wchar = 1372624144 L'\x51d09510', pa_int = 1372624144, pa_long_int = 140240644773136, pa_long_long_int = 140240644773136, pa_u_int = 1372624144, pa_u_long_int = 140240644773136, pa_u_long_long_int = 140240644773136, pa_double = 6.9288084733032274e-310, pa_long_double = , pa_string = 0x7f8c51d09510 "", pa_wstring = 0x7f8c51d09510 L"\x5027f000\x7f8c\x51d094e0\x7f8c\x50b83878\x7f8c\x51d09a10\x7f8c\x51d09000\x7f8c\x51d09510\x7f8c", pa_pointer = 0x7f8c51d09510, pa_user = 0x7f8c51d09510} space = is_long_double = is_long = 0 step3b_jumps = {0 , 802, 0, 0, -2341, -2294, -1194, 1768, 1484, 1499, -1581, -684, 349, 438, 534, -3034, 63, 0, 0, 0} step4_jumps = {0 , -2341, -2294, -1194, 1768, 1484, 1499, -1581, -684, 349, 438, 534, -3034, 63, 0, 0, 0} prec = _buffer = {__routine = 0x5620d7e2f4b0, __arg = 0x7f8c4e11240e <__GI___libc_free+110>, __canceltype = 544737232, __prev = 0x7ffff55dfeb0} _avail = thousands_sep = 0x0 grouping = 0xffffffffffffffff done = f = 0x5620d7a6d7a5 "s\342\200\231" lead_str_end = 0x5620d7a6d7a4 "%s\342\200\231" end_of_spec = work_buffer = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\200e\265\330 V\000\000\240\362A\331 V\000\000\223\003", '\000' , "\320\004EQ\214\177\000\000\016$\021N\214\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\372\004\000\000/\003\000\000@\350\345\327 V\000\000\000\345\313Hn\020\vy\200e\265\330 V\000\000\000\345\313Hn\020\vy\240\362A\331 V\000\000\200e\265\330 V\000\000\240\362A\331 V\000\000\223\003", '\000' , "*\330_P\214\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\372\004\000\000\223\003\000\000\005\000\373\377\372\004/\003\000\345\313Hn\020\vy\200e\265\330 V\000\000"... workstart = workend = ap_save = {{gp_offset = 8, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7ffff55e0550, reg_save_area = 0x7ffff55e0490}} nspecs_done = save_errno = 11 readonly_format = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "_IO_vfprintf_internal" #2 0x00007f8c4e1a9e38 in __GI___vasprintf_chk (result_ptr=result_ptr@entry=0x7ffff55e0450, flags=flags@entry=1, format=0x5620d7a6d788 "Don't know how to handle \342\200\230%s\342\200\231", format@entry=0x7ffff55e0450 "", args=0x7ffff55e0470) at vasprintf_chk.c:66 string = 0x5620d8e9dc30 "Don't know how to handle \342\200\230'Bus'bject class 'GsPluginJob' has no property named 'P\211\271\330 V'" sf = {_sbf = {_f = {_flags = -72515584, _IO_read_ptr = 0x5620d8e9dc30 "Don't know how to handle \342\200\230'Bus'bject class 'GsPluginJob' has no property named 'P\211\271\330 V'", _IO_read_end = 0x5620d8e9dc30 "Don't know how to handle \342\200\230'Bus'bject class 'GsPluginJob' has no property named 'P\211\271\330 V'", _IO_read_base = 0x5620d8e9dc30 "Don't know how to handle \342\200\230'Bus'bject class 'GsPluginJob' has no property named 'P\211\271\330 V'", _IO_write_base = 0x5620d8e9dc30 "Don't know how to handle \342\200\230'Bus'bject class 'GsPluginJob' has no property named 'P\211\271\330 V'", _IO_write_ptr = 0x5620d8e9dc4c "'Bus'bject class 'GsPluginJob' has no property named 'P\211\271\330 V'", _IO_write_end = 0x5620d8e9dc94 "", _IO_buf_base = 0x5620d8e9dc30 "Don't know how to handle \342\200\230'Bus'bject class 'GsPluginJob' has no property named 'P\211\271\330 V'", _IO_buf_end = 0x5620d8e9dc94 "", _IO_save_base = 0x0, _IO_backup_base = 0x0, _IO_save_end = 0x0, _markers = 0x0, _chain = 0x0, _fileno = 0, _flags2 = 132, _old_offset = 0, _cur_column = 0, _vtable_offset = 0 '\000', _shortbuf = "", _lock = 0x0, _offset = 4, _codecvt = 0x790b106e48cbe500, _wide_data = 0xffffffffffffffff, _freeres_list = 0x0, _freeres_buf = 0x5620d8b56580, __pad5 = 8722083169186866432, _mode = -1, _unused2 = "\b\000\000\000\000\345\313Hn\020\vy@\005^\365\377\177\000"}, vtable = 0x7f8c4e45a4a0 <_IO_str_jumps>}, _s = {_allocate_buffer = 0x7f8c4e111ea0 <__GI___libc_malloc>, _free_buffer = 0x7f8c4e1123a0 <__GI___libc_free>}} ret = needed = allocated = #3 0x00007f8c511bd7e9 in vasprintf (__ap=, __fmt=, __ptr=0x7ffff55e0450) at /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:210 No locals. #4 g_vasprintf (string=string@entry=0x7ffff55e0450, format=, args=args@entry=0x7ffff55e0470) at ../../../../glib/gprintf.c:316 __func__ = "g_vasprintf" #5 0x00007f8c51197c2d in g_strdup_vprintf (format=, args=args@entry=0x7ffff55e0470) at ../../../../glib/gstrfuncs.c:514 string = 0x0 #6 0x00007f8c51197ce9 in g_strdup_printf (format=) at ../../../../glib/gstrfuncs.c:540 buffer = args = {{gp_offset = 16, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7ffff55e0550, reg_save_area = 0x7ffff55e0490}} #7 0x00005620d7a293b4 in gs_details_page_url_to_app_cb (source=, res=, user_data=0x5620d8b98950) at ../src/gs-details-page.c:1645 helper = 0x5620d8b98950 self = 0x5620d8c99ba0 list = error = 0x5620d95bbeb0 msg = 0x0 #8 0x00007f8c50e1f1a3 in g_task_return_now (task=0x5620d8d0cde0) at ../../../../gio/gtask.c:1145 No locals. #9 0x00007f8c50e1f1d9 in complete_in_idle_cb (task=0x5620d8d0cde0) at ../../../../gio/gtask.c:1159 No locals. #10 0x00007f8c51178de5 in g_main_dispatch (context=0x5620d7dd4200) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:3148 dispatch = 0x7f8c51175720 prev_source = 0x0 was_in_call = 0 user_data = 0x5620d8d0cde0 callback = 0x7f8c50e1f1d0 cb_funcs = 0x7f8c51440280 cb_data = 0x7f8c1800b380 need_destroy = source = 0x7f8c1800b310 current = 0x5620d7dc9490 i = 1 #11 g_main_context_dispatch (context=context@entry=0x5620d7dd4200) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:3813 No locals. #12 0x00007f8c511791b0 in g_main_context_iterate (context=context@entry=0x5620d7dd4200, block=block@entry=1, dispatch=dispatch@entry=1, self=) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:3886 max_priority = 0 timeout = 0 some_ready = 1 nfds = allocated_nfds = 4 fds = 0x5620d9badca0 #13 0x00007f8c5117923c in g_main_context_iteration (context=context@entry=0x5620d7dd4200, may_block=may_block@entry=1) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:3947 retval = #14 0x00007f8c50e34bed in g_application_run (application=0x5620d7dac0d0, argc=, argv=) at ../../../../gio/gapplication.c:2401 arguments = 0x5620d7dcf700 status = 0 context = 0x5620d7dd4200 acquired_context = __func__ = "g_application_run" #15 0x00005620d7a13118 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7ffff55e0838) at ../src/gs-main.c:59 status = 0 appinfo = 0x5620d7df2060 application = 0x5620d7dac0d0 debug = 0x5620d7d9cc00 profile = 0x5620d7d9fc00 ptask = 0x5620d7da1b00 __func__ = "main"