This bug was fixed in the package gnome-shell - 44.0-2ubuntu1 --------------- gnome-shell (44.0-2ubuntu1) lunar; urgency=medium * Merge with debian, containing a new upstream release * debian/patches: Reload shell theme on color scheme changes * debian/patches: Do not crash on st settings updates (LP: #2012021) * debian/patches: Refresh * Remaining changes with debian: - Add some Recommends: + ubuntu-session (| gnome-session) to have the ubuntu session available + ubuntu-wallpapers + xserver-xorg-legacy + yaru-theme-gnome-shell for the default ubuntu theming - Move some Recommends to Suggests: + chrome-gnome-shell + gnome-backgrounds - Update debian/gbp.conf with Ubuntu settings - debian/ubuntu-session-mods/ubuntu.json: Use Yaru's gnome-shell icons - debian/patches: Do not hang & crash if fingerprint service fails to start (LP: #1962566) - ubuntu/desktop_detect.patch: + add caching for desktop detection to avoid querying the current desktop env variable as iterate through the list each time. For the time of the Shell process, we can expect this env variable to stay stable. - ubuntu/lightdm-user-switching.patch: + Allow user switching when using LightDM. - ubuntu/lock_on_suspend.patch + Respect Ubuntu's lock-on-suspend setting. - ubuntu/background_login.patch + Change default background color as we modified the default GDM color for our ubuntu session. - ubuntu/gdm_alternatives.patch + Add support for GDM3 theme alternatives - main-show-an-error-message-on-gnome-shell-crash.patch, global-make-possible-to-set-debug-flags-dynamically.patch, main-increase-the-granularity-of-backtraces-in-SHELL_DEBU.patch, main-add-backtrace-crashes-all-and-backtrace-all.patch, sessionMode-add-support-for-debugFlags-parameter.patch: + Improve debug JS tracing for crash reports - ubuntu/smarter_alt_tab.patch: + quick alt-tab (without showing up the switcher) switch only between the last window of the last 2 applications to be focused instead of raising all windows of those apps. - magnifier-Show-cursor-when-magnifier-is-enabled-and-scale.patch: + Show monitor scaled cursor when magnifier is enabled - ubuntu/search-call-XUbuntuCancel-method-on-providers-when-no-dat.patch: + stop searches when requested from UI - magnifier-Show-cursor-when-magnifier-is-enabled-and-scale.patch - u/search-call-XUbuntuCancel-method-on-providers-when-no-dat.patch - ubuntu/resolve_alternate_theme_path.patch - ubuntu/secure_mode_extension.patch - ubuntu/keep-ubuntu-logo-bright-lp1867133-v1.patch - ubuntu/configure_login_screen.patch - ubuntu/layout-Make-starting-in-the-overview-optional.patch: + Makes dock replace overview easier - ubuntu/layout-Try-to-allocate-before-getting-size-of-tracke.patch: + Ensure windows don't get maximized under the panels / dock - debian/patches: Compute system background color from theme (LP: #1965727) - ubuntu/configure-login-screen.patch: Use bg color for initial system bg (LP: #1965727) - debian/patches: Ensure St.Entry's `selected-color` CSS property is honored (LP: #1878998) - ubuntu/support-loading-Yaru-variants: Handle dark/light variants better - d/p/use-favorites-strings: Only apply this to ubuntu session - debian/patches: Support configuring icons resource to use for mode - Revert-st-Apply-css-foreground-color-to-text-as-a-PangoAt.patch: + Ensure selected-text foreground color is preserved - ubuntu/sessionMode-Add-support-for-configuring-an-icons-resource.patch: + Support loading iconsResourceName from session file - ubuntu/main-Support-loading-multiple-Yaru-theme-variants.patch, - ubuntu/darkMode-Add-support-to-Yaru-theme-color-variants.patch: + Support loading Yaru theme variants (for accent color) - ubuntu/Revert-dash-Use-pin-instead-of-favorites gnome-shell (44.0-2) experimental; urgency=medium * debian/control: Bump dependency on mutter 44 gnome-shell (44.0-1) experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release * debian/patches: Refresh * debian/patches: Cherry-pick upstream fixes * debian/rules: Create a cache home folder for dconf -- Marco Trevisan (TreviƱo)