Same test here but where I have selected "Ubuntu on Xorg" before login, instead of "Ubuntu". The point is, in that case, my session is locked and I don't loose my session: ``` Aug 21 18:31:20 flhpz4 systemd[38118]: Reached target Exit the Session. Aug 21 18:31:20 flhpz4 systemd[1]: user@122.service: Deactivated successfully. Aug 21 18:31:20 flhpz4 systemd[1]: Stopped User Manager for UID 122. Aug 21 18:31:20 flhpz4 systemd[1]: user@122.service: Consumed 1.932s CPU time. Aug 21 18:31:20 flhpz4 systemd[1]: Stopping User Runtime Directory /run/user/122... Aug 21 18:31:20 flhpz4 systemd[1]: run-user-122.mount: Deactivated successfully. Aug 21 18:31:20 flhpz4 systemd[1]: user-runtime-dir@122.service: Deactivated successfully. Aug 21 18:31:20 flhpz4 systemd[1]: Stopped User Runtime Directory /run/user/122. Aug 21 18:31:20 flhpz4 systemd[1]: Removed slice User Slice of UID 122. Aug 21 18:31:20 flhpz4 systemd[1]: user-122.slice: Consumed 6.123s CPU time. Aug 21 18:31:31 flhpz4 sudo[39952]: pam_unix(sudo-i:session): session closed for user root Aug 21 18:31:35 flhpz4 systemd[1]: systemd-localed.service: Deactivated successfully. Aug 21 18:31:35 flhpz4 systemd[1]: systemd-hostnamed.service: Deactivated successfully. Aug 21 18:31:35 flhpz4 systemd[1]: systemd-timedated.service: Deactivated successfully. Aug 21 18:31:38 flhpz4 sudo[39993]: flaf : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/flaf ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/tail -f /tmp/y.log Aug 21 18:31:38 flhpz4 sudo[39993]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=1000) Aug 21 18:31:49 flhpz4 geoclue[38294]: Service not used for 60 seconds. Shutting down.. Aug 21 18:31:49 flhpz4 systemd[1]: Started Run anacron jobs. Aug 21 18:31:49 flhpz4 systemd[1]: geoclue.service: Deactivated successfully. Aug 21 18:31:49 flhpz4 anacron[39996]: Anacron 2.3 started on 2022-08-21 Aug 21 18:31:49 flhpz4 anacron[39996]: Normal exit (0 jobs run) Aug 21 18:31:49 flhpz4 systemd[1]: anacron.service: Deactivated successfully. Aug 21 18:32:05 flhpz4 dbus-daemon[38525]: [session uid=1000 pid=38525] Activating via systemd: service name='org.gtk.vfs.Metadata' unit='gvfs-metadata.service' requested by ':1.40' (uid=1000 pid=38825 comm="/usr/bin/gnome-shell " label="unconfined") Aug 21 18:32:05 flhpz4 systemd[38508]: Starting Virtual filesystem metadata service... Aug 21 18:32:05 flhpz4 dbus-daemon[38525]: [session uid=1000 pid=38525] Successfully activated service 'org.gtk.vfs.Metadata' Aug 21 18:32:05 flhpz4 systemd[38508]: Started Virtual filesystem metadata service. Aug 21 18:32:05 flhpz4 systemd[38508]: Started Application launched by gnome-session-binary. Aug 21 18:32:05 flhpz4 systemd[38508]: Started Application launched by gnome-session-binary. Aug 21 18:32:06 flhpz4