Installing gnome-shell-extensions is not required to replicate this bug. 1) Install the gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock package; the detailed installation shell reports that portions of this package were replaced by gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock. 2) Start the Tweak tool and select the extensions tab; Tweak tool will freeze and eventually abort. 3) Logout and login. 4) Start the Tweak tool and select the extensions tab; DashToDock is now included in the list of extensions. 5) Disable Ubuntu Dock; dock is not removed from the screen. 6) Enable DashToDock; eventually gnome-shell session aborts and GDM login screen is displayed. 7) Login; gnome-shell session starts to come up, but then aborts and GDM login screen is displayed. Traceback from syslog: Feb 6 18:45:40 panther2 org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3863]: == Stack trace for conte xt 0x56332099b170 == Feb 6 18:45:40 panther2 org.gnome.Shell.desktop[3863]: #0 0x563320dc3d38 i /u